in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

What are our notions toward dreams? Do we see dreams as visions? Do we receive messages pertaining reality through dreams? Do we see them to be natural phenomena? Finally, do we see them as reminiscent or continuation of what has happened earlier before sleeping? Many of us have different interpretation and view to some particular dreams. Dreams in some situations can be seen from the perspective of the above questions but even at that many beliefs of dreams this days is that, they are spiritual phenomena.
A story goes this way:
There was a man living in a community with his immediate family. He has a vehicle (Sharon) which serves for a commercial purpose which his family survived on. He has four children(two adolescent and two in late childhood).
This man is only concerned about his immediate family. Every morning after the wife is done cooking breakfast and the children are done eating; he will drive them to school then move to the motor park where he work tirelessly till 2:30pm before going to drive the children home, then return to the Motor park again where he will be till dusk. His relationship with his wife and children was an applaudable one but his rapport with others; both passengers and co-drivers was nothing to ride-home-about. He doesn't forgive, integrate and care about the political society. One would hardly find him smiling.
His religious life amidst all these filthy lives of his can be termed perfect in the eyes of the earth but deep down in his hearth, the grave is beautiful than it. He is known as the patron of prayer warriors, the most vocal worship musician, e.t.c. in the church they (family) attended.
Normally Thursdays are his off days, his reason to leave the house is only on the ground of the children going to school and coming home. One this fateful Thursday as usual this man was off from work and normally the wife prepares launch awaiting the children to return and for him to eat before going to bring the children home. The wife went to the market and did not return early as she use to, this man who was waiting for the wife to return to prepare meal for him to eat before going to bring the children home, fell asleep as he leaned on the couch.
While he was asleep, he found himself where he has never been to before, this place seem like another realm he thought within himself. Suddenly, he heard a voice "Peter, Peter, Peter why have you chosen to be who you are; despite all the graces I have lavished on you" he replied, "how do you mean and who are you? The voice replied "I am the Lord of host your maker and of everything you can ever think of; this day is your last, your family whom you take as your most priority you will never see again". Peter screamed saying " Lord take me back, I am not ready to be here" the voice said " young man your opinion does not count in this place but the live you lived at where you are coming from"
At this moment Mr. Peter, was blushing severely and immediately, he saw three men before him, one was putting on black robe and had seven horns. The one in the middle wore glistening white robe and bearing a golden crown in his hands as he wore the other(crown). The third man has wings, he was wearing a white robe as well and was having in his hands a saxophone. This man was very confused seeing this three great beings. Instantly, the man on black, started calling Mr Peter to himself same was with the other two men on white robes, hence a great dispute arose regarding where the young man belong. The man on black brought out a Plata and displayed Mr. Peter's misconducts; how he does not forgives, his not concerned about others and maltreats his colleagues and passengers. This, displayed, make the men on white robes became weak and ashamed of themselves after all the preparation to crown Mr. Peter as a victor from earth and welcome him to the everlasting paradise with the sound of the saxophone, at the scene immediately they(Men on White) disappeared. The man on black begun to rejoice and was moving closer to the young man to embrace him as the young man was shivering. The children return from school and the youngest bang the door shouting " dad, dad, dad". The snapped from the door woke him as he was still shouting "no, no, no I am not yours". The children asked him what was happening and he gave them the episode of the dream, one of the children exclaimed "THANK GOD IT WAS A DREAM".
This man apologized to his children for not making it to bring them home but the oldest maturely said "no problem dad, we are back already". Right from this day Mr. Peter had a rethink on how he will leads his life subsequently.
From this dream above; one can said dreams could be mediums through which we receive messages pertaining the reality of lives.
In summary from the story, our life on earth is what will stand for us in the afterlife but not our defensive opinions then. In analogous to Mr. Peter, on your last day, will Jesus and the angels be disappointed or be proud of you, will shame be their end in your case as it was with Mr. Peter's?
Had it been that it was not a dream what do you think will be his fate; nothing but eternal damnation in hell.
Clarification sake:
The man on white robe with the golden Crown is Jesus ( the universal king)
The other man on white robe with the saxophone is representing the Angels of God.
The man on black robe is the devil.
as we have come to the end of month of may, if paraventure, we are judged on how we lived our lives throughout the last month are we fit for the crown that will guarantee us to enter June? See this forthcoming month as a make up program to expiate yourself to be worthy entering the lord's banquet on your last day.

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