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Welcome to the medicine not cool train. I felt that way many decades ago as a kid.

welcome to the club, havn't touched even an aspirin in almost 30 years.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...but i love ibuprofen when there's a cooling in the weather, and the two broken bones in my legs move against the titanium rod, and starts to weally, weally, scweem !

Any suggestions ? (and grass makes it worse).

get the rod taken out? Bones should have healed by now stronger than ever if they hadn't put a bit o metal in there? You probs would need somat stronger than walking on grass for that, say milk of the poppy maybe. Don't ask me I'm not a quack.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No, the rod(s) -and 20 screws - still in there (it won't be coming out now).

That's fuckd up innit

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

im happy with it - they were gonna amputate it off , here!
I flew back to England without morphine meds (wouldn't let me on plane with them).

Excruciating painful journey - in economy and no spare leg room - with irons on my leg - scrucnhe dunder my chin - the poor stewardesses were pulling their hair out to help me, bless- business class was full to, so they couldn't move me.

Wanna see a pick of my leg after the accident ? - it's not pretty, but your weird.

oooh yes please. I'M weird? Takes one to know one I guess. Yeh anythings better than having it chopped off I guess.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Picture1 010.jpg
That was about 2 weeks after the accident... both bones shattered.
I had a bone transplant from my hip bone, to 'fill in the gaps' - and that operation has left 'twinges' in my hip , when it gets cold !...bugger.

The leg irons were on my leg during my flight - you can imagine the fun I had with those, in an economy class seat, on flight that was 100% full... (one of the very few that I've ever been on, that were at 100% ) ...not the best flight I've ever had, it has to be said...