Work on Getting it Right

in blurtlife •  last year 


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Whatever is not good can never be good and not to be reckoned with. Making excuses for our misfortunes in life or the transfer of faults and aggression on someone is not expected to be a way of life and it's an aspect no one will like to be precise. It is more honourable for a person to accept a fault and make amends or restitution rather than being under the shadow of someone and shying away from being confronted to face reality.

On the other hand, it is good whenever you correct people calmly when they are wrong to realise their wrongdoings and desist from such an act. There is an expression in the holy word that said that "wisdom is profitable to direct." It's good to deal with people with wisdom and a sense of diplomacy. No one will like to be treated like trash or molested for something they might do wrong. There are many conflicts we see in the world today that shouldn't have been raised provided proper measures were taken to deal with such a situation diplomatically.

When dealing with someone diplomatically and such a person refuses to yield to corrections, then there is no crime in applying a harsh measure in dealing with such a person.

It's usually said that you might never know the true identity of someone until little or more power or responsibility is being accorded to such an individual. Mr Bassey was someone thought to be easy-going and kindhearted, loved by many at home and abroad till the moment he got into politics and was given the post of local government chairman within a state in the south-southern territory of Nigeria.

Mr Bassey ruled as a local government chairman for the first four years of his tenure during which the citizens got the biggest humiliations of their entire life. He used his position to unlawfully oppress people far and wide, arrested most of the politicians of his opposition party and make life unbearable for most workers of the local government. He grossly enriched himself through that position and gather lots of wealth. He never wanted others to benefit and wasn't ready to understand the plight of his people.

As the 4th year of his tenure was drawing to an end, he realised his shortcomings and those he offended which include his good friends, families, strangers and many other people. So he decided to make restitution with his people, bribe them with money and solicit their support for his second term in office. He was lucky to be forgiven by a few of his friends and families but most community leaders and citizens vowed never to vote him for a second term in office. The citizens now got their chosen person and are ready to go the extra mile to ensure he wins the coming election in a few days.

Now you see why one needs to be more careful in dealing with people. The person you hurt today might be that connector you need tomorrow to that point you desire most in life. Never misuse the power you have but rather use it to better people's lives and by so doing, this world will be a better place for us all.

Thank you for your time, and do have an amazing moment.


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  ·  last year  ·  

Good write up bro and that's just the better truth. As for Mr Bassey this is we Africans most especially naija for that matter.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

That's true @lilbizz. Thank you for stopping by