in blurtlife •  last year 


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2023 has left us with just 11 months to go. Each moment of a new month or new year, many do have a new resolution, but there's a moment to plan to make situations better for ourselves than they've ever been. We do not let go of our success, but instead, we strive to make things better. God has destined us to be greater and better, but it's left for us to work diligently to achieve our goals and expectations.


Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU

February is another new month. Every day that comes does go for another new day to set in. As the second ticks, minute moves, the hour hand clocks, new days keep turning old for other days to set, so our days and years on earth are gradually drawing closer to an end. One should have taught how vanity life could be for a man to exist for a moment of time and depart this world when due. Of course, you come to this world with nothing, and nothing will definitely leave with you when you're departing this world.


Photo by Rebecca Zaal

Most children i knew months and years back were now adults. Change is definitely the only constant thing that happens to us in life. No matter how wealthy you can be, you can never buy life or make yourself immortal. You may have all it takes to acquire lots of landed properties at home and abroad, build skyscrapers, own fleets of cars, private jets, and occupy one of the highest positions either in the military or public service but one thing is for sure that whenever time dones on you to depart this sinful world, you'll be left with no option but to yield. There is no escape route to mortality. Fact must be stated.


Photo by RODNAE Productions

So, we are obligated to do good while we're still alive and make positive impacts in the lives of people in need. Give when there's a need to. Know that the possessions and wealths in your care are there for you to also render a helping hand to the less privileged, orphans and destitutes. The level of your impact can also be determined by the level of love you show to others by giving. So, never look down on anyone due to their present state. Treat people with respect and courtesy. Accept your faults or mistakes and make amends when corrected. Never be full of yourself. Where are those that were boastful over 150 years ago? They are definitely no more on this planet.

Let your good work speak for you on the soil of time. Never let people's degrading opinion about you count but rather stay optimistic. No doubt, as situations will come your way but the way you handle such a situation matters a lot.


Photo by Pixabay

Show love to people, respect elders, and give honour to whom honour is due. Set good standards and work in line with it. Be a positive influence to others and not otherwise. Take good care of your parent while they're still alive and aged as this will be a payback to you in return when your time comes. Nothing in life is permanent, be it age, position, fame, wealth, and others. Be humble and kind. Being humble is never a symbol of weakness but strength, wisdom, and maturity. Get to know people's condition to help where necessary. Never underestimate anyone in life as nobody knows tomorrow. Be careful, prayerful, resourceful, and diligent in all you do, and by this, the sky will not just be the limit but the starting point of your life and endeavours.

Wishing you a properous and happy February. If you find this post thoughtful. Kindly support, do comment, reblog, and follow up for more updates.


Thank you for your time and do have an amazing moment.


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