Fix Blurt Mobile App compile errors & Change App name (to BeBlurt may be)

in blurt •  last year 

Hello Blurt Community Members,

With this post, I'll share some details about on going mobile app development.

Blurt Mobile App Development Update

New Native Branch

  • Long back we decided to use Progressive web app instead of Apps
  • Last month, I realised that, presense on GooglePlayStore & Apple's AppStore is equally important.
  • Native branch is stale branch
  • I did lot of work on PWA branch (e.g. messenger)
  • I do not want to loose on any of the features which I did on PWA
  • So, I created a new branch from PWA branch called newNative
  • I'll start porting all PWA related code to Native

How much time is it gonna take?

  • At the moment, too many compile issues because for Native apps, you can not use javascripts directly like you do in PWA.
  • I am working on closing those one by one function.
  • Probably 1 or 2 weeks & I'll be done with all the porting.
  • Once done, I'll be able to test & distribute via Firebase, TestFlight
  • Wish me luck.

Some screenshots of compile errors

Set of files which are having compile errors

files having errors

An Example of a compile error

As you can see here, following code is executing javascript future / promise, in dart code.
It will not work if I compile it for iOS or Android.

claim rewards

How would it look like after moving it to native?

I'll have to switch to native code as shown below. And native apps, should some how execute those javascripts.


How am I going to distribute?

  • Thanks to @nalexadre, we've a new company apple developer account.
  • I'll ask him to provide access to GooglePlayStore account for the same.
  • But before I work on distribution, there is a bigger challange for iOS devices - App name.

Issues in Blurt App Name

  • Ecency & HiveKeychain were approved because they own the domain with similar name.
  • If I use name "Blurt" for the app, @nalexadre's company should be able to provide the owner ship of, which we can not.
  • I am guessing, I should change the name to BeBlurt & that would pave a way to have easier review process for Apple
  • @nalexadre - would you be okay if I change the app name to BeBlurt? At the end, it's your company & we'll be using it to distribute it.
  • Let me know what you think of it.

cc: @megadrive, @saboin, @eastmael, @khrom, @offgridlife, @fervi, @ctime, @jacobgadikian, @mmmmkkkk311, @mariuszkarowski

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