Alex Short Story - But ....

in blurt •  2 years ago 

But as he walked, the hallway became longer and longer and he never made it to the door, not knowing what was happening, he just kept walking, but after a moment he realized that something was wrong, and he stopped, only to realize that everything around him was spinning and he had to hold on to keep from falling.

Everything became confusing and suddenly, he could not hold himself anymore and Alex fell to the floor without being able to avoid it, some time later, he woke up in his bed and felt relieved to know that it was a strange dream, one of those he used to have, however, he saw through the crack of the door a small light that hit him in the face, and got up to see where that light came from, when he opened the door he realized that the entrance was open again and felt a little afraid of going through the same thing again.

He took one step at a time to get to the door, this time without difficulty and when he was about to close it, he realized that outside there was a completely different place, it was a beautiful place, full of vegetation everywhere, Alex all his life had lived in a cold city in Ireland, where he only saw people who did not know how to be nice.

He went barefoot to that place and just like a child, he went out to explore that place, he had never seen anything like it, there were flowers of different colors and also trees with fruits that he did not buy because of their high cost, he took some and enjoyed their sweet taste, it was a place where he felt free of all his sadness and where he did not want to sleep, but to explore.

Pero a medida que caminaba, el pasillo se volvía más largo y nunca lograba llegar hasta la puerta, sin saber que estaba ocurriendo, solo siguió caminando, pero después de un momento se dio cuenta de que algo estaba mal, y se detuvo, solo para darse cuenta de que todo a su alrededor estaba dando vueltas y debía sostenerse para no caer.

Todo se volvió confuso y de pronto, ya no pudo sostenerse más y Alex cayó al suelo sin poderlo evitar, tiempo después, despertó en su cama y se sintió aliviado de saber que se trataba de un sueño extraño, de esos que solía tener, sin embargo, vio por la rendija de la puerta una pequeña luz que le daba en la cara, y se levantó a ver de donde venía aquella luz, cuando abrió la puerta se percató de que la entrada estaba abierta de nuevo y sintió un poco de miedo de volver a pasar por lo mismo.

Dio un paso a la vez para llegar hasta la puerta, esta vez sin dificultad y cuando estaba a punto de cerrarla, se dio cuenta de que afuera había un lugar completamente distinto, era un sitio hermoso, lleno de vegetación por todas partes, Alex toda su vida había vivido en una fría ciudad de Irlanda, donde solo veía gente que no sabía ser amable.

Salió descalzo a aquel sitio y tal y como un niño, salió a explorar aquel sitio, nunca había visto algo igual, había flores de diferentes colores y también árboles con frutas que no compraba por su alto costo, tomó algunas y disfrutó de su dulce sabor, era un lugar en el que se sentía libre de todas sus tristezas y en el que no quería dormir, sino explorar.


Alex did not know where that place had come from or how it appeared in front of his house, what he did know was that he had erased from himself all the sadness that left him without energy every day, and he only hoped that this wonderful place would never disappear, every day he did a different activity, although he was alone he enjoyed it to the fullest, every morning he got up early and every night he went to bed as late as he could.

-Alex! Alex! - shouted a familiar sounding voice.

Alex didn't know where this voice came from, but it was the first time someone spoke to him in that place, so he prepared himself to listen carefully.

-Alex, wake up! -the voice continued.

Within seconds he found himself immersed in a great spiral of different colors and sounds and could not help thinking:

will death be granted to me just when I didn't want it?

With his heart racing and his face full of sweat, Alex woke up in his bed, with the temperature too high, due to the cold weather that had caused him a cold, to feel it, standing in front of him was a silhouette that unfolded the sweetest scent he had ever smelled.

-Alex we had an agreement, we were to meet with the lawyers today.

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