Feast together with my brothers at home.

in blurtconnect •  last year 

Yesterday evening hours we are all together at home, as brothers we stayed together having some nice conversation, so we talked about life and we speak on how we can make changes in our family in such away that the change will make the family move forward.
One of our brother speak his opinion by saying he wish we could teach our younger ones and our children business let's just put the mentality of business in them and once they grew up they will lack nothing and the family will move forward in conclusion of his talked he also mentioned that we are to teach them how to unite so that the family will not have any stratefication s.
And onothet brother says we have to put mentality of education in them after we send them to school studies then once they have graduate we are to put the mentality of that business in them even without government job they will enjoy their life's they will not lack anything.
So another brother says we are to put the mentality of learning skills like handwork during their academics they should learn skills so that after graduation they will have something doing.
So all the words are good and nice and we stand on it all by saying we will put all the ideas together and we will divide it in to the family, we will pick up the child and put mentality of education and learning skills in him, then another one education and business.
That's our stands yesterday seriously I love the ideas 💡 and I urge us that we should keep the ideas and we will make sure we make use of it.
After the long conversation on how to make our family move forward my wife bring food and we sit together eat together as family I really enjoy being around my family.


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