I was on a walk with the dog and took a photo of the plant - Stonecrop prominent.

in blurtlatam •  10 months ago 

I was on a walk with the dog and took a photo of the plant - Stonecrop prominent.
Beautiful rasterine. such big flower heads. They are also very cold tolerant. It is autumn now, and the beautiful plant blooms and pleases with its beauty.
I like the fact that the plants bloom not only when it is warm, for example in summer, in spring, but also when autumn comes, when everything will soon become gray and gloomy, but flowers still bloom in early autumn. The leaves change color to: yellow, red, orange. brown colors. At the beginning, autumn is still bright and beautiful, and then it will turn gray and rainy.
But do not get depressed, then a snowy, fabulous winter will come.




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