RE: Why is world-travel-pro not on the coal list?

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Why is world-travel-pro not on the coal list?

in blurt •  8 months ago 

Here is his public defense of his slander and plagiarism.

Furthermore, the same thing has been posted on steemit, up voted, and nobody cares.

Give me a reason...and Travel Pro makes steemit his new home. That includes almost a million blurt dumped on the market at a time of my choosing...and I promote steemit anywhere and everywhere I feel like.

Notice the not so veiled threat to bury the value of the token if held to account for his actions.

Then he takes you to task for even entertaining the overwhelming proof I provided, because

You believe and take orders from a financially ruined divrocee in poor health....who wastes his time with this nonsense?

This guy wants to ensure Blurt is as invisible as possible and has the most boring, bland, stand for nothing future..... Fix this now or I ll ensure Blurt goes nowhere and remains invisible and broke.....period.

As an observation, we can well do without him making us visible due to slander and plagiarism. I'm not sure what the personal attack on my character and health have to do with the many undeniable facts I offered. He is hurting us badly with his wild accusations that everyone who isn't behind him is some part of a Satanic pedophile group.

If it s been done....Remove me from the coal list now and put me back on the white list before I log in and do it myself.

Here he claims he is more powerful here than you and if you seek to punish him he will log in and undo your changes.

Next he is claiming his absurd accusations is journalism and pretends he offered anything more than speculation. And for the record, all he offers is his own insane speculations, there is no proof.

In the next comment piece I quote, he sorta kinda maybe admits he is doing this, but because there isn't a centralized body of enforcement coupled with his current locality of being in Egypt gives him a pass to be a slanderous plagiarizer.

Furthermore....allow for this prove which if any of the 200+ international governing bodies have jurisdiction over such accusations on this non physsical non local block chain. Because currently Im traveling through Egypt and Practicalthought can go fuck himself as far as Im concerned....and this entire blockchain....depending on what happens next.

In the next quote, he is back to attacking me again as though that excuses his pathetic criminal behaviour.

Practical thought is not an authority on anything. Nor should he be, as he s promoted himself to be a total loser and failure in life as he looks for sympathy from strangers on social media.... a real loser thing to do.

In the next comments he makes, he tells me to go be a pedophile with Meesterboom and that I'm a shill for Hive.

Go eat some cheese pizza with Meester Boom. You piece of shit.


So to summarize his defense, I'm a loser so that makes the facts no longer relevant because he is much more special than the facts because I'm the one who presents them.

It is ok to plagiarize because in his warped mind, the absurd post he wrote imagining this vast satanic group on Hive was proven although there was no proof, just loosely tied together speculation from an angry mind.

Even if it is wrong and slanderous plagiarism, there is no governing body to hold him accountable, and even so, he is in Egypt so fuck everyone.

And in conclusion of his defense, he will punish this chain and token value if anyone dares to hold him to the standards set for the community.

I submit now that he is losing it in his defense that this is no defense and a tacit admission that he sees nothing wrong in his behavior. He will not be deleting his theft of their work, and everyone better move on or he will do his best to wreck the chain.

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Yes, the purpose of this post was to point out how your obsession demonstrated a lack of equal treatment for members here, as well as possible criminal implications and exposure to lawsuits those running a front end expose themselves with by knowing you are doing this and supporting it.

This post and the official response prove that they are aware, so I do hope for their sake since you are slandering so much they will be able to mitigate holding the bag for you since you as you put it are untouchable as a nomad currently in Egypt.

I laughed a lot however at your immediate move to ad hominem in response to this. You are quite predictable. Especially when you made your threats against the entire chain if anyone dared hold you to standards, hah hah.

You are such a good witness (sarcasm, hah hah)

I had to laugh at a comment you got over at Hive on the low effort crap you are mostly doing now.

Is this Blurt quality in action?

I do have thanks for you though. I haven't been to Hive in years, my last time to try separating your delusional nonsense from Blurt with nonames. I forgot how many interesting folks post interesting blogs there. :)