Red vegetables

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Hello Blurtian,

I'm starting this first with warmth to all and critical discussion. Assalamu Alaikum, I recognize all my dear kin and stay hopeful. I'm fine also. Mashallah, like every day I am proposing to you a couple of new things and new strategies to endeavor nature developing so you can accumulate a few information and grow moreover. Exactly when someone offers a generally speaking very misguided comment on my post, raises my blunder and downvotes me. I'm happy to have a comparable point with you, so to inspect the procedures and discussion of creating adjusting trees and what ought to be conceivable from it .The subject of the present post is to give you a thought regarding the technique for rice pumpkin development and its illnesses and cures and its advantages. I truly want to believe that you will like it.

What I am going to post today is that I am going to tell you about the Red vegetable planting and it's benefits. I hope you will like it.

Development strategies and high creation procedures of red vegetables:

Red vegetable is a famous vegetable in our country. Its English name is Red Amaranth and its logical name is Anaranthus oleraceus. Red vegetables are developed in practically all locales of Bangladesh. In the wake of cooking, the shade of the vegetable is dull red. Lettuce is a delightful and nutritious food. Red vegetables are currently being developed and showcased on a business premise in many pieces of our country. A jobless lady or man can begin a business by developing red vegetables on his own territory or on rented land for his own work.

Development time:

Red vegetables can be developed consistently. In any case, till Bhadra-Poush, more development is finished.


Red verdant vegetables are plentiful in nutrients A, B, C and calcium.


These are different varieties of red vegetables;

Alta Peti 20, Rakta Lal, Bari Lalshak 1, Lalita, Rakta Ranga, Pinky Queen, Rakta Jaba and nearby assortments.

Attributes of Bari Lalshak-1 assortment:

  1. Development of Bari Lalshak-1 assortment of vegetable in our nation was supported in 1996.
  2. The leaves and stems of this vegetable are delicate and dazzling red in variety.
  3. Each plant has 15 to 20 leaves.
  4. The level of the plant is 25-35 cm. What's more, the weight is 10-15 grams.
  5. The blossom shade of this vegetable is red and the seeds are round.
  6. The outer layer of the seed is dark for certain red spots.


Red cabbage can be developed over time. Be that as it may, the yield of red vegetables is more in the start of winter.

Nature of soil:

Red cabbage can be filled in practically a wide range of soil. Be that as it may, sandy topsoil to dirt topsoil soils and very much depleted soils are generally appropriate for development.

Land arrangement and planting:

  1. Prior to establishing red vegetables, the land ought to be ready by furrowing and frightening well overall. 4-6 culturing and stepping stool ought to be given by the state of land and soil.
  2. Red cabbage seeds can be planted by dissipating and column planting. In any case, planting seeds in rows is advantageous.
  3. The separation starting with one column then onto the next line is 20 cm. should keep
  4. 15-20 cm with a stick. The dirt ought to be evened out by defining profound boundaries and planting seeds in columns.

Compost application:

As per the ranchers, natural composts ought to be applied however much as could reasonably be expected in the red vegetable development land to get great quality yield.

Measure of compost:

Manure per hundred for every hectare

Waste40 kg10 tons
Urea500 g125 kg
TSP300 g75 kg
Mop400 g100 kg


Seedlings ought to be eliminated from thick regions and diminished. 100 to 140 plants ought to be kept per square meter whenever sprinkled. Assuming that woven in columns, plants ought to be divided 5 cm separated in each line. Watering each 4-5 days is better. Additionally, the dirt ought to be cleaned and released on time.



This bug causes harm by eating the leaves of the plant.
Any of Malathion 57 EC, Roxion 40 EC, Ecalax 25 EC ought to be blended in with 1.1 liters of water and applied on one o: soil.

Rust Disease:

This infection goes after all pieces of the plant with the exception of the roots. White or yellow spots should be visible on the underside of the leaves. Later they become ruddy or corroded and the leaves bite the dust.
Blend 1.5 grams of Dithen M-45 medication for each liter of water and splash.


Vegetables are prepared to eat inside 30 to 40 days of planting. It is smarter to gather the greens step by step as opposed to at the same time.


30-40 kg each hundred years, 5-6 tons for every hectare.

Different types of diseases of red vegetables

Name of the disease:White rust disease of red vegetables


  1. A hard white powder sticks to the underside of the affected plant leaves.

2.The disease is soil borne and spreads through soil, infected seedlings and seeds.

Integrated Suppression Management:

1.Mix champion at the rate of 2 grams per liter of water and spray. Use tricho-compost per 2.0 ton of ha in seed bed.
2.Do not eat or sell the vegetable within 15 days after spraying.
3.Sow seeds early.
4.Use balanced fertilizers – especially urea.

Name of the disease:Red leaf spot disease


1.First the leaves get yellow spots and then they turn white.
2.If the spots coalesce, the entire leaf is damaged.
3.Disease germs are spread by air.

Integrated Suppression Management:

1.Keeping the field clean.
2.Remove and destroy diseased leaves.
3.If the attack occurs more, Rovral-2 grams or Dithen-M-45 2.5 grams per liter of water should be mixed and sprayed 2/3 times after 10-12 days.
4.Do not eat or sell the vegetable within 15 days after spraying.
5.Sow seeds early.
6.Use balanced fertilizers.
7.Planting saplings at proper distance.

£# Name of the disease:Lettuce seedling blight


1.Spots are seen around the base of the affected plant.
2.Roots rot, saplings fall and trees die.
3.If the soil and surface of the soil become hard during Satsya, the incidence of disease increases.
4.The disease is soil borne and spreads through soil, infected plants and water.

Integrated Suppression Management:

1.Burning of dry wood powder/mustard leaves 300 kg/ha or soil solarization in seed bed.
Apply 2.0 tonne tricho-compost per ha in seed bed.
2.Do not eat or sell the vegetable within 15 days after spraying.
3.Sow seeds early.
4.Use balanced fertilizers.
5.Planting saplings at proper distance.

Nutritional properties and benefits of red vegetables

Healthful properties:

Nutritionists say that red cabbage builds how much hemoglobin in the blood, further develops visual perception and eliminates pallor. Research shows that promptly accessible red cabbage contains vitamin 'A', pyridoxine and L-ascorbic acid'. Additionally contains folate, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin protein, pantothenic corrosive. Mineral components phosphorus, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, manganese, calcium, potassium are likewise present in adequate amount.


Further develops visual perception: Red verdant vegetables are plentiful in vitamin A which is exceptionally valuable for further developing visual perception. Vitamin A present in red verdant vegetables assumes an extraordinary part in working on the general vision by expanding the retinal limit. So keep red vegetables in your menu to increment visual perception.

Great wellspring of calcium:

Kale has the most noteworthy calcium content contrasted with different vegetables. Calcium is an extremely helpful component for the body, particularly in the development of teeth and bones. Thusly, this vegetable is valuable for the soundness of teeth, bone development, meeting the day to day calcium prerequisites of pregnant and lactating moms.

Decreases hair fall:

Red verdant vegetables are exceptionally useful for hair wellbeing. It reinforces the hair roots and adds minerals and supplements to the hair.

Fixes Anemia:

Red verdant vegetables are extremely helpful in forestalling weakness as they are wealthy in iron. Red vegetables assume an exceptional part in expanding the degree of red platelets in the body. So eating this vegetable is extremely helpful for frailty patients.

Further develops Digestion:

Lalsha is wealthy in fiber, which supports absorption consequently normally decreasing the gamble of heartburn. Alongside that, it additionally takes care that the solid discharge is appropriate.

Eases kidney issues:

Red verdant vegetables function admirably to keep up with great kidney capability and keep the kidneys clean. Studies have shown that eating red vegetables consistently increments kidney capability from one viewpoint, and then again, numerous hurtful substances present in the blood are taken out from the body.

Fends malignant growth off:

Antioxidants in red vegetables forestall disease. Also, the amino acids, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E, potassium and L-ascorbic acid present in red vegetables take out various poisonous components present in the body. It likewise takes care that malignant growth cells can't be conceived.

Advantages and Detriments of Red Vegetables:

###Nourishing Advantages of Lettuce:

To remain solid, there is no option in contrast to eating vegetables routinely. Vegetables assist us with disposing of different infections beginning from clogging. We eat many kinds of vegetables among which "Lalshak" assumes a significant part.

At the point when you visit the market in winter, new red vegetables get your attention. This green verdant vegetable contains all sugars, proteins, fats. Red vegetables assist with expanding blood flow in the body. Red verdant vegetables assume a part in everything from kidney issues to vision.

Those on a tight eating routine should remember red vegetables for their eating routine. Lettuce looks rosy pink in variety. Lettuce is an effectively accessible vegetable. This vegetable is accessible in practically all seasons all through the year in our country. This spice develops to 6"- 12" tall.

Advantages of Red Vegetables:

Hemoglobin content is exceptionally high in Lalsha. We realize that hemoglobin assists in making with blooding. This vegetable creates the most blood. Blood prerequisite in the body increments during developing child, pregnancy and after any mind boggling activity. Then such food brings benefits. Lettuce is one such vegetable that increments blood levels in the body. Developing youngsters need iron and iodine for development and sustenance of pretty much every organ in the body. The hemoglobin in red vegetables satisfies that need.

Increments invulnerability:

Beginning to eat red vegetables consistently will take out the lack of cell reinforcements and L-ascorbic acid in the body. Subsequently, the insusceptible framework turns out to areas of strength for be the point that no major or minor sickness can come close.

In the treatment of cold fever:

Individuals experiencing cold fever can take help of these home cures. For this situation take equivalent measure of water in a dish and take a small bunch of red vegetables in it. Then begin heating up the water. At the point when you see how much bubbling water decreased to half, switch off the fire. Then, at that point, when the water is cold, strain it and drink it. Assuming you do this for a couple of days, you will see that the fever will disappear.

Further developed vision:

L-ascorbic acid in red verdant vegetables assumes an exceptional part in working on generally speaking vision by expanding retinal strength. So the individuals who have unfortunate vision or family background of infections like glaucoma ought to begin eating red vegetables today without with nothing to do. You will begin seeing the advantages inside a couple of days. Lalsha is plentiful in vitamin A. Consuming it consistently further develops vision and forestalls visual impairment and night visual impairment.

Reinforces bones:

Red verdant vegetables contain sufficient measures of vitamin K, which assumes an exceptional part in working on bone wellbeing. What's more, when the bones major areas of strength for become, is protected to say that bone infections, like osteoporosis, are presently not treatable.

Keeps the heart great:

A substance called 'phytosterol' contained in red vegetables, when it enters the body, controls circulatory strain from one viewpoint, and furthermore fills in as a remedy to different heart illnesses. Eating red vegetables no less than 2-3 days seven days further develops heart capability.

Weakness is taken out

Red cabbage contains specific fixings that assume an extraordinary part in expanding the degree of red platelets in the body. Frail patients can eat this vegetable. You can crush two lots of red vegetables and concentrate the juice and blend it in with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey and eat it routinely, then, at that point, the body won't ever get pallid.

Further develops absorption:

Red verdant vegetables are wealthy in fiber, which expands the discharge of stomach related acids. Simultaneously, he deals with poo so it is so. Thus, the gamble of heartburn normally diminishes. Simultaneously, the inclination of desire additionally diminishes.

Malignant growth Counteraction:

Cloves are wealthy in enemies of oxidants that assist with forestalling malignant growth.

Coronary illness:

Eating red vegetables consistently lessens the degree of terrible cholesterol in the blood, in this manner decreasing the gamble of coronary illness.

The beta-carotene in radish lessens the gamble of heart stroke. Cerebrum and heart are fortified by standard utilization of red cabbage. Youngsters ought to eat red vegetables routinely as they assume a part in the development of teeth and bones. Red cabbage is useful for diabetics as it is low in calories. The fiber in red cabbage helps in processing and assuages obstruction. Eesha contains "L-ascorbic acid" which forestalls scurvy. Red cabbage forestalls every one of the illnesses brought about by overabundance calcium gathering in the body.

Burdens of red vegetables:

Greens contain a ton of iron, overabundance iron isn't really great for the evening and can cause rest issues.

It is better not to eat vegetables around evening time for these patients who have heart issues or liver issues due to high press content.

Greens are wealthy in fiber. Fiber is exceptionally fundamental for the body, yet it is better not to eat it around evening time, in light of the fact that the digestive tract, that is to say, the significant cylinder organ that digests food, doesn't work more around evening time.

Kale is extremely advantageous during pregnancy yet not every person can process it. All along, the people who experience the ill effects of sharpness or regurgitating, ought to stay away from over the top sleek food, vegetables, inexpensive food.

As far as dietary benefit, red cabbage is gainful for everybody from kids to the elderlySo we need to eat red vegetables routinely to remain great and sound. That's it everyone...

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