Suddenly remembered...

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

Hi friend's,

How are you all? Hope you all are doing well I am also very good by the grace of God I appeared among you again, with another post of mine Today I will discuss some memorable events of my life Hope you all like it. Let's start-

There are certain memories in our lives that are truly unforgettable. Especially the times spent with friends during studies Which cannot be found even if searched. Today after a long time I was looking at all the old pictures on my phone, suddenly a picture appeared in front of my eyes. As soon as the picture came before my eyes, I remembered full memories. The incident is in 2021 When we were getting relief little by little from the grip of corona epidemic. I started to return to my own place of work. My closed college also opened suddenly and announced exam dates.



I was studying in third semester then. Suddenly, the date of the final examination of the Bomar phase was announced after the holiday due to the corona epidemic. Meanwhile, it has been a long time since I left the mess and went home with everything. I stayed at home for a few months. So he gave the exam date, he said from home to go to the mess and study well and give the exam. But due to Corona, all the mess owners of Kushtia city closed the mess. It was hard to find a new mess All of us who lived together in the mess left the mess and went home. Since everyone will have an exam now, everyone has to go to the mess.



I contacted everyone. Everyone said that we will find a new mess together and we will all get up there A day was fixed like this We all met in front of Kushtia Polytechnic I went out around 10 am to find the mess I searched all day, even if I found a mess, the rent is high, and if not, the environment is not good. It was raining occasionally that day We searched the mess in the rain But even after searching all day, we could not find the mess we wanted Later in the afternoon we went to the mess of one of our elder brothers, went there and saw many empty seats, we all decided to sit there.

Then in the evening we all came to Kataikhana junction and had breakfast. Then I went home like any other We all had a lot of trouble that day looking for the mess, we walked in the rain and looked everywhere to see the rooms, so we will always remember the day. And thus finding mess with friends is also a matter of pleasure Today, I suddenly remembered the incident and shared it with you. Hope you all like it Everyone stay well, stay healthy, see you again in my new post.

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post today and giving your nice comments.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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