RE: Why is world-travel-pro not on the coal list?

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Why is world-travel-pro not on the coal list?

in blurt •  3 months ago 

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

He has been removed from the Blurtbooster whitelist, and your post has been shared with the @blurtwardens team.

Is the pass based on the amount invested?

It seems to be the case.

This was the reply from one of the @blurtwardens members:

I think that since he is actively serving in many channels here, we should give him the benefit of the doubt to defend himself or rather take corrections just like we do warn other members to desist from wrong acts before adding them to COAL.

Secondly, I remember when he made a post some years ago about investing (guessing) about $10000 on blurt... So I consider him an investor with us and thus should be allowed to talk about his involvement in the points levied against him by practicalthought.

He didn't start his shenanigans today, we all know that sometimes he attacks witnesses too.

However, being a witness is a sacrifice whether the person is in the top 20 or not. So I think we shouldn't just add a witness to COAL without hearing from him or rather giving him a strong warning.

Finally, I think the @blurtwardens account should be used to comment on practicalthought's post to alert him that his voice is heard and we are looking into the matter.

This will [let him know] that all man is treated equally on blurt and that we are not in support of WTP's alleged malpractices. Then we proceed to alert WTP on the blurtbooster admin channel or open witness channel to defend himself.
His defense, I believe will play a big role in our final decisions on the matter here.

We'll wait until more members have voiced their opinions, and something will be done once we come to an agreement.

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Thank you for your honest explanation. There really isn't a defense for what he does, and I could have listed so many (more) links to him doing this behavior. I respect however that he will be allowed to explain and or admit it isn't correct and modify his slanderous plagiarizing behavior.

You said

I think that since he is actively serving in many channels here, we should give him the benefit of the doubt to defend himself or rather take corrections just like we do warn other members to desist from wrong acts before adding them to COAL.

I would hope that if he takes the door that is a second chance it will include his deleting the many instances here over the years of using their property from his blog here to disparage them.

This will [let him know] that all man is treated equally on blurt and that we are not in support of WTP's alleged malpractices.

I would say that the links I provided took this from the realm of alleged as they are his actions on display for all to see. I'm heartened that you are open to all being treated equally. Thank you.

Go eat some cheese pizza with Meester Boom. You piece of shit.

I got a real chuckle when I was reading the comment section of your meltdown everyone is with satan post when Markymark mentioned you were begging him to keep voting for you when they first stopped supporting your regurgitation of posts.

Given your actions and mindset, we can all know for sure if Marky had been open to voting again for you and stopped the anger over your reposts you would still be there right now singing praises of those who are (according to your warped mind) Satans minions.

You need help. I do believe we have found the narcissist. Interesting you believe you are above rules that others are punished daily here for, and without shame you threaten and insult.

As a side note, I'd never read anything from Meesterboom until you mentioned your crazy crap and began stealing his work. I owe you thanks for that. He is actually a talented writer, something I wish we had more of here at Blurt. :)

7 + million Blurt Power and 130 witness votes says I'm right and you're wrong. So go choke on a hotdog with your buddies.

This is how fucked up you are......

Let's attack travel pro for plagiarism!

Ignore the evidence of human trafficking and pedophilia!

There is a special place in hell for people like you.

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

let's start calling all those accounts that support you to find out if they really want to be associated with a content thief.

I noticed that the person whose account I screenshotted with the warning for PLG has now had that warning taken off.

In scrolling the Hot list, I don't see any accounts now with that warning. I assume then the solution was to treat all equally by getting rid of the coal function.

That solves the part I was complaining about as far as the treatment of members being different.

It did not solve a larger issue, which I detailed to MK here.

Oh well, not my monkeys, not my circus.

I did my part, and now folks will travel the path they deserve. :)

Frankly you've got to be out of your mind to trust a Satanist who fantasizes about Jeffrey Dhamar type homicides. Image Credit: @nonamesleftotuse

this is not plagiarism, see credit note

Dan, I 'll make sure you are in top 20

blurtbooster is not my stake, but I personally think that anyone who has accumulated, for example, 100K Blurt Power should receive these votes automatically, without any requests to be added to whitelist

Thank you. So glad all this has come to the surface. You can really see the Hive Schill Ratfucks clear as day now.

I'll be talking to some investors I know about accumulating a shit tone of Blurt at these low prices and taking over the chain in a Justin Sun type way.

With you, CTIME, and other big money....the scales will be tipped....and the potential of this blockchain can finally be unleashed.

It's obvious this place is being controlled by people who have a serious conflict of interest.

If you go to the link that inspired this, his post the other day, he gives no attribution to MeesterBoom. That is plagiarism.

And let's be clear.

He is also violating copyright law and doing so to commit slander against those he is stealing the work from. Made even more punishable by the fact he is monetizing their work they have told him to stop using.

Now while it might be super giggly for some of you that he is untouchable as a nomad currently in Egypt as he boasts, the one front end we have is not so untouchable.

In their TOS they admit they move all data to the U.S. and that the host is Godaddy out of Az.

Given the recent ridiculous judgment against Alex Jones, it isn't farfetched to see an outcome here where the foundation ends up holding the financial liability if he stirs them up to the scorched earth place it can.

Given that the owners of the front end are aware he is doing this and allowing it, I do hope if it comes down to legal action against a culpable entity (Foundation) you will be prepared to step forward and offer the new front end. Or as I mentioned to you weeks ago, kiss Blurt goodbye.

I know you are not a fan of many at Hive, but I respect you're smart enough to see this for what it is, and not allow your anger/disgust with them to override common sense.

  ·  3 months ago  ·   (edited)

Moving to a US server was a very smart move. Now the owner of is protected by US law. If the owner of gets a "take down notice" then he will block the post at the level and that's it. If meesterboom doesn't like criticism then he shouldn't post anything or he should buy DMCA content protection service

You're just being obtuse now, hah hah. This is much bigger than the double standard I pointed out and has now been rectified. Which I outlined in the comment you responded to.

I'm guessing that since both of you were chased out of Hive any way to strike back now is ok in your book.

I wasn't chased off so I don't have to contend with those emotions, although for the record I have better self control than that even had I been chased from there.

I left quietly like an adult.

As I told another on this post, not my monkeys, not my circus. I made my profit from here when I left some time ago. I'm only briefly talking now as I saw some of you talking about trying to bring Blurt to the next level, and I would wish that for Jacob despite his focusing elsewhere now. He and several good folks that are here.

Back to the sidelines it is. :)

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Hitler stuck his penis in all Poles


  ·  3 months ago  ·   (edited)

Furthermore, the same thing has been posted on steemit, up voted, and nobody cares.

Give me a reason...and Travel Pro makes steemit his new home. That includes almost a million blurt dumped on the market at a time of my choosing...and I promote steemit anywhere and everywhere I feel like.

Go ahead and dump your million Blurt. You'll be lucky to get .001 (and I mean lucky since 60.00 on trades makes the value of my wallet half).

That math means maybe 1000.00 for your million Blurt. And that is an optimistic maybe.

You'll show us the error of holding you to the standards others here are subjected to, even if it costs you most of your investment.

  ·  3 months ago  ·   (edited)

You believe and take orders from a financially ruined divrocee in poor health....who wastes his time with this nonsense?

And remove someome very liked, influencial, very successful on many fronts?... Including building and selling another very successful business in my short time...taking a break from Blurt recently.

This guy wants to ensure Blurt is as invisible as possible and has the most boring, bland, stand for nothing future..... Fix this now or I ll ensure Blurt goes nowhere and remains invisible and broke.....period.

  ·  3 months ago  ·   (edited)

If it s been done....Remove me from the coal list now and put me back on the white list before I log in and do it myself.

There is no plagerism when articles are used in this manner, proving factual points in a news like manner.

Furthermore....allow for this prove which if any of the 200+ international governing bodies have jurisdiction over such accusations on this non physsical non local block chain. Because currently Im traveling through Egypt and Practicalthought can go fuck himself as far as Im concerned....and this entire blockchain....depending on what happens next.

Practical thought is not an authority on anything. Nor should he be, as he s promoted himself to be a total loser and failure in life as he looks for sympathy from strangers on social media.... a real loser thing to do.

Crorection...I invested 20,000 USD of my own money.

Investor who has spent large sums of money to buy BLURT, who is trying to promote BLURT, should receive blurtbooster votes no matter what he writes.

In my opinion, your account should remain inactive, as it has been inactive for the past two years. If you really want to do something good for Blurt, then make sure that people like WPT (with a large amount of Blurt Power) get blurtbooster votes automatically, without asking to be added to whitelist

  ·  3 months ago  ·   (edited)

Thank you so much for the support and the common sense, cause practical thought only slants things as a Hive Schill would. Let it be known, even @steemchiller congratulated me on my expose saying it was the most accurate bit of information he's seen on this group.....that is coming from one of the oldest top insiders there is on these three blockchains.

Also let it be known that all the support I get is 99% because people agree with my expose. Countless people have congratulated me publicly and privately....all the up-votes, all the money that left hive and came to Blurt or elsewhere. The price of Hive, witness votes, my general popularity.......

That is the silent majority agreeing with me whole heartedly, that Hive is corrupt in the very worst of ways, and now more people get to see it....Thank you Practical Retard!

Furthermore......I would happily happily lay on the super lame sword of plagiarism to expose child murdering, adrenechrome harvesting, human trafficking, and satanic pedophiles. While these rotten freaks sell their soul to cover it up, like accounts titled Troll 666 and Practical Retard.

Finally a note to MK:
Our understanding of this platform and vision for the future is more in alignment than ever. My apologies for not seeing clearer, sooner as I used my influence in maybe not the best way regarding a certain matter a little over a year ago.

Further more.....I'd love to see Blurt be a place where David Icke like content has a home to get paid....because that is what the people want. That is what will make Blurt special. That is what will make Blurt successful. (You can get travel photos, and cute cat videos anywhere and who cares.)

Thank you again for your support and all that you do to give life to this blockchain because there clearly are forces at work that wish for this place to fail and go away.

Keep up the excellent work and I will too.

Have you guys tried promoting blurt over on rumble? I think it’s just a waste of time on hive everyone that’s bothered about the corruption there has left already, those that are pretending to look the other way always will now I think. It’s kind of dying off anyways and close to sinking below steemit at this point. Rumble on the other hand is doing pretty well I believe? and maybe those who want to make posts along side their videos might enjoy a home here. Imo it would be better to hit rumble and pay a medium content creator there to make written posts here and give them a good monthly wage to post on blurt and bring some mates over than keep focusing on a tiny audience over on hive who would have already come over if they wanted to. I think rumble did it right rly they paid a few good creators a wage to be on rumble and it bought others over. Blurt would do good to emulate them and get someone over with some influence, who could actually shift things, which is blurts real only chance, that or getting on a good exchange.

WTP: MK Ctime and Khrom are building up Blurt … They are buying up all the cheap Blurt. Just watch the action on Hive-Engine….. I am also buying Blurt.

I don’t get this copyright thing, I’m pretty sure your allowed to use other peoples art and videos if you talk about it and dissect it, versus share it with none of your own thoughts added to it, claiming it’s your own. Lots of blogs have my photography on over the years with someone discussing various points about my work or even just putting collections together. You can use other people’s videos on YouTube too as long as you’re reviewing them and adding your own points. Half of YouTube these days is reviewing other videos and sharing chunks from them. As to what is being said, it’s better to go with ‘in my opinion’ or ‘imo’ then in USA you’re covered by free speech. It’s better to just leave out absolutes as much as possible.

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