The highest inhabited community in Ghana

in blurtafrica •  last year 

Amadzofe is a community in the mountians to the North of Ho in the Volta Region of Ghana. It is the highest inhabited village in Ghana at right above 600 meters.

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The road winds up the valley to the village. The village sits at the base of Mt. Gemi. This stands for the German Evangilical Mission Institute I believe. This area of Ghana prior to the independence of Ghana was known as Togo Land. In 1884 Germany colonized this area and made it a protectorate. They were trying to make a model colony. Due to this there is still some German naming of things and the remnants of the German missionaries. During WWI England and France invaded the protectorate and with the treaty of Varsailles the West part of Togoland came under the British Gold Coast Colony and the East Part went under the French West African colonies.
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When Ghana became independent in 1957, 57% of the Togolanders voted to become part of the newly independent country. We actually just celebrated the independence day of Ghana yesterday. This is how it became part of the Volta Region of Ghana. The east Togo eventually became the country now simply known as Togo.

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Not long after entering the town the road turns to dirt.

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It really does feel like the top of the world here with amazing views in all directions.

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At the end of the road a trail takes off going to the top of Mt Gemi. It is necessary to walk this trail though.

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ON the top of the mountain is a 4 meter high cross that was paced there by the missionaries. And was also said to be an Antena for the germans back in the day of the war.

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The hike up the mountain is one of the major draws to the area and one of the 3 things to do in the town. If you look carefully in this picture you can see the cross at the top.

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On good days from the mountain top and from some choice areas in the town you can see all the way to the Volta lake. The second attraction is a mission church with a bell tower in the village. Sadly I did not get a good picture of this on my visit.

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Today it is also a strategic place for communication towers which you can see now dominate the sky line.

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This is a view from across the valley looking up toward the mountain and settlement. In the valley between is an epic river valley hike that takes you down steep pathways with ropes to help you go up and down the steep slopes. At the bottom is an amazing waterfall and now they have installed a canopy walkway across the face of the falls. It is definitely a place I need to get back to and explore especially with these recent developments in infrastructure.

Thanks for exploring again with me.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Nicely described with beautiful words and nice pictures. So much fun to read your blog.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you I am glad you enjoyed.

Posted from

Thank you for sharing this fascinating post about the highest inhabited community in Ghana. I really enjoyed reading about the unique challenges that people living in this mountainous region face, including the lack of access to basic amenities like clean water and healthcare.

It's inspiring to see how the community has come together to build their own infrastructure and develop sustainable solutions to these challenges. The fact that they have managed to cultivate a thriving agricultural industry at such high altitudes is truly impressive.

Your post really highlights the resilience and ingenuity of the people living in this region, and I appreciate the insights you have shared about their way of life. Thank you for shedding light on this lesser-known aspect of Ghanaian culture

  ·  last year  ·  

Your comment goes deeper than my post in some ways. Do you use AI to make comments sometimes?

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