Making Milk Free

in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

''Free vinegar is sweeter than honey.''

I don't know if anyone hasn't heard this saying, but in these times nobody gives anything to anyone for free or for nothing!

There must be a price for everything. I'm not condoning it or judging it, I think that's the way it should be. The solution is actually simple, to use the opportunities that you can access within yourself.

Creating opportunities is much better than expecting something for free. Possibilities and expectations may include material and spiritual values, but the result is the same.

I buy 5 liters of raw milk on a set day of the week. I buy directly from cow breeders in a nearby village, so the milk arrives at my doorstep and there is no adulteration because they are trustworthy!

When the temperature of the milk reaches what I would call warm, I mix it with two spoons of yogurt and leave it to ferment. The fermentation time is four hours in a warm environment.

At the end of four hours, the milk continues its journey as yogurt. I put it in the fridge and meet my yogurt needs for a week. When another 5 liters of milk comes in the following week, I start the process that will bring the milk for free. Since new milk comes in and I will make new yogurt from it, I don't need the old yogurt. I take the old yogurt, put it in a deep container, add a small amount of hot water and shake it. The continuous shaking process takes 30-40 minutes on average.


The churning process is used to separate the fat from the milk. There are electronic devices for this, but I prefer to do it by hand. I don't like to pay for an electronic device because the quantities I use are not that much anyway. I get an average of half a kilogram of butter from the remaining yogurt. Since the butter accumulates on top at the end of the churning, you will not have any difficulty in separating it.

After separating the butter, I boil the yogurt that has the consistency of buttermilk on the stove. I get cottage cheese from this process. The whole process is completed after I get an average of 0.75 kilograms of cottage cheese.

The price of 1 liter of raw milk is 14 Try and 0.74 dollars at the dollar exchange rate. 5 liters of milk costs 70 Try and 3.72 dollars at the dollar exchange rate. So the net amount I pay for milk is 3.72 dollars.

The price of the half kilogram of butter I obtained is 80 Try and the price of the cottage cheese I obtained in the ongoing process is 60 Try. In total, I get 140 Try worth of butter and cottage cheese. At the dollar exchange rate, that's 7.44 dollars.

Going back to the beginning, the amount I paid for 5 liters of milk was 3.72 dollars. The total return on the yogurt I got from the milk and the butter and cottage cheese I got was 7.44 dollars. I do not include the yogurt I ate for a week in this calculation.

With an average of 1 hour of processing, I not only get the milk for free, but I also earn money. I gave this example with milk, but you can do similar processes with different products.

For example, making soap with waste olive oil is a similar process. You can make liquid soap and other cleaning materials. This way you can contribute to the home economy without making any sales, and you don't have to deal with any customers. Just get what you need and become a producer of your own products instead of a simple consumer!

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I make butter from cream and keep the buttermilk for cooking. Efficiency and care of costs is a skill everyone should try and learn

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I do similar operations on a few products, it definitely helps to reduce the cost. I also like to make my own product.

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