in blurtlife •  2 years ago 

An entity of immeasurable worth, a unit of the highest value, some people see time as an enemy but it's truly a friend when used wisely.

I will go by the definition of time that I learnt from my mentor, "Time is a fraction of eternity"

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Somehow we've all experienced at some point how time can be slow when awaited for but goes with immeasurable speed whenever we think we need enough time to do certain things. Bur regardless of how we feel or what we think, the measure of time is always the same. Time waits for no one, neither does it run faster to hurry anyone.

Time can be either positive or negative depending on how you manage it.

The mystery of time is revealed in the fact that we all have the same measure of it but we all have different result which is based on our use of time.

Time is a common commodity to all humans, here is the mystery;

  1. Every human began in time,
  2. We all live in time,
  3. We all have 24hrs a day and 7 days weekly,
  4. Time is not different in any part of the world,
  5. Time treats everyone equally.
  6. We will all die in time.

Everything in life works with time, a limited counting with a regular interval yet it regulates every man's endeavor, sets a boundary for fashioning every man's destiny, subjecting every event to a duration, even the pursuit of goals and dreams must be based on our knowledge of time, knowing that no human has forever to live is a reason why we must not allow any second to be wasted.

A teacher of mine in the secondary school told me, every little time you waste, it counts. This is a motivation to me because it keeps my hands working.

The statement, "time would tell" actually means that without time there's no measurable check for success or failure.

Time is the truest reflection of our dreams because it illuminates our overtime little inputs, it perfectly illustrates the sowing and harvesting principle, anything you invest in it you'll reap the results, it monitors our goals and achievement and determines our future.

Time unveils pain and helps to take it away. This why it is said that time heals, it can give you blissful memories and also push your pains behind. The beauty of time is also revealed in the fact that your pains can be put behind, we call it past, also any painful moment doesn't last because there is a future.

Time is the most expensive commodity we have as humans because it can never be gotten back, it never goes backwards as it is a continuing succession of the past through to the present and to the future.

We'll always have time because it's in abundance but at the same time remember that time is also expensive as we age with time.

A time not spent well doesn't come back and is full of regrets

I am @adesojisouljay, the unique being.

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