Financial disorder syndrome!

in blurt •  2 years ago 


When we see that a person spends and excessively his money without even considering savings in case of an emergency, we are talking about that in front of us is someone who suffers from financial disorder syndrome.

People who have this syndrome tend to be very vulnerable when they are in places of sales because although they do not need to make the purchase, the excessive impulse has control and in view of this, they end up buying to buy.

Now, spending money is not bad because, we always have to buy items to be able to develop in our daily lives. However, excessive expenses if they are bad since, this attitude tends to be very dangerous and if there is no limit, our finances can be seen compromising thus becoming, people dependent on compulsive spending.

The specialists of the mental health area explain that this syndrome is a behavior that develops due to the need to want to fill empty. This attitude is also unconscious and over time, it becomes destruction.

Consumer consumption

After knowing what is financial disorder syndrome, now we will make it clear that the origin of this disorder is linked to consumerism that we have daily. Highlighting what history explains we can emphasize that, during the twentieth century, consuming in excess was not well seen because for the people of that time, the habit of savings was part of their good values.

Due to the practice of savings, these people had the possibility of maintaining a stable standard of living and their goods, they were not reasons for concern because they had the possibility of acquiring a property when necessary. In other words, their economic solidity was not limited.

Things began to change when the industrialization process was responsible for supplying all merchandise establishments. People began to see so many articles and goods that, the economic system changed because mass consumerism arose. This new economy increased profits and in turn, unleashed the impulse in some people for wanting to buy what they do not need.

Thanks to mass consumerism, systems arise under the modality of credit, a situation that has also had a lot to do with the development of this disorder because, the more alternatives exist for consumption to be carried out, consumerism will be more extensive.

When advertising came into our life, consumerism had an increase without intensions to stop its impact because, people began to identify with libertar and well -being that comes to make a purchase.

Several psychoanalysts have explained that, the theory of consumption and consumerism is only beautiful in books because in practice, the opposite happens. They claim that excessive purchases are part of the dependence that the consumerist has with the market.

In view of all this, it is clear that a purchase no matter how small, has immense power over people and in turn, full of security because they feel they increase their status in society.

Effects that characterize financial disorder syndrome

Between consumerism and financial disorder syndrome there is a common factor that unites them. This characteristic is that 90% of the things that are purchased, are not necessary to acquire for it, the person who has this disorder, is called consumerist.


The feeling generated by this syndrome is the satisfactory pleasure for making purchases; Acquire is not important because these people are aware that they do not need it but, the action of spending decreases the desire to buy.

Today, due to the influence that social networks have in our society, the financial disorder syndrome every year has been increasing because, on these platforms every day advertising messages are transmitted that incite consumerism.

According to marketing and semiotics studies, social networks advertising is used by influencers. These people refer to recognized brands, styles and trends, thus inciting that their followers are attracted to the merchandise they are promoting for this reason, consumerism increases and daily, there are more people with the syndrome of financial disorder.

What is behind the appearance?

Psychologists explain that, in reality, the financial disorder syndrome has the characteristics of a smoke curtain. In their opinion, this disorder is the behavior of a person who feels unsatisfied and his way of covering that void, is making unnecessary purchases.

In this issue, it is very important to be clear about the following, people with this syndrome have dissatisfaction and loss of excessive control. The perception they handle may be related to the fact that in the past, they had many economic deprivations and as this status improved, they feel that it is the way to cover all those limitations they had in the past.

Some people with this disorder become aware of the mirage they live, and who are aware, is because they are sorrows. Those who are not prefer to live a life that in the end end up experiencing serious economic consequences because their finances are seriously affected.

To conclude it is very important to highlight that, when we correctly manage all our finances, we enjoy stable mental health. We can consume articles because it is necessary, however, in case of feeling some dissatisfaction, to prevent things from getting out of control, it is advisable to seek specialized help and thus avoid problems in the future.

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