Your Vote is Your Power to Effect a Positive Change in Nigeria

in blurtafrica •  last year 

Green Illustration Your Vote Counts Campaign Facebook Post.png

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It is often understood that each day we live to see is embedded with God's grace. No one appears in this world by accident. So there is a reason why you find yourself on this planet and this is the more reason your vote counts. Each new day is also an opportunity to show our level of gratitude to God for His divine protection and guidance and as well take worthy action that will better us as great and patriotic citizens of our country.



The situation in Nigeria at the moment is a tough one. Enforcing cashless policies without prior notice is such a harsh and devastating experience one can merely come by especially during an election period like this. It's barely 5days to the presidential election yet most citizens seem to be cashless as they could hardly afford to pay for goods and services in cash (especially those living in rural areas and suburbs within the country). Most Points Of Sales (POS) mobile operators are now utilising this medium to overcharge customers a 20% fee on all withdrawal transactions. Besides, the printing of the new naira note and the unacceptance of the old note has a reason for the pyramid of demand over supply. The new money now is not in circulation while the old money is rendered null and void except for the old 200 naira note.

Come to think of this, don't you think it is more likely that the central bank made this decision during this period to make buying and selling of votes merely impossible by corrupt politicians who are doing all it takes in favour of their political party to win the presidential and governorship election? For me, i think this should be one of the major reasons.

Nigerians, it's time to wake up from our slumber and do the needful. Let's ensure we vote for a right-minded and competent leader. Vote transparency, accountability, competence and someone unbiased. Let's vote for a leader capable of taking us to the next phase of our life. A God-fearing leader who will never discriminate against his citizens irrespective of their diverse religion, tribe, culture and tradition. A leader of foresight, capable of making Nigeria an indomitable giant of Africa where economic growth and development can emerge, where many African nations, Asians, Europeans, Australians and Americans can experience her as a productive economic nation and marketplace.

Nigeria is indeed a great nation where many great potential youths and Adults are willing to give in their best to her growth and development, but the major challenge at hand is due to bad leadership which has infiltrated the governmental system, and this is the more reason we need a drastic change for the betterment of the nation

In unity we will surely stand, and divided will fall. Your vote must surely count so far you're 18 years and above. It'll be good in our best interest to vote for productive leaders during the forthcoming general election. There is a statement by the late scientist and Physicist, Sir Isaac Newton that "a body will remain in a state of rest or uniform motion until a force is applied to it." For a good government to emerge there must be a positive action to bring about a positive change and this can be materialised via our vote.

Your vote is your power, please vote wisely.

Thank you for your time, wishing us a free and fair election. Do have a wonderful week and stay blessed.


Edited with Canva App

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