in blurtlatam •  2 years ago 

I have seen people who wants to do somethings but will rather wait saying that there's enough time to do what they have been planning to do. I have heard so many stories on how people miss their opportunities in life because they didn't keep to time, like they will always say "time is money".

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Every minute or seconds that counts matters and we should learn how to make use of it very well. I will tell you a short story about a young man who has been committed to doing many great things in his life but fail just because of one silly mistake.

A young man who lived in a single room sharing public toilet with his neighbor had struggled all his life into becoming someone great, someone very successful and rich so he can live his neighborhood to a very beautiful location with a big Manson to himself then probably settle down later when he has accomplished his dreams with a very beautiful lady who will manage and take care of his home and family for him.

He had been planning on how to open a business but the funds to do that wasn't available. He never wanted to work under someone but wanted to be self employed, he had great plans for his future. He sort for solutions on how to get funds for his business but couldn't see. Even when he eventually got an interview to a company which was willing to loan him some money and to get it back with an interest after some months, but he couldn't get it because of one mistake.

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After he got the mail to report at the company by 10am, he was so happy that after all this years, he's finally going to get the funds to start up his business. He ironed his suit and clean his shoes ready for the interview the next day, he was so excited and with joy he went to bed. He woke up the next morning very late and he quickly rushed to take his bath and hurriedly went for the interview even when he knew he can't meet up with time.

Getting to the location some hours later, he noticed those who called him for an interview where preparing to leave the office and he quickly went to meet them for his interview, unluckily for him, he was denied the loan because he couldn't meet up with the time given.

He was told that the interview was just to know how punctual he can be if he was to be given the loan and him failing to come at the right time means he wasn't ready to start up his business and as such if the loan is given, the company's interest won't be available at the right time.

He was disappointed at himself and promised to always keep to time. He was sad that the long awaiting opportunity he had been waiting for just ended in deadlock, he has wondered how long he will have to wait to get such an opportunity again.

Also written here


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