Meeting with youths and elders this morning as we discussed about some issues that is disturbing us in our community.

in blurtconnect •  last year 

Since last week the town cryer make an announcement to the community saying we will have meeting with youth and elders so that we will discuss something important.
So early morning today we come out in mass many youths are present and we really try in beating the time.
So one of the elder coordinate the meeting as we started with opening prayers.
Followed with speech from him.
After that he told us the agendas that we are going to discuss about which includes:
How to protect our families from kidnappers
Secondly we discussed on how to make some boreholes that we will have plenty water to drink because is one of the problems we have.
And the last one is drugs abuse and they have realized some of the youths are in drugs abuse coursing troubles in the community.
So some of the great people among us talked about the issues and the way out and many more people and to be honest with u the meeting is one of the best one because we come out with good outcome on how to tackle those problems.
So at the end of everything one of the elders appreciate our efforts and how we devoted our time, may God above give us the good heart to keep answering the call when they have call us and the meeting ended with closing prayers I really enjoy the moment together with both youths and elders.








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