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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurtbooster is a private bot run by Blurt Core


this will be determined by the court, you may be forced to burn your shit and buy off the market what you already sold out

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Laughable ..

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol how do you think Blurt will prosper then? Our property rights would be eroded, nobody will develop on Blurt, all infra will be gone.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He's a burn it down to warm his hands kinda guy. And incredibly desperate, resorting to vacuous and nonsensical lawsuit or regulatory oversight threats, desperate and dangerous deranged troll.

It will, remember that it is impossible to shut down the blockchain and we have many witnesses, you are just one of them.
You got a reasonable proposal from ctime. You, however, prefer the risk of losing everything
Do whatever you want.

all infra will be gone

I am sure that the image server will also end up in the right hands thanks to the court's decision.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are many witnesses but Blurt Core has access to developers at blockchain level. Ctime’s proposal was not reasonable he want’s to force his way to get a key to Core team stake so he can control the blockchain, no court will grant an order that secures centralisation in the hands of an aggressing party.

You risk EVERYONE losing everything, no one will touch this chain if it is embroiled in legal action and one of the outcomes is centralised hostile whale control. You guys (possibly all three the same person) are simply staging a coup, nothing more, nothing less.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Edit: a coup for a power grab

So, make multi signature account that needs to be signed by 100 users and transfer there fake BLURT
No one will lose anything, without fake stake community can only profit
You know that you fucked up things from the start, now prefer to fail then do something good for community

Edit. fake power

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How is that failing, every single blockchain has a stewarding foundation, judging by the DAO, it seems that there can never be a meeting of the minds between signatories, that hasn't worked out well, seems no one understands what financial support developers need, opening up the dao and only voting with one of our accounts to allow you to step up and curate development properly was a test, you failed.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No one will lose anything

With legal action EVERYONE will lose everything, all supporters of hate and defamation against me and Blurt Core will have their accounts shown up and scruitinised in court, legal battle will endure for years, future of Blurt will be uncertain, Blurt will become irrelevant as other projects overtake it due to stalled progress, your stake will be worth nothing.

Blurt Core has access to developers at blockchain level

2 guys but there is like 10 people on your pay list, they are getting 100's of thousands BLURT. For what?


I believe in Blurt too. Why I'm not getting 25000 BLURT monthly from your alt account?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually, I think the real crime is that we are only able to pay some 25K BP ($125 per month!!!) I'm pretty sure that is way below minimum wage, but all the blockchain can afford this moment, that's why we consider our team partially compensated volunteers, this goes to show you don't understand basic staffing requirements and costs to run a team or project, Steemit used to run on a budget of something like 300K USD per month.