Sylvie's Love (2020) - smooth jazz and classic romance πŸ’–πŸŽ¦

in blurt β€’Β  2 years agoΒ 


Hello Friends, Greetings πŸ™πŸ˜Š

I hope you are wonderful and doing great. I am so excited to share how beautiful and beautiful it was for me to see this great movie, with all the intentions that fall in love with my experience by seeing it and also causes the desire and intrigue of seeing it. For those who like romance, drama and passion as, I think it is perfect that they can see it.

Taking advantage of the weekend and the free time that bring with it I proposed to look at all possible movies until the time comes where I should occupy myself again, lol πŸ˜‚

Sylvie's Love, an Amazon Original Movie, starring Tessa Thompson (Sylvie) and Nnamdi Asomugha (Robert) as main actors and directed by Eugene Ashe.

For me luckily it is set at the time of the late 1950s where elegance, courtesy and jazz abound as flowers in spring. I love those years, I love that time.

The plot is based on the daily life of a young woman with a brunette skin with longing to marry and having a life full of successes, but that unfortunately will be forced to choose between the wishes of her heart and the appearance of her before the society.

I do not want to tell you more since the synopsis and the trailer can tell a lot, that however to be synopsis it already has too much. Here I leave the link so that they can be better illustrated.

Now, in my opinion, maybe they can meet a repeated, quite common story. What makes it different and quite attractive is the nobility, the love and courage with which they dare to face each problem and error committed. I consider that in that way if happy endings could be found in real life.

Tessa Thompson will definitely attract your attention, a very different character from what most of us known her from Thor: Ragnarok, Men in Black: International or Creed Series.

To Appreciate a little more closely the music of those years, since a series of musical reflections will be found in the movie ... I was fascinated and enchanted in love.

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Β  Β· Β 2 years agoΒ  Β· Β 

I love romance films like this but have not seen this one. Nice review!
I'll search for it and watch! πŸ™‚