in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

Let us briefly call to mind the four last things, i.e. death, judgment, hell and heaven.
Death is the separation of the soul from the body. After death, our bodies will be buried. the soul does not die and will never die because God has made it to live forever. Thus after death, our soul will go to God who will judge it according to its good or bad work. Then after judgment, our soul will either go to heaven or hell or purgatory, depending on whether it is sinless, has mortal sins not repented or has slight sins and needs purification and penance.
There are two judgments, i.e. particular judgment at the death of the individual and the general judgment at the end of the World.
The general judgment will not change the particular judgment.

It will only show the justice of God. Let no one, therefore, makes the mistake of thinking that the general judgment is a sort of an appeal court. Let us remember that the Almighty God will be the same judge in both instances. The particular judgment is
therefore irrevocable. At that time i.e. (at the general judgment) the bodies of all men(everyone) will rise from the earth and be united again to their souls, never more to be separated. The bodies of the Just will rise to share forever in the glory of their souls.
The bodies of the damned will also rise to share in the eternal punishment of their souls.
The question may be asked: if the soul is Irrevocably judged at the particular judgment, what then is the necessity for the general judgment? The answer is that it (the general judgment) is necessary so that the justice, wisdom and mercy of God may be glorified in the presence of all.
In what does hell consist? lt consists of the loss of God and this is the worst calamity that can befall a soul. Once a man loses
God, he loses everything for all eternity. It is the ree the resume of all suffering and punishment.
Heaven consists in having God and enjoying Him forever. It is again the apex of all enjoyment and happiness.
My friend, remember that it Is better to suffer the loss of everything in this world together with its transitory pleasure
and enjoyment than to lose God in the next. Try, therefore, to win the Golden Fleece which is meant for all but which few
are interested.
Cut off the chains with which the devil, the world and your flesh tie you down to this world of woe.

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