RE: BlurtMOB Rebranded

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BlurtMOB Rebranded

in blurtmob •  2 years ago 

I ran a very similar setup way back on Steemit, so I hope this works. At that time, a lot of the interaction was on Discord, but honestly, users need to move away from Discord and onto a platform they can be rewarded.

And yes, the ideal users has good posts, interesting comments and manages their account for long-term growth - easy, really!!

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Yeah. Discord is good for interaction, but what happens onchain is the stat that usually makes more impact on the overall growth of the blockchain.

With the right flow of quality Content, it will invariably promote genuine on-chain interaction and of course, the reward will come. Aside from the monetary reward which many people are hunting for, getting to grow our social capital on here is another Important aspect of what we hope to achieve by actively operating on the chain.

Each account need to also see themselves as curators. It's not all about writing and dumping posts. The interaction pays off - one way or another.

Good luck on this one. The method is tested and trusted.

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