Sleeping Giant

in blurtconnect •  10 months ago 

Resting in a forest away from other giants,
Is what this mountain of man needs,

As he definitely doesn’t want to be seen by tyrants Who are despicably burning down trees,

Which is disrupting his day of peace and silence, Until he will bring these humans to they’re knees.

A restless giant is never a good sign ,
Angering him is not the brightest of ideas at all ,

Any fool has got to be brave or just out of they’re mind, Mess with something in monstrous height, that’s least over 10 foot tall,

Not only that , some of them aren’t exactly kind ,This enormous guy himself is hard to ignore .


Sleeping is just an requirement that has to be kept, Because if he is awoken from his sleep ,

He will crush them with his bare hands for showing disrespect ,
But then again humans are petty and weak ,

As well foolish for never taking the time to reflect, On they’re actions , leaving the outcome so terribly bleak.

Giants favourite time is when its supper,
So to make the perfect meal for his consumption,

He needs to skin the flesh of the bones from some poor sucker, And he dose this well without any sign of an interruption ,

It could be a cousin ,uncle, anti , sister or a brother, That be a ingredient for his broth with the assumption

It doesn’t matter if it’s a father or mother
Giants like him do this without a manual or instruction.

He loves napping through a whole day ,
With a satisfied stomach he can rest his huge head,

Before repeating the same cycle, without another getting in the way,
Because a sleepy giant has already fed .

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