Welcome onboard for today's episode of our health and hygiene daily Contest.
Our topic today is Consequences of Engaging in Premarital Sex (Premarital sex simply means sex before marriage or engaging in sex with a partner or different partners outside wedlock. Premarital sex could be distratrous and threatening more than most people think because it has a lot of bad results and to crown it all it is an Unholy act and a sin against the humanity. The consequences are the repercussions or the result you get when you engage in it such as unwanted pregnancy and the rest, so always try as much as you can to stay away from it)

Premarital sex is an attitude that has been in existence from time immemorial and it has done more harms than good to the relationship of many young adults.
Premarital sex is an act of engaging in a sex play without marital union between a man and his partner or vice-versa. It is actually not a new habit among the so called lovers boyfriends and girlfriends but in most of the cases it results into broken relationships, unwanted pregnancy, one partner issuing threat to the other, abortion, suicide, babies being dumped on road sides, transmission of sexually transmission diseases and lots more
This attitude is sometimes noticed among the so called celebrities and those in the film industry and that is why most of them find it difficult to keep their marriage alive and stable
Furthermore, in spiritual context, most religion also forbade engaging in such an act and that is why those took part in it are referred to as fornicators and any married man or woman engaging in such with a partner who is not legally married to is also called an adulterer
Finally, this is an eye opener for those that engage in it and they should try as much as possible to desist from it no matter what especially the ladies because they are one affected most when the outcomes arrive, the earlier the better
Thanks a lot
In Atlesast 3 lines let us know about the Consequences of the engaging in Premarital Sex and its impact on the society at large, remember engaging in sex with a partner is not always a show of love especially outside wedlock
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Hello, I do not agree with premarital relations, it is established biblically, actually I do not know if in ancient times they were legally married or joined in concubinage without signing documents, but anyway if they did so that would be a marriage, then the bible clearly says:
Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
Nowadays, young people take sex for pleasure and pastime, they meet a woman or a man and have sex and that's it, and they do this with many people, or young people who are boyfriends and have sex behind their parents' backs, but the bible when mentioning that they will leave their father and mother, refers that these young people have decided to establish a home, and there is that they will be united sexually and will be one flesh.
Unfortunately this is something that is questioned a lot, this practice makes you old fashioned or is the subject of mockery or rejection because people are now liberal, I have been in the gospel since I was 10 years old and so was my upbringing and many people tried to make me see that premarital sex was not a sin but my manual of life is the bible and there is all clear.
This comment is more of an advice than suggestion.
I humbly implore every youth to stay away from premarital sexual relationships.
Thank you for your entry @blessed-girl
You have won 5 BLURT
Thank you very much
You are welcome 🤗
Premarital sex is only bad or forbidden on religious ground, anything outside that is face lifting! Many marriages today, i mean successful ones started from premarital sex.
Haven't you also heard the disadvantages of not having premarital sex? Or have we not heard cases where man can't perform after marriage or even impotent because the lady did not check what she's buying. Or man/woman not be able to satisfy his/her partner thereby leading to divorce?
If you ask many married people today, majority of them had it. The unwanted babies, molestation and the rest are merely arguments to stop people from doing it. The act itself has nothing to do with the outcome. Just date the right person who shares your dream, vision!
@smyle a question for you if the man later canceled the relationship after impregnating the woman what would be the joy of her
It would be like a shame and disgrace because not everyone are honest in their relationships
@smyle the essence of this contest is to increase engagements on blurt and this you have properly initiated here.
You have pointed out some technical questions that needs professional, experienced psychological and pragmatic address.
I call on the contest host @alendomaster619 to come and answer this questions 😋😋😋
I liked this comment because there are questions that make us think and that we are seeing daily in society.
Hahaha, I agree that the lady must review everything that she considers important to obtain. Although the basis of marriage is not in sex, this is a fundamental part of a relationship. Courtship is to know everything that is at stake.
And here is the key. When two people have the same vision, nothing can separate them, and this is where the sentence that reads is fulfilled: You will not be unequally yoked
@oneray relationship is not always about sex but it is part of it, to people divorcing because of lack of satisfaction during sex means sex meant a lot to them
Thanks a lot for the contribution
Certainly, sex is not everything, but it is very important in a relationship. How to know if that other person is my complement? It is no secret to anyone that when a courtship begins everything is beautiful and rosy, but when it is already a formal relationship, defects begin to be found, and the more time passes, many more appear. I think that, although it seems to be not correct, having premarital relations is much closer to reality than married life will be.
And as I said before, the culture that we have inherited, applauds a man who has had many women before marriage because it "gives" him experience, but a woman who has had a few men in her life before marriage is considered an unreliable woman.
You answer is quite understandable and interesting but my question is
Is it morally right to engage in premarital sex or are we just supporting it to satisfy our self interest 🤔🤔🤔🤔
I understood the question perfectly. The question is to know who dictates the moral norms?
For the Romans, it was very common for men to have male lovers; In fact, do you remember that story in the bible where a centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant? Some historians claim that this servant was the centurion's lover, and this was the reason why he begged Jesus for his healing. In those days, and for Romans, it was morally right to do this.
Did you know that for the Greeks and Romans, having a penis carved on their doors, or as a charm for chains or bracelets, was a kind of amulet to ward off misfortune? For them, it was morally normal, but... Can you imagine if any of us have something like that and walk the streets? This would be a scandal.
So morality is basically about not "harming" another person's intellect, and what's bad for some, turns out to be good for others.
In the time of the apostles, Paul pointed out (speaking of food) that everything was clean, but he had to be careful with those with weak minds because they could stumble because of our freedom.
So... From what angle will we take the concept of morality?
That's where the detail is.
Premarital Sex is a major thing that's Going on everywhere. Especially between teenagers and youths. Young ladies are no longer care that how valuable they are made from God. They do not have the fear of God again, all what they want nowadays is to get many things easily.
The consequence of having premarital Sex might result to;
Having unwanted or unprepared pregnancy. Any young male or female who engaged themselves in premarital Sex will definitely found themselves in above mentioned.
Killing of innocent child as a result of abortion. And that's a great sin. And both will face God's judgement.
Both partners may not have better future.
These is little I can contribute. Thanks.
I like your submission keep it up, premarital sex is never, an option an upright lady would never leave herself to be exploited no matter the reason behind it
Bravo to you it is not always about freedom but about the reality that occurs as boomerang 😊
😚😊😊😊😊😊 thank you so much. Appreciated 👍
I concur with your comments
But I have a question
What do you say about people who get divorced due to lack of sexual satisfaction from one partner whom they didn't have sexual affairs with before marriage.
What can we advice such couples to make their marriages work again 🤔🤔🤔
I think they could ask each other about how sexually strong they are and assess each other for their sexual urge
Just a submission though
How can a person who has never had sexual experiences answer something like this? Could you check him masturbating? I think there is no other way to know if you are good sexually if it is not through experience. But if there is another way, I would like to know it.
Lovely question my boss.
It's very simple, no1, they need to sit themselves down and ask each other that "Is there real or true Love in their marriage"? Without deceiving themselves, If there answer is Yes, the issue is a minor thing. Since is just satisfaction.
Now, the solution is in their hands. They have to work in hand to hand, the other partner who is very active and satisfied need to help the other one who doesn't satisfied. Both of them have to understand that their marriage is life contract, for better for worse. Then they now begin to look for solution.
@chibuzorwisdom, Before I can say what would make their marriage to work, I need to know who is not sexually satisfied among the two?
Boss, this question you asked ehn, e don scatter many homes seriously.🤔🤔
Most times the lady feels unsatisfied because of husband's non exposure while sometimes a husband who was once a con man feels unsatisfied because of the non premarital sex life exposure of the wife.
Some say that marriage is a contract for life, but... Will our Creator agree that two people live unhappily forever?
When it was said in ancient times "do not unite in an unequal yoke" it was because there were people who did this, that is, in the same yoke they put two different animals to plow the land. From there, the analogy for marriage.
Let us remember that the norm comes to correct a problem, therefore, when a problem appears, a solution must be created. And based on this, Moses (if we are talking about something related to the Holy Scriptures) gave permission for divorce to appear.
Whoever wants to eat guava will undoubtedly have to deal with the seeds, but... What would happen if this couple wants to form a home that lasts over time? Should their desire be prevented?
Abortion is an issue that many women seek to legalize. However, who is more guilty of this practice? Those who abort inside or outside marriage?
I know married women who have aborted their child and unmarried women who have had it healthy and still love it to this day. The problem is not having a paper that says you are married, but rather the values and principles that every human being has under his belt.
This is a consequence of making incorrect decisions within the family bond. A marriage certificate will never prevent unhappy endings, nor will it produce happy endings.
Having a promiscuous life can indeed lead to venereal diseases, but only if you live promiscuously. If the couple is loyal (a marriage certificate does not prevent infidelity) both will protect themselves from unwanted infections.
I believe that the Glory and purpose of God go far beyond a marriage certificate. Each one of us must know what is the purpose of life he has, and that many do not know because they do not know themselves. What is the purpose of the human being on that earth? Isn't it being happy and helping others find their way to happiness? I think that a happy man and woman show the character of God wherever they are because they will avoid harming their neighbor at all costs and in this way the Kingdom of God would be established on this earth... that kingdom that we all carry within.
Ok you are right but if after having sex and in the course of action the man cutoff the relationship what would be the gain of the woman
That would serve as a shame to her among people
It's a matter of culture, brother. In this part of the world, it is normal for a woman whose husband did not turn out what she seemed to simply end the relationship.
Sexual dissatisfaction is more common in women than in men, but they prefer to keep quiet most of the time for "love" and it is not a frequent topic of conversation because most men are affected by their self-esteem.
I'm not talking about licentiousness either, but there are still rules in society that are old and have not advanced at the same speed as societies.
I so much concur with this statement
You have won 5 extra Blurt from me added to what @blurtconnect-ng has for you today 🙏
Wow. Thank you so much.
I really appreciate this.
@oneray I so much love your contributions. Thanks for that.
Thanks so much for your comment.
Nowadays, sexual freedom has become part of the experiences of young people, and they do not relate it to marriage or procreation at all.
The situation of premarital sex is simply common, and people have forgotten to save their first experiences for marriage.
I don't know what to think; and it seems to me that the more aware we are of what sexual activity is, the clearer we can get to marriage.
We have to be careful about diseases and also about procreation.
As for the social effect, I think that the impact is passing and it looks very normal.
And by the way, in no way do sexual relationships define the feeling of love; they are only a consequence of the interaction between human beings with sexual, not sentimental, desire.
What do serious people like @pedrobrito2004 and @josevas217think about this?
Hello, the topic brings discussions, there is not a perfect answer for everyone, so I believe that each reality and each experience of my own life has to be measured in its context. What I have lived and what another person has lived is not always comparable, and our judgment may well not coincide, not because one of the two is wrong, but because we are considering reality from very different perspectives. With that cleared up, I'll give my opinion :)
Sex is a biological function, not necessarily linked to the affective relationship, nor necessarily related to reproduction. In fact, the sexual violence of rape is an extreme example of that, it is about sex out of hatred or the desire to harm the other person, that is a separate and rough topic, but it is an example of how extreme it can be that of sex without positive feelings.
Ok, so you can have sex for pure pleasure, just like I can eat a tender fruit for the sheer taste of its flavor and texture, even if I'm not hungry at the time. It is a pleasure for the senses, something simply sensual.
Turning to marriage and sex, well, I consider that rituals are important things for social life and for the cohesion of human groups, the ritual of presenting newborns, the ritual of getting married, the ritual of saying goodbye to the dead and all the other rituals, they are all things that we do to mark a change in the social situation of the participants, it is done to comply with the community or group and to give meaning to a phenomenon of life.
So, I am not against sex without prior marriage, I clarify, I am not in favor of unleashed and unhinged promiscuity, I have some pity and distance from those who suffer from mental imbalances that drive them without restraint to seek sexual gratification regardless of the consequences, regardless of the price to pay or without caring about the damage they can do to other people with their actions.
All that said, I guess if there's a romantic relationship (and even if it's just friendship with physical attraction) and it's people who have decision-making power and are having a sexual experience by mutual consent, then I don't really care if it's before or after marriage. As long as they take the required preventive measures, it is by free will, and they have a non-pernicious attraction, then I suppose that it is something that can be fine and that I am not going to criticize.
Well, this answer was long (laughs) I guess I took the question too seriously.
Excelente, Pedro.
Excellent @pedrobrito2004 I am agree!
Pa' que sepáis, hermanito.
También me gustaría conocer la opinión de mis siempre amigos de Blurt (escribo en español porque para mí es más rápido y porque mis amigos hablan este idioma) los cuales sin duda tendrán algo valioso que aportar.
@angelica7, @helengutier2, @emiliorios, @jchelme, @blessed-girl, @hugo1954
Tratar este tema a esta altura de mi vida me parece algo raro, si todavía viviera en Italia aplicaría un término breve, pero que calza a la perfección: es "bigotto" y se aplica a aquellos excesivamente "puristas".
A ello mucho han contribuido las series de TV especialmente las de la era Netflix donde sexo y drogas hacen parte del compuesto para llamar la atención de los espectadores. Hace poco terminé de ver The Americans donde ambos esposos hacían sexo fuera del matrimonio como algo absolutamente normal, en función de la causa que sostenían.
No quiero con esto decir que apruebo el adulterio ni que está bien o mal, simplemente que es un hecho inevitable y debemos enseñar a nuestros hijo/as a tener todas las precauciones posibles.
La desunión familiar y el desinterés de los padres por la educación de sus hijos completan un coctel que parece no mejorar en el futuro.
Abrazos amigo @oneray.
Totalmente de acuerdo con vos, mi querido y sabio amigo.
Justamente hoy en la mañana, mientras conversaba les decía que, una persona que es expuesta a un delito la primera vez lo ve con cierta repulsión, pero si sigue en ese ambiente, llegará a tolerarlo hasta que se convierta en algo "normal" con el tiempo.
Pienso que justamente es lo que está haciendo no solo Netflix, sino también HBO entre otros, con respecto a la aceptación de comportamientos que son "anormales" para algunos, hablando moralmente
I would love to hear their opinions on this matter 🥰🥰🥰
Ya estamos en eso, pero lo hice en inglés
En inglés es que vale, jaja
Thank you so much for the support
The Sex.
A subject that remains taboo in many cultures around the world, and some countries, is the topic of every day everywhere. Depending on the country in which we find ourselves, we will see more support or not about the positions on this issue, where religion has undoubtedly played an essential role in giving it a definition in society.
We should establish a position first: If we talk about premarital relationships, are we talking about relationships before marriage or also about those who have a consensual union?
Currently, some people have no intention of getting married, but lead a life together, prosperous, fruitful, and full of love, unlike other couples who, despite being married, live hell life from.
Here in Chile, for example, it is natural for two people who want to know each other to have sexual relations (age does not matter many times) and even the groom asks the bride's parents for permission to carry out this practice freely; For most, this is something natural unlike in my country, which is still considered something that should not be and that a woman should keep a virgin for marriage.
Despite this, another question arises: is being a virgin at marriage only for women or also for men? Why is it that when a woman has had several husbands without being married she is compared to a prostitute, but a man who has possessed many women is celebrated as if he had many trophies?
Who was the minister or civil chief who married Adam, Noah, Abraham, or Isaac? Is it considered a legal marriage when there is a document involved? What happens when a woman in a tribe far from civilization is given in marriage?
I believe that if two people decide to share their bodies, and they, and only they are in complete agreement, there should be no impede taking this step since a free union known as concubinage can currently be legalized.
You right bro.
But if two unlegally married couples engaged in sex and a child was during the process it would be regarded as unwanted if the father denied the child, I had seen such cases before it is not about freedom only but we have to look into possible consequences before we get into something 😊
This your comment deserves proper reasoning and evaluations before one decides to answer the question in it hahahhahha
I call on the post publisher and initiator @alendomaster619 to come and answer or give his opinions
Interesting topic. Sex before marriage as has been regarded as fun and exercise nowadays has led many astray..All i will say is if you can't avoid it, at least protect yourself physically, but note you cant protect yourself spiritually.
Being spiritual is the beginning of all things, I like your last words keep it up
Yes sir. And if one is lost spiritually, then that person is totally finished physical.
May God help our upcoming brothers and sisters 🙏
Wonderfully said comment from an elder brother 🤣🤣🤣
Here is the most interesting thing yet. What are we? Humans who must have spiritual experiences, or spirits who come to this earth to have human experiences? 🤔
I don't like this job at all. And this is against my Islam. It is our loss.😖
Yes it is against Islamic teachings and I don't engage in it as well, I like your take thanks a lot
I really like what you said۔
Aww sorry brother
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Yes, I liked the first articles very much. I participated in them. And Blurt won.
Thanks keep it up bro
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