1,500 BLURT with YOUR name on it up for grabs tomorrow

in blurt •  2 years ago 

I've got a cool little 1,500 liquid blurt sat in my wallet especially for the winners of this quiz this week. This is with huge thanks to @drutter @ajerkoff @tekraze @outofthematrix @frankbacon and myself who have all stumped up some prize money to make this the BIGGEST prize yet!

This week I have been quite busy and away from telegram so it is probably the least promotion I have done for the quiz since it got started, but you know how it works sometimes when you let go of the reigns it allows for things to fall into place and I couldn't believe it when I logged in today to find out so many people from the community had offered such generous donations. It has warmed my heart so much and reminds me how much I love this community. I know we have our little disagreements at times but never have I felt so much love and support from an online community as I have here! Thankyou yet again for coming together to make this amazing.

So this week it will be a pretty long meeting because this Saturday we will be doing a blurtcast over in telegram group @3 pm UTC Saturday. This will be a chat with the witnesses so we can hear a little bit more about how to vote, what it means to vote and what being a witness involves.

The who wants to be a blurtinaire and blurt it out will be @5 pm UTC on Saturday over on the Discord channel:

Now I have to go off and write the questions! After the quiz we will also have our blurt it out section, if you want to prepare for this you can work on a little monologue about blurt or you can rewrite some lyrics to your favourite song and make them about blurt or even write a poem. Anything you want it's a free 2/3 minutes to say whatever you want to about blurt.

See you tomorrow !! <3


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AWESOME JOB! Dont forget #blurtradio tag .. Look forward to seeing how many turn out tommorrow . I am sure it is gonna be amaxing! #LetsGrowBlurt

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Superb, hope you all have a lot of fun.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm late!