Playing with children is always a great thing.

in blurtconnect •  last year 

Here I present to u children in my particular community center we just organized a playing day with children in our area were we used to do it every Monday, today is yet another Monday and Children form different families turn out in mass together with their parents.
Seriously it is wow and awesome here, so there is some support teachers who knows how to display different kinds of play, they are professional in that aspect because they have studied that in college of education, so parents sit in a place prepared for them, children have the groups or teams that they have trained together as a team so that they will displayed a good display that will bring honor to their team.
Guys the truth must be told I enjoy every beat of the moment today.
And children and parents are all happy they really love the competition event that is organize by the community of the event.
I am always happy once I see children playing together happily, I don't love to see children in bad condition because seeing children in bad situation really makes me feels bad.
So please let's try create time for our children and play together with them that will really give them joy.
Children are the must precious gift from God so I urge us to take good care of them by giving them quality attention, such as better education, playing with them, good Health and good relationship with them, I am telling you, our children will be educated and they will be proud of having parents or senior ones like us.

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