RE: Blurtbooster

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in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

Even though in our last interaction you were seriously rude to me I will respond to you.

Blurtbooster doesn’t vote based on genre or topic, it doesn’t favour specific people as manual creators would, instead it takes a holistic view of the social profile of the author based on multiple metrics such as comment engagement, number of follows and followers etc then at post level there is word and image count.

You mention Blurtbooster causes inflation of 67k per week, let me clarify how the reward pool works, Blurtbooster cant add to the daily/weekly rewards, the only thing that increases the reward pool payout is powerups, the chain was modified to output more rewards as the total powered up stake increases.

Blurtbooster can only help distribute the daily reward pool allowance, not add to it.

Lastly it’s curious how Blurtbooster’s vote value is like 30 Blurt on most of your screenshots and in thr same screenshots almost all have ctimes vote at 700 Blurt on a single post and you don’t seem to have an issue with that? So is this ctime propaganda?

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh this is 100% ctime and his gang propaganda !
@elkezaksek ruined it for them , not possible for her to hold her vicious poison
..all is very clear ... dont even pay attention , war , is their thing , their joy ...
And they find another traitor to feed their filthy roots
Damn and i saw one of my vote 100% in there .. i might have been sleepy .

Posted from

multiple metrics such as comment engagement, number of follows and followers etc then at post level there is word and image count.

⬆️These are good vectors... We had this discussion today in the witness chat and @saboin had some good additional proposals to optimize the Booster....

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Same reply as to worldtravel

Aren't you one of those who claim that this 40M belongs to megadrive? Why would you suggest to someone what they should do with their BP? He might not like it, and then what?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is not @megadrive is the foundation ..
40 M is a problem for you ? Because your gang has not piled up enough yet to get to this amount ... barely 10% of all created coin .

You like my avatar ?

Posted from

Do you mean the Blurtpower stake of 'Blurtbooster'?

When you talk of 'powerups do you mean our powerup amount or the total on blurt? If it's each personal users power it sounds like this would be a kind of 'interest' payment but tied to contribution too? Is that correct or way off the mark?
Or is it more like a social credit system as Drutter suspects? Are we testing out the social credit system here?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Total liquid vs powered up amount. And certainly no social credit system like China, Blurtbooster tries to discern proof of human vs bot/farm account based on social interactions or lack thereof.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are your answers .... as clear as day


Posted from

That can’t be true because of Opidia gets a full vote on every single post and she has increadibly low up votes, comments and engagement. On the other hand someone like me who has a lot of engagement gets zero votes from blurtbooster.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No problem with lying yet again. Liars gonna lie.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A full vote would be 100%, I just checked she gets 9%, she has been studying blurtbooster vote patterns and tweaking her post/profile accordingly, she’s done the homework to optimise the votes she gets.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What by copying and posting the exact same post every day LOL? If anything that should trigger spam. Well TravelPro has a lot invested in the site and Writes a nice long post and gets like 1% from blurtbooster. I really actually don’t care that much it’s the principle.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The principle, says the despicable liar who lied all through this post, claiming its opedia, claiming she gets full votes on all her posts, and now saying she doesn't care that much, its a matter of principle, which if true, means you rate principles as Meh. If false, it means you lying is a principle, and that's the extent of principles for you, a deranged walking lying contradiction.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurtbooster doesn’t evaluate the content itself, it relies on metrics it can measure, it filters out most spam accounts this way the rest has to be manually adjusted.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Well somebody has either given her the account to manage or is totally allowing this to happen and turning a blind eye because it is actually spam to just paste the same thing over and over again every single day with a different meme taken from the Internet most likely. I really don’t care because I get decent up votes and have good support but how do you think somebody feels that doesn’t and is watching somebody just completely spam blurt and get high up votes from a blurt official curation bot while they get 40 c for genuine content. I mean this is literally the definition of spamming and it’s getting the biggest support from an official blurt blog curation account. It defo needs to filter out spamming accounts.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I find your reasoning inconclusive. Why do you care when you say you don't care because you yourself see your content well supported? You take the argument that you care about the less popular and weak in a system, but that is not reflected in how you perform here. You are interested in politics and want to participate in it. So far so good. Then stand up for it.

But don't pretend that you want to give the poor or disadvantaged a piece of the big pie if you can't be seen in it with your own deeds. Then why don't you go around, actively, intensively, continuously and for all to see, looking for little commented or voted blog posts and award your votes or write feedback in the comments? On the whole, you can be seen on the big and much discussed topics and posts.
If you were really interested in something different, why don't you start a community project that promotes the unknown or underrated blogs? Why do you expect others to do this work for you when you could just as easily do it yourself? The big guys here seem to be much more concerned with defending themselves against attacks, hostile takeovers, etc. than with curating or setting up specialist or hobby groups. They simply don't have the time to take care of everything.

If you are annoyed by an Opidia, go and talk TO her instead of ABOUT her. Deal with her personally, make the effort and debate with her and tell her that her content sucks. Then see how far you get with that. It could be said about you as well that you have your proteges and mentors, how is that any different from her? Just because you say some are from management and others are "just" users? Since when is someone just a user when they hold millions of stakes and can very well have a big impact on the life or survival of the blockchain?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

It was someone else that suggested it going to new accounts not me and I agreed momentarily but then said maybe it won’t work though as everyone will just start loads of new accounts etc
I think if it was actually my choice I would have it as more of a fund to help people who are putting time into either promoting blurt, people who do meetups, people who make engaging posts but that probably takes time and someone to manage so maybe everyone should just get a tiny percentage. I like fairness. I don’t like to see one person spamming the same message every day and getting the highest vote I’ve seen from it every day no.

Personally I don’t always have time to go searching for smaller content especially as my vote is 3 c so makes zero difference to them anyways, I would do it more if it was like a dollar or something, but when I have days with more time I defo do go and look for it a bit, it is easy to get in a rut with going down your own feed tho or the top of trending for sure. But a bot for the platform is supposed to be a bit more fair, I see that more like a government fund, that is supposed to have everyone’s needs in mind.

There is no discussion with opidia she came along and commented on my post so she opened up engagement. I don’t agree with how she uses the platform and she already knows this. She’s not going to change nor does she have to cause she’s free to use it how she wants. She has the right to spam the same post every day and self upvote and I get the right to say I think that’s the lowest use of the platform and others can disagree with me and say she’s adding value by adding money. Everyone has free right to have their own thoughts. But I definitely do not believe she should be getting higher bot payouts than people really spending time here or people who need it more. Either or. I would rather the witnesses get even who are putting time in and don’t get much £ for it atm. Or give it to developers.

I did wrongly assume she might have been involved in programming it cause she seemed to get such high votes and the people she doesn’t like got none lol but I think it might have been coincidence I’ll admit when I am wrong.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Personally I don’t always have time to go searching for smaller content especially as my vote is 3 c so makes zero difference to them anyways, I would do it more if it was like a dollar or something, but when I have days with more time I defo do go and look for it a bit

...That's why others should "be a bit fairer" than you are? Because you "don't have time" and because your vote "isn't worth anything"? That is shallow and shows how little you really care about the "little ones" and "newbies" and "disadvantaged". If you cared, the value of your upvote would not be a reason to abstain.
You don't seem to be able to use your high profile status to support all these underpaid bloggers by actively re-blogging them, making engaging comments in a positive way to motivate all these here. You throw around assumptions and then when they turn out to be wrong, you just laugh? And just jump away with a light heart? Hahaha? I come to the conclusion that for the moment there is no point in talking to you further about this issue.
I tell you that this attitude of "Oh darling, I didn't mean it that way and in reality it's not as serious as it might sound" is not a good idea.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But I definitely do not believe she should be getting higher bot payouts than people really spending time here or people who need it more. Either or. I would rather the witnesses get even who are putting time in and don’t get much £ for it atm. Or give it to developers.

Whether you would rather someone else (not you) get rewarded for their efforts or not is not your business after all, it is the business of those who feel underpaid or under-rewarded. If they want more, then they go to those who can give them more and offer themselves, make suggestions or do it indirectly by simply posting their content. Both is possible. But the reverse is true: "Standing up for others" is only possible if you select those who, in your eyes, deliver good content or do their work in the backends and frontends and you trust them and support them by vote. But you don't actively support anyone when you express an opinion, when you speak out against so-called content that you consider to be spam, because that makes you look envious. It seems to go against the grain for you, so create a police force here, like they did on Hive, to punish and downvote spam content and ask the big guys (founders or whales) to fund you because you have work to do tracking down and calling attention to such spam content or advocate for the introduction of a downvote button. That's how it was designed there "against each other". You noticed that and left. Maybe you wouldn't find it as bad as you always say? Maybe you were just pissed off not to be on the wanted side of things that time, but on the unwanted side?
You said in our past conversations you don't mind majority voting, so try to get a majority here to stop so-called spammers getting upvotes from the community (big and small voters). Have fun with this task.

I would like to state one thing about this topic: You can't agree on quality. It is impossible. Can you accept that or not? If you continue to think there is something like a consensus on the quality of individual blog posts, you won't be happy anywhere, neither on Steemit, nor Hive, nor here. Some people like the easy consumption of meme-postings, I personally know one on hive (antisocialist) who also does it on regular basis. I befriended myself with him and I found his memes quite votable (when I was still active there and remembered visiting his blog).

I post my own stuff and engage properly with other people on the site. People might hate it that’s ok, some ppl might think my content or comments are total shit and that’s ok but they can’t call it spam. Spamming is just sharing the same thing over and over again. It isn’t about personal taste it’s something universally accepted as adding no value. Sharing something others like or hate is preference. If it was just posts I didn’t like it wouldn’t be the same issue as actual spam, that would just be preference.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So principle, as long as you're benefitting it bothers you none. BTW, keep lying:

somebody has either given her the account to manage or is totally allowing this to happen and turning a blind eye

I genuinely assumed it must be her managing it. If it’s just that people haven’t noticed she’s doing that then my apologies but I hope it will be fixed quickly because that’s an awful thing for people that are struggling to get upvotes here to see.

Posted from

Sarah you kind of assume everything and end up with the wrong idea. Blurtbooster is a bot and no human manages it.

You kind of make yourself look like a fool everytime by assuming things. Sorry but I had to say this. Your obsession with Opidia is not healthy and you kind of see her everywhere.

Blurtbooster is a bot that is run by the team and no one looks at the posts or the topics.

There are parameters that are checked by Blurtbooster and it votes every post.

It excludes users who are in COAL list.

You assume that users are not getting votes but that's not the responsibility of the Blurt team. The team can give one random vote to a user and can't give them 100 votes from hundred accounts.

Users need to make friends, comment, write engaging content and interact with others to gain attention.

Users can't just write one post and vanish only to return a few days later to write another post.

And the bot is a work in progress. It takes time and experimentation to perfect a bot but there will never be a perfect bot.

There are tens of curation accounts and they are doing their best to help users.

Curation must be a community effort.

Posted from

I agree with you a little on the new accounts I also said that above when someone suggested it that actually that’s kind of flawed cause as nice as it sounds ppl can just set up 100 accounts etc. It seems if people can find a way to manipulate a system they always will. 😅

Posted from

I haven’t mentioned Opedia for months so not obsessed but not right that someone literally spamming is the only one that seems to be getting good upvotes from this blurt bot. I don’t care myself happy to not take it and give it to newbies and people who rly need it, defo not to someone spamming tho. I may be wrong that she isn’t controlling it, it just seemed very dodgy but someone is turning a blind eye that’s for sure.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Which account are you referring to, I don’t keep an eye on individual account happenings I focus on Blurt at a macro level.

The opidia account is getting one of the highest upvotes from blurt booster when all it does is repost the exact same text with a new image every day and self upvote. I know we don’t have an issue with self upvoting here but I don’t think these are th types of accounts deserving of some extra boosting lol. I did wrongly assume she must have had some kind of access to it due to getting such high upvotes and the people she doesn’t like getting none and her making a comment about that but I think from talking to Imran it was just coincidence so happy to accept being wrong on that and jumping to the wrong conclusion. But it definitely needs a little rewiring.

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Ctime is a user though from what I understand blurtbooster is actually something to do with blurt it shouldn’t discriminate because we get a users upvotes,.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Blurtbooster is a private bot run by Blurt Core


this will be determined by the court, you may be forced to burn your shit and buy off the market what you already sold out

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Laughable ..

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol how do you think Blurt will prosper then? Our property rights would be eroded, nobody will develop on Blurt, all infra will be gone.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He's a burn it down to warm his hands kinda guy. And incredibly desperate, resorting to vacuous and nonsensical lawsuit or regulatory oversight threats, desperate and dangerous deranged troll.

It will, remember that it is impossible to shut down the blockchain and we have many witnesses, you are just one of them.
You got a reasonable proposal from ctime. You, however, prefer the risk of losing everything
Do whatever you want.

all infra will be gone

I am sure that the image server will also end up in the right hands thanks to the court's decision.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are many witnesses but Blurt Core has access to developers at blockchain level. Ctime’s proposal was not reasonable he want’s to force his way to get a key to Core team stake so he can control the blockchain, no court will grant an order that secures centralisation in the hands of an aggressing party.

You risk EVERYONE losing everything, no one will touch this chain if it is embroiled in legal action and one of the outcomes is centralised hostile whale control. You guys (possibly all three the same person) are simply staging a coup, nothing more, nothing less.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Edit: a coup for a power grab

So, make multi signature account that needs to be signed by 100 users and transfer there fake BLURT
No one will lose anything, without fake stake community can only profit
You know that you fucked up things from the start, now prefer to fail then do something good for community

Edit. fake power

Posted from

Blurt Core has access to developers at blockchain level

2 guys but there is like 10 people on your pay list, they are getting 100's of thousands BLURT. For what?


I believe in Blurt too. Why I'm not getting 25000 BLURT monthly from your alt account?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Actually, I think the real crime is that we are only able to pay some 25K BP ($125 per month!!!) I'm pretty sure that is way below minimum wage, but all the blockchain can afford this moment, that's why we consider our team partially compensated volunteers, this goes to show you don't understand basic staffing requirements and costs to run a team or project, Steemit used to run on a budget of something like 300K USD per month.