in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

Today is Sunday_ a convenient day to identify with God. But this may only last till evening when we pull off our Sunday bests.

Because our Sunday bests aren't just the clothes, they're the smiles, the love we show, the Christianese we speak, and our frantic display of dramatics in the company of the brethren.

But wait till evening when our other self surfaces and it's hard to reconcile it with the former; when our Christianese are replaced with unwholesome and ungracious words, and for some of us our clothing contradict the fact that that body is truly the temple of the Holy Ghost. Wait till someone needs to ask, "is he a believer?" Wait till we have to prove to people that we're not to be taken for granted just because we're Christians.

Oh... and the music, today we're playing Theophilus Sunday. By Monday we're playing songs to which the lyrics cannot be uttered.


There's a huge disconnect between our profession and our lifestyle.

We confuse the world.

Some of us are all good with suspending our Christianity till the next Sunday.

Dear believer, Jesus died in our place.

How dare we give Him the crumbs of our lives?

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