The illusion of evidence based medicine

in blurthealth •  2 years ago 

In my last post I touched on the 'skeptics' and their 'Evidence Based Medicine' movement. Then I came across this recent paper in the BMJ which takes a shot across the bow at exactly that.

The title alludes to the movement being corrupted -

They don't however seem to grasp that the corrupt WHOLE of modern medicine built this movement itself to counter the growing number of researchers calling out their bullshit. The anti's were using their pseudo-science against them while the masses were buying into their 'science is God' mantra. Do not question the science remember.

The very first paragraph gets stuck right into WHO or what has 'corrupted' the industry -

Firstly it was NOT a 'new paradigm' they just changed one word from 'science based medicine' to 'evidence based medicine'. Neat little slight of hand when basically both words mean the same thing in this context.

In my view health should Never have hooked up with science, they are not good bedfellows -

"A science of real integrity would be one in which practitioners are careful not to cling to cherished hypotheses and take seriously the outcome of the most stringent experiments."

The trouble is us biological beings (including the poor animals they use constantly in this pseudo-science) are not petri-dishes and do not react all the same as in their chemistry lab experiments. Therefore stringency will always be elusive when applying 'science' to biology.

If science is all about 'laws' where the same action/product always produces the same reaction and finding and proving a hypothesis through that method then medicine and the pursuit of 'health' can never be a science. It has to be an art.

I think they knew this from the start when their experiments kept coming up with variable answers so they had to hide behind closed doors more and more, build up the mystery and re-present their hypothesis (plural) as set in stone - because we say so. Taking the business of healthcare from the individual to an art to a science and finally to a religion/cult.

The paper then goes on to point the finger at pharma corporations and the free market causing this 'new' problem which is not new at all.

Talk about stating the bleedin obvious! The short term stimulus they speak of means 'loadsa moneyyyy'. So the authors believe throwing money at an unproven hypothesis is gonna fix that somehow? Then they cry about it having the opposite effect? Yes by medicine being intrinsically tied to big pharma it's integrity is being damaged, forget that big pharma (originally big chem) BUILT modern medicine up from scratch hence the nickname 'Rockefeller Medicine'.

No. Patients die because of modern medicine full stop/period. I would say every single disease they profess to be trying to cure is actually caused by their own scientific concoctions they call 'medicine'.

So its not the money they're complaining about it's where the money comes from and they seem to believe that government doesn't have vested interests either? I was quite enjoying this paper until I realised they're just crying over spilled milk here and the loss of their integrity which was never there post Jenner and Pasteur.

This seems to be the overall message of this paper in amongst all the fancy schmansey wordage -


I would agree and go further tho because putting the research into the hands of government is not gonna fix it either after all governments are just glorified business managers for even bigger corporations called 'countries'. Look at how closely tied they've been through the whole covid scam which has to have been the biggest money-laundering scam of all time for whoever benefits from pharma profits.

The paper finally proposes how to change the system -


So instead of sacking the medical mobsters for their racketeering they want them to pay for independent evaluation of their results which they keep well hidden? Never gonna happen.

The bit about making the trials completely transparent so everyone can see what is going on is funny too. It's more a case of why is it not already so? Just like vivisection labs have to be kept behind strict prison walls they don't want anyone seeing how unscientific their game really is.

Maybe that's the roundabout outcome this paper is hoping for, to expose the lies?

Nah I doubt it. It was published after all in the BMJ, but I'm totally up for being wrong.


Modern medisin + 'science' = medical tyranny

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Medicine isn't cool anymore, i just decided.

Welcome to the medicine not cool train. I felt that way many decades ago as a kid.

welcome to the club, havn't touched even an aspirin in almost 30 years.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...but i love ibuprofen when there's a cooling in the weather, and the two broken bones in my legs move against the titanium rod, and starts to weally, weally, scweem !

Any suggestions ? (and grass makes it worse).

get the rod taken out? Bones should have healed by now stronger than ever if they hadn't put a bit o metal in there? You probs would need somat stronger than walking on grass for that, say milk of the poppy maybe. Don't ask me I'm not a quack.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No, the rod(s) -and 20 screws - still in there (it won't be coming out now).

That's fuckd up innit

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

im happy with it - they were gonna amputate it off , here!
I flew back to England without morphine meds (wouldn't let me on plane with them).

Excruciating painful journey - in economy and no spare leg room - with irons on my leg - scrucnhe dunder my chin - the poor stewardesses were pulling their hair out to help me, bless- business class was full to, so they couldn't move me.

Wanna see a pick of my leg after the accident ? - it's not pretty, but your weird.

oooh yes please. I'M weird? Takes one to know one I guess. Yeh anythings better than having it chopped off I guess.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just look at my bike post and stop being so seri arse.

You invited me here to be seri-arse. Have you seen MY bike post?

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