Natural remedies that help calm Anxiety

in blurt •  2 years ago 


A person who suffers from anxiety disorder, at certain times or episodes of his life is neutralized when he wants to perform his activities. The reason for this is because anxiety is characterized by generating in people of panic, restlessness and fear.

At present, it is public knowledge that there is more than 40% of the world population suffering from this disorder. In view of this, the health sector is doing what is necessary to create medications that help reduce the symptoms generated by anxiety.

Because of this, natural medicine specialists have dedicated themselves to investigating which natural plants are indicated to help reduce anxiety levels. However, some doctors have pointed out that in certain opportunities, people with anxiety prefer to use natural medications because, when they have used drugs, side effects generated uncomfortable reactions for them.

For all the foregoing, today I will share which are the natural remedies that help calm anxiety levels and have been certified by natural health specialists.

Ashwagandha: This plant is also known as the Indian Ginseng. According to the clinical trials they have done, it contains great properties that help reduce anxiety levels in the person. By consuming a cup of tea of ​​this plant, the person's hormonal system begins to have a regulation process. Now, the ideal amount to ingest must be 250 mlg if anxiety is moderate. However, if high, consumption has to be 600 mlg.

Both quantities refer to consumption during the day and, by deciding to take the tea of ​​this plant to calm anxiety levels, it must be consumed in the form of treatment for the time that is necessary. It should be noted that, the excessive consumption of this plant is not recommended because of doing so, it can cause problems that put health at risk. The aforementioned amounts are recommended by doctors.

Chamomile: Talking about chamomile is to refer to a plant that has been used to alleviate various types of ailments and discomforts. Now, there are two types of chamomile that, over time, has been used in the world of natural medicine, these are: German and Roman chamomile.

As regards the effectiveness of chamomile tea we can emphasize that, according to clinical trials, when the person consumes it in treatment format, it reduces 93% anxiety. As a curious fact we point out that chamomile is also effective in 47% when used under the bath or vaporizer modality.

Several doctors have affirmed that people with anxiety disorder have the possibility of slight relapses if chamomile consumption do it daily. The reason for this is because, the properties contained in chamomile are very effective when reducing symptoms.

Valerian: Valerian is a plant known for the benefits obtained by people who have problems falling asleep. However, it also contains great effectiveness when treating anxiety and depression.

In a study conducted at the beginning of the year 2,000 by several scientists from the National Center for Complementary and Integral Health (NCCIH), it revealed that, the Valerian is effective to alleviate 62% anxiety levels or in its Defect, depression.

Regarding the careful consumption of this plant, it is very important to note that, if the person suffering from anxiety consumed alcohol, it is advisable not to ingest Valerian tea because the side effects that occurred, put the health of their consumer at risk.

Lavander: This plant has very powerful benefits when the nerves are calm, therefore, people suffering from anxiety disorder consume lavender tea constantly. With regard to the essential oil of this plant, we highlight that the effect of its use is in the medium term, particularity that the different consumption of tea.

The amount of daily consumption must be less than 200 mlg per day because the excess, causes tachycardia, sweating in the body and insomnia. Similarly, we must consume it interdiary because it is a substance that is not expelled from the organism.

Tila: Since 2012, this plant from Mexico is used to reduce anxiety levels. In 2018 a clinical trial revealed that its consumption has increased throughout the Latin American territory since, its potential is being recognized.

Passiflora: Passiflora tea is recommended to consume it as a complementary medicine to the treatment that is still benefiting anxiety. Similarly, it also helps reduce attacks caused by nervousness.

If you suffer from anxiety, I hope that any of these natural remedies be your liking and be encouraged to consume it. I assure you that the result will love it.

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