Moonlight (Poetry)

in blurt •  2 years ago 


loneliness is all over the evening,
A farewell day went by,
Something is happening in the sky,
As evening came,
i miss you...

floating in the air
unknown fragrance lifts me up,
Sometimes it seems familiar,
Sometimes a story is being told,
Trying to listen to it,
And I missed you...

The moon has descended in the sky,
As if it is looking for someone in the sky,
Thinking about anyone in the moon,
I try to remember,
And I missed you...

in the smelling fizz,
I'm drifting,
someone calls softly
Calling me 'Moonlight',
like in the twinkling moonlight
Stairs have become
i try to climb
And I remembered only you...

Posted using Proof of Brain

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