Volatility Can Be Your Friend in Trading

in blurt •  2 years ago 


Volatility in Stocks or in any trading can be a wild horse to ride. It can be a dangerous ride in which you can literally lose your home or more.

But if you have the courage and if you play it correctly, you can make good profits from a volatile market.

This brings me to the subject so favoured by many, the Blurt price.

Only the other day @outofthematrix showed graphs exposing the leaps up and downs on the Blurt price which continually bounces between the low twenties and the high teens. (note, do not put in silly prices, you will wait a long time for them to be filled - try for 10-15% gain)

With the nerve and the funds you can make money from this. It requires patience, which is not often found in a crypto trader but a skill worth practising.

Send some BTC to Ionomy, and put a buy order in for 17 or 18 sats. The more adventurous may go lower.

If you have some Blurt already, put a sell order in for 22 or 23 sats.

Now wait.

If you wait long enough one of them will get filled. Ideally both. Now rinse and repeat. If you are not used to this strategy sometimes it is best if you concentrate on one side at a time. For example, just put in a low buy. Once it fills. Put in a moderately high sell. Once it fills put in a low buy and so on.

All you need to do is wait for your buys and sells to fill and soon you could have hopefully far more than you began with.

There is risk. That is the market could swing hugely in either direction and you could lose money, in Blurt's case for the moment, there isn't much lower to go and the upside is literally limitless.

A note to all and one that I have seen on many forums. Trade at your own risk. Do your own research.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That’s how it’s done. Day in and Day out. Buy super cheap, and sell high.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

The waiting game. It's not easy but if you can wait you're good 👍

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Thanks for this awesome insight mate! 📈📉💰

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Cheers mate. Soon to the top we go!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

there isn't much lower to go and the upside is literally limitless.

That line stood out.

This is exactly what Blurt needs, and I'm glad you are providing it.

I'm talking about some common sense positivity.

You are quickly making a splash here on Blurt and I couldn't be happier about it.

Well done!

Thank you my friend. I am bowled over by the response I have received. I thank you again for being supportive of my beginnings here. We can make this take off!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ditto 🥓

Community 🤬

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I fully understand the system of buying and selling cryptocurrencies. I was away from this to pursue other matters, while I found the time to go back to speculating on the price.

With Blurt I have not done it yet because I think that any purchase or sale of this currency will affect its price in the market because it does not have much movement, however, you are correct that patience plays an essential role in taking profits.

Those who invest in the market to make quick profits because they need to buy food will inevitably lose their money in the short or long term, so you can only risk the money you are willing to lose.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Blurt is easily moved by transactions. I think if a few more people day traded it it would help with the daily volume at least and give more standing to the token

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

It is a pleasure for us to share our best wishes and congratulations. You have been given a virtual hug by the curation account @newvisionlife and manually curation by @OneRay.
You can also use our hashtag #newvisionlife


Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
También puedes utilizar nuestra etiqueta #newvisionlife

Thank you friends!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They said BLURT can't go much lower at 3 cents. Then again at 1 cent, and at half a cent.
Truth is, BLURT can lose 90% of its value from this point.
And then, it can lose another 90%.
Then another, and another, and another. And it will STILL have just as far to fall as it did at the start.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I never said any of these things. Don't think in cents/dollars. Think satoshis. When bitcoin rises again satoshis will count more.

If it loses 90 plus % now it would be nearing 1 or 2 satoshis (based on its true value of around 16/17 satoshis which is the value if you ignore these almost artificial mini pumps). It cannot then lose another 90% as as far as I am aware we don't have fractional satoshis.

It can lose value from now. I won't say it can't but there aren't a lot of satoshis left to lose is what I am saying.

I will continue to buy on the way down. There isn't a lot of down left and there is a lot of up.

Positive thinking.

Ps. I am still not a thief as you claimed.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Positive thinking is fine, but when it's illogical positive thinking, it's doing you no good.

BLURT can lose 90% and then another 90% and so on, forever. The argument "but priced in Satoshi's it can't go below 1" is ridiculous. It can absolutely go below 1 Sat. For example, it can go to 0.9 Sat, or 0.1 Sat, or 0.01 Sat, etc. A price of 0.01 Sat per BLURT is the same as 100 BLURT per Sat. This is the same kind of magical thinking we saw when Bitcoin was $30, and people said "it can't go above the price of an ounce of silver". Completely illogical, and when it comes to investing, dangerous.

I am not "thinking in cents / dollars". In fact I'm talking about the opposite of nominal amounts, I'm talking percentage losses.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I think you aren't thinking beyond the experience of what has made you so bitter.

You accused me of theft. Now you say I am illogical.

Your life won't change until you change.

I bid you good day.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I don't understand what is going on here......@drutter is a well liked and respected content creator, seems to get along with just about everyone. He's a straight shooter in regards to how he sees things and I respect that about him very much. But this back and forth is heavily negative from his side...I don't understand what he is trying to accomplish here; and frankly I'm affraid to click post on this comment as I enjoy my friendship with him and I really don't want to jeopardize it.

I think anyone cheer-leading and buying blurt should be applauded, encouraging others to do the same. People make financial decisions and investments based on many different factors including emotion, and to push out a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt especially to someone so enthusiastically building a position here. It seems very much like you are actually encouraging him and others to do the opposite. Don't buy...the price could go down 99% from here! Lets get that up trending? Honestly I really don't understand the point of this type of rhetoric.

During my life, if I pour positive thinking and energy into anything, I've gotten good results. When I've poured negative thinking and negative energy into anything, I've gotten poor results. So far, as I've watched the blurt market go up and down for months and I have notice that the price seems to follow the vibe, not so much the other way around.

This again is why I started a witness just a month ago. To help facilitate a positive vibe here, and I'm sure it helps facilitate a positive price as well. My friend at @drutter and my new friend @thegolemseye....how cool would it be to feel good about each other and understand each other, and appreciate what each one brings to the party here. Maybe we need to have another look at one of my best posts about what gives Blurt such huge potential and why we are all here together in the first place. Hope this message is well received by all.


I am more than happy to work together for the greater good. It is inevitable in any gathering that there be friction. This is not something I wish.

I wish, as an investor, to see blurt succeed. I genuinely believe that the price will appreciate over time. I would not have bought any otherwise.

I bear drutter no ill will, I suspect my shorter posts grate on him and that is his right to dislike them. I have no axe to grind here.

I will read this post you have linked. I can tell from the title that I am going to appreciate it 👍👍

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com