Worry Less & Be Optimistic!

in blurtlife •  last year 


Photo by Kat Smith

It is often in the nature of man to worry when things are not going on well as expected. Unpleasant situations are mostly a means of grooming us to become better and stronger. So, the more the challenge, the more the glory ahead.


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Two opposing Teams of players in a cup competition will definitely not look at what they would pass through before winning the game. Instead, they'll rather reevaluate their strength to ensure they are able to win their opponent. Life itself is competitive, which is more about the survival of the fitest and the elimination of the unfit species. So, we need to let go of our worries if we must succeed in our life endeavour.

A popular African proverb usually says that "whoever wants to lick honey in a rock will never look at the mouth tip of his axe." This on its own is an indication of the fact that the fittest are meant to survive the intensity of life situations regardless of how it comes. We do not have to permit any act of fear but rather work towards bringing our good desires into realisation. Know that those who had made name for themselves had paid the sacrificial price of their discipline, diligence, and consistency towards achieving their set goals and expectations in life. So we do not have to let any situations weigh us down but rather use it as bait towards achieving greater expectations in life.


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Know that It is not over for those who do not give up, but over for those who do. Never let life situations warrant you to the point of giving up as you never can tell of how closer you are to your destination. Though hindrances may come your way, never capitalise on your inability to overcome such hinderances, but know that you have all it takes to get to your destination. So, smile more, worry less, and stay optimistic because it is never over until it's over by you.

Hope you're able to pick one thing or the other from this brief article.


Thank you for your time and do have an amazing moment.


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