Liberation... (Poetry)

in blurt •  2 years ago 


Go on my dear,
I hand over you to,
Those exhilarating winds,
Those which touch my threshold.

Become an accomplice of a speed merchant,
I hand over you to,
The roof that is soaked,
With my tears, which you ever,
You are shed in my memory.

Growing in your courtyard,
Rose flowers and you will laugh if you see,
My courtyard flowers are adorned,
In the palace of the deity,
I hand over you to,
Those poems of mine.

all over the city is like a mirror,
adorned with a rainbow,
But in which there is no color for me,
Your home is covered,
With clouds of variety.

The rain drops are changing,
In love letters,
Whose pile has lost
My first letter,
I hand over those paths to you.

missing i went some distance,
Perhaps I was looking for you,
I used to say goodbye from the window,
Which still not has a curtain,
Growing on those paths,
Everyday new rocks whose foothills,
Felt like Cactus of emotions,
I hand over you to,
The city of lights.

you have stolen the light,
From my eyes,
On the cores of the eyelids,
I hand over that feeling to you,
Who gives you a new smile every day,
I will wait for my liberation...

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