The World Will Be Watching, Nigeria 🇳🇬 .

in blurtafrica •  last year 

Emmanuel Ikwuegbu

Nation building is a collective task which when left in the hands of a few can become a thorn. All over the world, people have only demanded for the basic issues that protects their dignity from government and any government that finds it hard to do will be tagged irresponsible.

Unfortunately for our world, that has been the order of the day. The basic amenities of life are not available anymore for the people. The electorates, who with their voting power have elected individuals into position of authority have now regretted their actions.
Instead, what you have is greed of political office holders.
In few days from now, we will go to the polls to elect another president for our dear country. Our fear now that since the people have woken up to their responsibility of choosing who they think is the right person for the job, the greedy politicians have taken it up to see that the electoral process is marred by malpractices.

It is going to be the people against the wicked rulers. Those who have taken our national wealth as a personal effect.

This gap is wide,
To wide to be filled,
So soon that you left,
All the wards are mourning,
Humming like all hell is set loose,
From the miry north of your wealth,
To the dark south of your riches,
The moaning is beheld,
Of people who depended on you,
Solely on you.

The first one says,
"Had I known, I would have cared more,"
The next was quite disappointed,
That the three square meals you gave,
Now have become a mirage,
Another one cried,
If life is redeemable,
Its you I'd have asked for,
The center can no longer holder,
Everything is under siege.

The state of our nation leaves a lot to behoove. Nothing seem to be working. The least we can give is positive pronouncement, hoping that things will fall back to shape. The last eight years have been a burning furnace for my countrymen.

An average family cannot cater for three square meals for her members. This is the height of it all. The failures are too much for us to bear.

Worse still, the government that seemed clueless about the whole saga, have made life more difficult for all. Who will come to our aid?

Take responsibility for your woes,
This blame game is stalking us,
For eight whooping years,
The best deal you ever made was to cast blames,
Still on the matter of hasn't changed,
The people want to emancipate,
The illusion called mental slavery,
At once is what they want,
And when this move begins,
Nothing can ever stop it.

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