"stick in the ass"
Ha Ha Ha! How funny! Oh yes – when the pub's owner called me one time (was still his best buddy) on the phone and complained about @jaki01 (remember the big reward discussion), I told him that Jaki has a "stick in his ass" when he is in discussions. That was meant friendly because Jaki is my ever lasting blockchain buddy. In discussions he's like a tree, You can bow him, but I never saw him broken until today.
The pub's keeper was very pleased about my words and thought I stand on his side and opinion because of accusing Jaki has a stick in his ass. Again: Jaki's standing in discussions was meant. I don't know how this expression sounds in english but Jaki knows I'm his friend and he is mine since five years and a half.
This is again an attempt to drive wedges between people. The rearguard action of an unmasked schemer. Anyone who drags passages from confidential private conversations into the public domain in order to denounce must truly be in despair.
I had a vague idea when I said the "stick in the ass" thing that it would blow up in my face again. This bad guy wants to embarrass me but embarrasses himself to the bone. Including a whole blockchain.
Keine Sorge, ich bin tatsächlich ganz genau so stur, wie du das ausdrücken wolltest. :)
Wir kennen und schätzen uns lange genug. Keine Sekunde habe ich gezweifelt, wie du das auffassen würdest. Der Intrigant hat aber geglaubt, dass ich es so meine wie er es verstanden hat. Dass er es heute, nach einem Jahr, auf den Tisch packt – der Mann muss verzweifelt sein.