Sometimes u need to create time for your self and enjoy alone.

in blurtconnect •  last year 

I am the kind of guy who loves staying in the bush and have some moment alone especially in the bush, that really gives me joy and peace.
So once upon a time I feel disturb at home so I decided to go to bush and have some fresh air, so I prepare my self and start moving to bush so on my way to bush I saw a nice stream the water is very clean and the way that water is flowing seriously attracted me. So I feel like stopping and enjoy my self by swimming in that stream,
So I just undress my self leaving my undies, I enter the water and I started swimming I spend like 30 minutes and I heard some footsteps and I looked up I saw my junior brother coming I ask him who told him I am here? He said he saw me through the window as I am heading to the stream so he decided to follow me so that we will have some moment together.
So I asked him to snapped me pictures, we enjoy swimming together, to be honest with u guys I love the moment and I wish I will repeat that someday if I'm upporturn.

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