in blurtlife •  2 years ago  (edited)

The kind and quality of friends you keep determines what happens around your life, friendship is a very deep commitment. Acquaintances are not friends, friendship is not achieved until a relationship has stood the test of time.

There has to be an intentional definition of people's relationship to us and with us. Sometimes we might confuse the strong interpersonal bond of friendships to be the one we have with people we are just on talking terms with, an acquaintance or an associate, such as a classmate, neighbor or colleague. We can actually have genuine friendship with these people but it is better to name it what it is until proven other wise.

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A friend is someone who is loyal and accepts you for who you are during Good or bad times, a friend is someone who helps and encourages you to make the right choices, a friend is honest and always has your best interest at heart.

The greatest definition which i learnt from my mentor is, "a friend is anyone who can help you get to your destiny(Dr Myles Munroe)"

Good friends do not deceive each other, therefore they are bound to have quarrels. A false friend and a pretender hides the truth from you to avoid arguments or quarrels with the aim of keeping a friendship. This is the highest form of hypocrisy.

Therefore whenever you use the term "friend" to categorize anyone, you have to be sure that they really belong there. Never call anyone friend who doesn't want your success. It is easy i identify people who wants the best for you.

when you observe a good friend around you, appreciate them as there are many other foes who disguise as friends with the intention to manipulate and cheat us.

I have heard stories of betrayals from the most trusted friends, friendship is not a matter of blood ties or age. It is a commitment that can not be shaken by events or time.

A friend is someone you are never afraid to have a quarrel with, because quarreling and understanding settlement is what makes a friendship qualify to be one(@adesojisouljay).

Friendships are not void of misunderstandings and arguments but they wax stronger regardless, I believe one genuine friend is worth more than a whole family. Don't be in a rush to call someone a friend, choose your friends based on trust and
genuity. A lot of so called friends are full of lies, deceit and pretense. Knowing someone for a long period of time doesn't change their double-sided nature and hypocrisy.

It is therefore important for us to appreciate the good people around us, the world is full of opportunists and deceivers.

Choose your friend wisely

Thanks for reading.

I am @adesojisouljay, the unique being.

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