My beloved 💖 (Poetry)

in blurt •  2 years ago 


Come on my beloved,
Let's go across the border of day and night,
Where you say day by night,
So i smile,
Where your friendship with the sun remain intact,
And my resentment for the moon change in dew drops.

Come on my beloved,
Let's go beyond that age,
Where nothing is to change,
Flying with birds,
From dusk to dawn.

Come on my beloved,
Let's go on that perception of emotions,
Where on every growing step,
love peaks started appearing,
i hold your hand tightly.

Come on my beloved,
That bondage is now the circumference of happiness,
Turning into the arms of hope every moment,
It is moving towards you.

Come on my beloved,
Let the difference be erased,
Of union and separation,
Scattered on waiting pages,
Before the ink of love fades.

In every passing moment,
The Fleet of time loosens,
And its wings become long,
Let's tie the time today forever,
Come on my beloved...

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