Poverty~ A Penalty For A Misdeed We Know Not Off

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

It is no news that Africa faces high level of poverty and series of economic problems. Some countries in Africa have a lower rate than others due to better governing and economic system. However my concern today will be centred on Nigeria.
Nigeria is one of the popular and populated countries in Africa, well known to be one of the highest oil producers in the world. Despite this fact, you would assume the country will be flourishing in wealth and development however it is the opposite. Poverty has been dominant in the society for a long time. The problem dates due to bad governance, lack of jobs and employment opportunities, corruption, and over dependency on the oil industry, bad healthcare system, lack of governmental support, dependence of imported goods and illiteracy.
However I pray we live up to the title of the ”Giant Of Africa”one day.
Poverty has eaten deep into our society, it’s ever growing stench is indeed a great cause for alarm. This problem drastically affects the human, social and economic life. It generally involves the inability to provide basic and essential needs.


The issue of unemployment
This is a major problem behind our predicament. The youths who have been privileged to graduate from college cannot find a descent job because they are quite scarce. How do they intend to make a living to fund themselves when there are no means to work? Despite finding a job, most times the pay rate will be quite small in comparison with the high cost of living and level of inflation. When income flows round the economy, there is a high chance of development, national income is increased, income per capita is high and a good standard of living assured.

Here are two incidents depicting the extent to which poverty has eaten and its in our society
The Stampede At Polo Club
On Saturday the 28th of May, there was a stampede here in Port Harcourt which led to the loss of lives including pregnant women, men and children. You might wonder, how did a stampede occur? Here’s your answer ”A simple kind act”
A church, well known for their unending support and outreach to the underprivileged had Organised a free shopping programme at the Port Harcourt Polo club. The aim was to help those in need in the society by disturbing gifts, food and sundry items. However it ended as quite a sad event.
Due to the current rate of poverty, people are desperately looking food and support. There was a massive turn up to this event, reports have it that the programme was meant to commence from 9am, but people were gathered there as early as the previous day, and some at early hours of the morning, all in hopes of partaking in the outreach.
By 6am the entrance of the Polo Club was crowded with thousands of people, majority trying to get into the premises. However the capacity of the crowd couldn’t be properly managed the organisers.
Once the gates where open, the impatient crowd forced themselves in without any decorum, thereby leading to a stampede. Lives where lost and people were injured. It resulted in 31 casualties and series of injured people. A sad event indeed.
I’m sure we can understand that this is linked with poverty. People are starving and in need, hence the massive turn up accompanied by the struggle to get these free items. Reading the news made me shed a few tears, no one expected something of this magnitude to occur. It was only meant to be a kind act.


Social media influencer Papaye ex, threw a giveaway party to celebrate her 1million followers on IG
Majority of us know how Instagram works, it isn’t easy to get up to a million followers unless you have put in a lot of efforts. Out of happiness The influencer organised a giveaway party for her fans.
Once again the event was crowded with people, screaming and begging for gifts all trying to get her attention. I find this situation quite embarrassing and pitiful to Us. The prizes where iPhones, cash and a car. I agree that these are quite enticing but should that be a problem to people?? I am not a critic but throwing a party to celebrate a million followers is quite extreme.
The main issue I have here is the fact that thousands of people showed up, begging and screaming for aids. To her, it was a case of charity or stunt I don’t know, but to me it only showed the magnitude of the high rate of poverty. Although a few winners emerged, but majority of the people who attended went home with nothing as expected, but some people had experienced missing items. A video was released of a girl crying terribly that her phone was stolen and she had no idea how she would be able to afford one. Sad right? In a country with high economic development and standard of living, occurrence such as these will not occur. Phones and cars should be a primary need we can all afford. It was quite pitiful and embarrassing, all caused as a result of poverty.


From the stories I have shared the effects of poverty is quite clear. I pray for a decline of poverty in our society and I acknowledge those who have also been of help to the needy, in the economy and here on blurt.
My condolences to the families of those who were lost, I hope and pray that they will be comforted.

Can Poverty be curbed?
Yes it can. There will always be the low class and the elites in every society however, the most important thing is that people can afford the basic necessities of life; food, shelter, water. Poverty can be curbed through implementation of economic policies to regulate all sectors of the economy, substitute imports with exports, creation of industries and opportunities, individual empowerment, education, introduction to the use of advanced technology for effective production rate and ensure proper utilisation of resources in terms of production which will In turn increase the GDP of the country.
A major way to reduce poverty is by granting access to social services and performance in favourable international trade. Embracing the use of technology is also a step, the internet also has a lot to offer.

The effects of poverty is hunger, sickness, low standard of living and death.I pray for a decline of poverty in our society and I acknowledge those who have also been of help to the needy in the economy.
This piece is centred on Nigeria, but other countries in Africa also faces the same as well or even worse.

I see the good deeds done by a number of blurtains here, their philanthropic service to Africa is a kind gesture we appreciate.
Thank you to @rajitsear @elkezaksek @blurtfundme and everyone else, who has supported the poor and the underprivileged here in Africa, thank you for what you do, we are grateful.

Thank you for reading
Blurt to the moon🚀🚀

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, for the kind words.

Africa has many natural resources and many countries there could do well.
However, many governments have as their highest goal to enrich themselves.
Some have no interest in their people, they don't really care if people go hungry or have access to health care.

Unfortunately, it can be observed that worldwide the rich are getting richer, the middle class is shrinking and there are more and more poor people.
Even here in rich Germany, there are more and more people who have problems paying for basic necessities from their income.
On the other hand, corporations are making huge profits and the richest people are flying high into space....

The whole thing is just antisocial.
Actually, the entire world population would have to stand up and put an end to the whole madness.

Very sad that the mass panic described by you brought so many victims.
However, it is not only because of the poverty, but also because of the characteristics of the human being.
We live in a rich country and there is such behavior here too.
When there is something for free, or extremely cheap, many people totally freak out and sometimes there are even fights.
During Black Friday in the USA, there have already been deaths and injuries, and it's not about food...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The negligence and greed of the government is so terrible. The rich keeps getting richer while the poor gets poorer. Hopefully one day we will be free from this madness.

Yeah I understand, impatience was a measure contributor to the terrible Occurrence . I guess it’s a human behaviour.
I’ve heard about Black Friday stories, the crowd and fight breaks. When there’s a crowd there Would be different personalities and behaviours displayed

We hope that one day the world will be a better place
Thank you 🥰
Blurt on🚀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice piece you’ve written. I hadn’t heard of any of these incidences until I read this. It’s quite sad how bad poverty has struck Africa. This is why I personally believe social media Dapps like Blurt are part of small scale solutions to at least be able to afford basic needs.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. The incident was tragic. We only hope for a positive change.
I agree with you, Blurt is here to uplift and impact.

Blurt on🫶🏻

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

Your post is really makes a whole sense and its amazing. I wish some of our leaders were on this platform and let Nigerians use the coming elections to change their sory for good.
The youths on this platform who dont have voters card should try and get onee for themselves

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much 🙏🏽

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