Warning signals before a possible stroke

in blurt •  2 years ago 


The stroke originates when one of the blood clots blocks one of the arteries that connects with the brain. Now, these types of clots are formed in an artery that is affected or damaged due to the accumulation of plates in the brain. These plates are technically known as atherosclerosis.

The types of stroke are:
Ischemic, caused by the blockade of thrombosis, embolism and stenosis Hemorrhagic.

After knowing a brief review of what a stroke is, I will explain the following. If a person has problems with high blood pressure or in the defect of it, it was diagnosed with a heart rhythm disorder; It is technically known as atrial fibrillation.

It is important to keep in mind that, when someone has one of the previous two problems mentioned, the risk of a stroke increases and in view of this, it is advisable to keep proper care.

When the brain is interrupted by a blood flow, it does not receive the relevant oxygen and nutrients; In view of this, the medical emergency originates when the stroke is caused.

According to the data provided in the Medlineplus medical encyclopedia, the ischemic stroke is suffered by 85% among the world's population, thus consecrating it in the most common while, the hemorrhagic has 15% being the least common; However, despite being the one with a lower percentage, its mortality is higher than the ischemic since its performance is faster.

When a person presents an ischemic accident, he feels weakness in the face, difficulty speaking and seeing, half of the body falls asleep although in some cases what they feel is flaccidity. It should be noted that there are other symptoms, however, these are the most frequent.

As regards the hemorrhagic accident we can emphasize that, it originates from having high blood pressure. The symptoms that are felt are related to headache, paralysis in the middle of the body or failing, suffering weakness.

The most affected area in this case is the face, leg or arm because it is paralyzed. In the same way, they partially lose the vision of an eye and in some cases, they see double. They have difficulty understanding what they are telling him and his speech presents difficulty.

Although these two types are the most common, health sector specialists explain that the transitional ischemic accident cannot be highlighted because, despite starting in the same way as a stroke, subsequently presents attitudes of having normalized the state of health because There are no symptoms that can be associated with a stroke.

In this type of accident it is important to be clear that the symptoms only last for a few seconds and although it seems that the problem did not go to adults, it is advisable to act immediately visiting a specialist to perform the relevant checkup.

What risk factors present stroke?

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the stroke occupies the third step of the ranking of death causes in industrialized conduct countries. Similarly, it is also one of the factors that people have to unsubscribe due to disability.

On the other hand, the health sector ensures that stroke is one of the most expensive diseases of trying to mentioning that, this aspect is not only because of the hospital treatment that the affected must have. The other factor is caused by the rehabilitation followed by medicines.

Due to the reasons above, the importance of preventing strokes is caused. It is essential that all people have knowledge of their causes, symptoms and know very well how we can prevent it.

In this same order, we can highlight that the risk factors that are most presented in stroke are: high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity, drug use, high cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle.

For its part, the American Stroke Association (ASS) said that the types of stroke can be prevented if we modify our attitudes. The indicated formula to avoid suffering this type of problem is exercising, staying relaxed, eating healthy and sleeping regulatory hours.

As regards age, this is a risk factor when a person suffers a stroke for it, after 55 years it is vital that care and prevention are indispensable actions that we must have. In case of having a family history with this disease, it is also necessary to take care of ourselves because stroke is also a hereditary disease.

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