Bringing Queen Elizabeth To Blurt || The Blurt Time Machine.

in blurtart •  2 years ago 


It's hard to tell if I'm dreaming or not. But I'm certain I can hear a voice whispering to me.

"You've got one ticket to the underworld, and you can only bring one person out."

Next thing I see myself walking in the ruins of the underworld. There are tons of people in here. I can see my cousin Xtian, my tight friend Sk, and so many friends and relations.

"Can I bring my take my cousin? He died way to early." I asked.

"No, you can only bring the VIP members." The voice replied.

I had no idea there was VIP in the underworld I said to myself as the voice led me to a different section of the underworld. There I saw the likes of Lord Luggard, Isaac Newton, Adolph hitler, Pope Johnpaul and to my greatest surprise I saw our very Own Mohammadu Buh-Buh.

"Ah! Buh buh you are here, who is now on sitting on your sit." I asked surprised.

Anyways, moving on I saw a fierce looking lady distanced from the others.

"Is that not Queen Elizabeth."

I walked up to her and greeted her.

"Greetings your Majesty."

"Who is this fool." She replied. "There is no such thing as Majesty in here."

"I thought that after all these years you might have let go of your hot temper."

"Anger makes a man witty" -Queen Elizabeth.

"Good to know you still see yourself as a man."

"I have the heart of a Man not a woman." -Queen Elizabeth

"I can't help but notice that you distance yourself from others here."

"I observe and say nothing." -Queen Elizabeth

"Well you should interact with people perhaps you might finally find love in the underworld."

"Grief is the price we pay for Love. I choose to remain a virgin queen." -Queen Elizabeth.

"Anyways, I am here to take you."

"Take me to where?"

"To blurt. A place where you can share your views to the world."

"Why would you want me to be on blurt?"

"It might give you the opportunity to set somethings right."

"The past cannot be cured." -Queen Elizabeth

"True, but your presence would inspire a lot of people. Imagine bringing your riches to blurt. Imagine bringing the transformation you brought to England on blurt."

"This Is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our eyes " -Queen Elizabeth

"Also you could teach young ladies like @merit.ahama the beauty in living and dying a virgin."

"@merit.ahama is a very diligent and dedicated Lady with a big heart." -Queen Elizabeth

Ok scratch that, that last part wasn't actually a quote from Queen Elizabeth 😅

Original Photo


Queen Elizabeth's Quotes were gotten from 👉HERE

This Is My Entry For The Blurt Art Contest By @blurtart. Click HERE To Join The Fun.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You better scratch that out, you and trouble are always on my neck 😂
But I got what you mean dear, thanks

And this is beautiful, always bringing in a new style to your own... I love this 😊

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