Flower Photography

in blurt •  11 months ago 


Hello blurt community,
I think you're good,So I am going to talk about my photoshoot.

Hey,photography lover.I accompanied another photography.Today I took pictures from our town. I took a few pictures from that point. I will introduce them to you.I will choose a few pictures from there.These pictures look amazing.Here are two blossom photos and onw other tree.




The name of this flower is "Morning Glory". It is usually seen in the morning, hence its name "Morning Glory". I saw the flower when I was out for a morning walk in the garden. The flower is amazing and amazing to me. It is actually very charming and I like it the most.This blossom is "Dark Dahlia". The blossom looks extremely gorgeous and it is light dark and rosy in variety. This bloom is known as dahlia blossom and the bloom is in various varieties like I tracked down this bloom. There are likewise various shades of dark and red tone however among them I tracked down this bloom. Exceptionally gorgeous extremely lovely expectation you will think that it is exceptionally lovely and charming.photography lover.I went with another photography.Today I took pictures from our 0village. I took a couple of pictures starting there. I will acquaint them with you.I will pick a couple of pictures from there.These pictures look amazing.Here are three bloom photographs.Beans are used as nourishment for individuals and animals. Green beans mean unripe beans, not course of action. Beans are a protein-rich vegetable. Its beets are other than eaten as a nutritious green. Close to land, it can also be made on roadside, ways, houseplants, and trees. Trust you will like it.will pick a couple of photos from there.These pictures look amazing.Here are three bloom photographs.legs.Then I made its various arms finally I finished it by building its lodge..First I do the line workmanship so I have no issue cutting this page and complete it., I finish it by drawing its horns...First I make its head. I make every one of the bits of the head like eyes, nose, ears, face, hair. I encountered a little trouble drawing the head part, yet I attempted to make it outstanding. Then, I started to make its body. First I make the dress that is on the body. I make the dress on one side. Similarly, completed it.Then I drew a crown on her head to edify her. To me these headbands looked astoundingly unprecedented And complete it...There are different plans of beans on the planet. Not all bean groupings are open in Bangladesh. Coming up next are a couple of groupings open in Bangladesh. I have recorded some bean names here which are open on an especially key level in Bangladesh. for example, Baintara, Hatikan, Chaptashim, Dhala Shim, Putishim, Ghrit Kanchan, Sitakundu, Naldok..What I'm looking at with you today is mushrooms.These mushrooms look so good.So I figured I could give a mushroom photography to you.Most of the mushrooms that fill in our nursery are unpalatable and not edible.I have progressed a fair undertaking to make these photographs look great. If you like my photography, assuming no one genuinely minds positively, support me Before this house there were a couple of stimulated adult plants and different other plants.The front of the house is very beautiful.The teens and plants are especially unbelievable here, near the verdant youngsters, there were different youngsters and plants.Actually, this spot looks great.This place especially attracts with its for the most part expected beauty.Because nothing happens on regularly ordinary beauty.What I'm pondering with you today is mushrooms.I really saw this mushroom in my garden.These mushrooms look so good.So I figured I could give a mushroom photography to you.Most of the mushrooms that fill in our nursery are hurting and not edible.I have advanced a confirmed attempt to make these photos look floundering. Moving past that you like my photography, expecting nobody characters for certain, support me Portulaca grandiflora is an astonishing making plant in the purslane family Portulacaceae, neighborhood to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay and reliably made in gardens.It has different standard names, including rose moss,eleven o'clock,Mexican rose,moss rose,sun rose,table rose,rock rose, and vegetation rose purslane. Disregarding what these names and the shallow closeness of express cultivars' youngsters to roses, it's beginning and end in each sensible sense, a suggested rose, nor even a piece of the rose family or rosid pack; rather, it is on an incredibly key level more unflinchingly related with carnations and cacti.It is a little, yet quickly developing yearly plant making to 30 cm tall, yet at the perilous by and large. In any case, forward through it is developed fittingly, it can clear as can be appear at this level. The leaves are thick and striking, up to 2.5 cm long, expected the other hand or in unessential get-togethers. The youngsters are 2.5-3 cm assessment with five petals, limit red, orange, pink, white, and yellow.Their upstanding, or climbing, long shoots branch perseveringly close to the base. The spreading 20-to-25-millimeters-in length and 2-to-3 titanic leaves are nearly or completely tail tended to, and fix towards the tip.The axillary gives have sensibly not a stunning different to various whitish, wooly hairs which are, overall talking, than the sheets. The compacted inflorescences are encased by eight to ten leaves. The goliath youths appear at a broadness of up to 4 centimeters. The five dazzling fuchsia covered petals are obovate and 15 to 26 millimeters in length. Around the ovary with four to nine whitish scars are around 50 stamens. Compartments and seeds are not visible.P. grandiflora is one of a little stack of the plants that is a C4/CAM moderate, using both C4 carbon obsession and Crassulacean revolting fixing pathways in various cells for photosynthesis.[Numerous cultivars have been chosen for twofold youths with extra petals, and for mix in sprout tone, plain or variegated.It is completely filled in calm circumstances as a further making plant for yearly sheet material or as a holder plant. It anticipates far in surge of light and talking around depleted soils, considering everything. It requires typically no thought and spreads itself without any problem. In places with old fixing it can relate between the stones of the street or walkway. Seeds are a central piece of the time sold as blends, as Twofold Making Mix (see portrayals). It makes on sandy soils. In nations with an ice free environment, it is wild.Unlike P. oleracea and P. umbraticola , it isn't consumable pondering its dazzling taste. There are mutts of P. grandiflora with P. oleracea, umbraticola and villosa.It is visited by bumble bees for its new turn of events and nectar.This sprout is greatly amazing. These youths are shocking as exhibited by a general indication of view nothing and the longing of these blossoms is very beautiful.All develops express their personality as shown by the laws of nature.I love sprouts. Chrysanthemum seedlings can be made utilizing seeds, cuttings and cuttings. Seedlings from seed don't give mind blowing young people and require various days to make. Clearly, cutting branches and joining branches or seedlings from saplings doesn't have this issue. In this country, seedlings are for the most part around made by joining branches. Branch joining starts from the property of mixing of July. 8-10 cm long branches are compromised to corner from one-year-old new saplings and set in beds or holders to connect with roots. While making is over in February, the plants are cut at 15-20 cm over the ground. Following two or three days some channel moves out of the situation with the cut. Right when these seedlings are 5-7 cm long, they are bound from the mother plant and planted in a dull seed bed or tub. In May-July the seedlings should be strong regions for searched for from for urgent for storm for serious for and sensibility of seedlings for sprout creation can be associated by moving them to individual plots or tubs going preceding migrating them to the last site or tub. October-November is the best a section to fan out seedlings in the ground or tub. Chrysanthemum should be planted at 30 x 25 region subject to the assortment.Chrysanthemum plants hold a ton of updates from the soil. Fittingly, this plant replies to standard and misleadingly organized soil. To get an interesting yield, a fair degree of stool should be applied to the land. 10 tons of destroyed cow stool/squander, 400 kg urea, 275 kg TSP, 300 kg murate of potash, 165 kg gypsum, 12 kg boric doing battling and zinc oxide discretionary effects should be applied per hectare. 10-15 days going prior to planting of saka, squashed poo/crap and various composts lining urea should be mixed well in with the soil 7-10 days going prior to planting. A beast piece of the urea manure should be applied following 25-30 days of saka planting and the other piece of the waste should be applied a distance away around the supporting of the saka following 45-50 days of planting. After top application, squander should be mixed in with soil and wateredBeds and tubs of chandra mallika should be kept freed from weeds. Some time following planting, the tip of the tree should be cut. This makes the tree silly rather than tall. Expecting the seedlings sprout early, they should be taken out immediately. Disbudding should be done to get epic youngsters for instance the middle bud should be kept and the two side buds should be cut. Additionally, in the event that you truly need to get a medium size sprout, the middle bud should be eliminated.This sprout is strikingly overwhelming to look at.I like and love sprouts thinking about how the bloom is brought into the world as per the laws of nature.These develops express their significance as per the laws of nature. Sprouts are up trying. Sprouts are held at the most central spot of the stem of the tree. Sprout structure Onketa sunflower blossom shape. It is around 10 cm wide on the stem. The related with grown-up is circle like, wrapped by different

When I saw the flower, I saw that a small bee was sitting on it, so I immediately took a picture of the bee with the flower, because it looked beautiful because the bee was busy collecting its honey, so I captured this moment with my camera. And this moment was actually very beautiful and charming for me.




The name of this flower is "jaba" flower. There are many colors of jaba flower including: red, pink, white but the flower that I captured is "pink jaba". Here too I saw a bee sitting on this flower which is why I capture the flower as a memory. Because these are very rare to see because these moments are not seen when the bee is busy collecting its honey but it is a beautiful thing to see these moments. Which I love so much that's why I capture this scene.This blossom is "Dark Dahlia". The blossom looks extremely gorgeous and it is light dark and ruddy in variety. This blossom is known as dahlia bloom and the bloom is in various varieties like I tracked down this blossom. There are additionally various shades of dark and red tone yet among them I tracked down this blossom. Exceptionally gorgeous extremely lovely expectation you will think that it is extremely lovely and charming.photography lover.I went with another photography.Today I took pictures from our 0village. I took a couple of pictures starting there. I will acquaint them with you.I will pick a couple of pictures from there.These pictures look amazing.Here are three bloom photographs.Beans are used as nourishment for individuals and animals. Green beans mean unripe beans, not game plan. Beans are a protein-rich vegetable. Its beets are other than eaten as a nutritious green. Close to land, it can moreover be made on roadside, ways, houseplants, and trees. Trust you will like it.will pick a couple of photos from there.These pictures look amazing.Here are three bloom photographs.legs.Then I made its various arms finally I finished it by building its lodge..First I do the line workmanship so I have no issue cutting this page and complete it., I finish it by drawing its horns...First I make its head. I make every one of the bits of the head like eyes, nose, ears, face, hair. I encountered a little trouble drawing the head part, yet I attempted to make it excellent. Then, at that point, I started to make its body. First I make the dress that is on the body. I make the dress on one side. In like manner, completed it.Then I drew a crown on her head to edify her. To me these headbands looked astoundingly remarkable And complete it...There are different plans of beans on the planet. Not all bean groupings are open in Bangladesh. Coming up next are a couple of groupings open in Bangladesh. I have recorded some bean names here which are open on an especially key level in Bangladesh. for example, Baintara, Hatikan, Chaptashim, Dhala Shim, Putishim, Ghrit Kanchan, Sitakundu, Naldok..What I'm looking at with you today is mushrooms.These mushrooms look so good.So I figured I could give a mushroom photography to you.Most of the mushrooms that fill in our nursery are unpalatable and not edible.I have progressed a fair undertaking to make these photographs look great. If you like my photography, in the event that no one really minds positively, support me Before this house there were a couple of stimulated adult plants and different other plants.The front of the house is very beautiful.The teens and plants are especially unbelievable here, near the verdant youngsters, there were different youngsters and plants.Actually, this spot looks great.This place especially attracts with its by and large expected beauty.Because nothing happens on regularly typical beauty.What I'm considering with you today is mushrooms.I genuinely saw this mushroom in my garden.These mushrooms look so good.So I figured I could give a mushroom photography to you.Most of the mushrooms that fill in our nursery are hurting and not edible.I have advanced a confirmed attempt to make these photos look floundering. Moving past that you like my photography, expecting nobody characters for certain, support me Portulaca grandiflora is an astounding making plant in the purslane family Portulacaceae, neighborhood to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay and reliably made in gardens.It has different standard names, including rose moss,eleven o'clock,Mexican rose,moss rose,sun rose,table rose,rock rose, and vegetation rose purslane. Regardless of what these names and the shallow closeness of express cultivars' youngsters to roses, it's beginning and end in each sensible sense, a suggested rose, nor even a piece of the rose family or rosid pack; rather, it is on an incredibly key level more unflinchingly related with carnations and cacti.It is a little, yet quickly developing yearly plant making to 30 cm tall, yet at the dangerous generally speaking. Regardless, forward through it is developed fittingly, it can clear as can be appear at this level. The leaves are thick and striking, up to 2.5 cm long, expected the other hand or in unessential get-togethers. The youngsters are 2.5-3 cm assessment with five petals, limit red, orange, pink, white, and yellow.Their upstanding, or climbing, long shoots branch perseveringly close to the base. The spreading 20-to-25-millimeters-in length and 2-to-3 titanic leaves are nearly or completely tail tended to, and fix towards the tip.The axillary gives have sensibly not a shocking different to various whitish, wooly hairs which are, overall talking, than the sheets. The compacted inflorescences are encased by eight to ten leaves. The goliath young people make an appearance at a broadness of up to 4 centimeters. The five staggering fuchsia covered petals are obovate and 15 to 26 millimeters in length. Around the ovary with four to nine whitish scars are around 50 stamens. Compartments and seeds are not visible.P. grandiflora is one of a little pile of the plants that is a C4/CAM moderate, using both C4 carbon obsession and Crassulacean revolting fixing pathways in various cells for photosynthesis.[Numerous cultivars have been chosen for twofold youths with extra petals, and for mix in sprout tone, plain or variegated.It is completely filled in calm circumstances as a further making plant for yearly sheet material or as a holder plant. It anticipates far in surge of light and talking around depleted soils, considering everything. It requires typically no thought and spreads itself without any problem. In places with old fixing it can relate between the stones of the street or walkway. Seeds are a central piece of the time sold as blends, as Twofold Making Mix (see portrayals). It makes on sandy soils. In nations with an ice free environment, it is wild.Unlike P. oleracea and P. umbraticola , it isn't consumable contemplating its staggering taste. There are mutts of P. grandiflora with P. oleracea, umbraticola and villosa.It is visited by bumble bees for its new turn of events and nectar.This sprout is hugely wonderful. These youths are staggering as exhibited by a general indication of view nothing and the longing of these blossoms is very beautiful.All develops express their personality as shown by the laws of nature.I love sprouts. Chrysanthemum seedlings can be made utilizing seeds, cuttings and cuttings. Seedlings from seed don't give mind blowing young people and require various days to make. Clearly, cutting branches and joining branches or seedlings from saplings doesn't have this issue. In this country, seedlings are for the most part around made by joining branches. Branch joining starts from the property of mixing of July. 8-10 cm long branches are compromised to corner from one-year-old new saplings and set in beds or holders to connect with roots. While making is over in February, the plants are cut at 15-20 cm over the ground. Following several days some channel moves out of the situation with the cut. Right when these seedlings are 5-7 cm long, they are bound from the mother plant and planted in a dull seed bed or tub. In May-July the seedlings should be strong regions for searched for from for essential for storm for serious for and sensibility of seedlings for sprout creation can be associated by moving them to individual plots or tubs going preceding migrating them to the last site or tub. October-November is the best a portion to fan out seedlings in the ground or tub. Chrysanthemum should be planted at 30 x 25 region subject to the assortment.Chrysanthemum plants hold a ton of updates from the soil. Fittingly, this plant replies to standard and misleadingly organized soil. To get a captivating yield, a fair degree of stool should be applied to the land. 10 tons of destroyed cow stool/squander, 400 kg urea, 275 kg TSP, 300 kg murate of potash, 165 kg gypsum, 12 kg boric doing battling and zinc oxide discretionary effects should be applied per hectare. 10-15 days going prior to planting of saka, squashed poo/crap and various composts lining urea should be mixed well in with the soil 7-10 days going prior to planting. A beast piece of the urea fertilizer should be applied following 25-30 days of saka planting and the other piece of the waste should be applied a distance away around the supporting of the saka following 45-50 days of planting. After top application, squander should be mixed in with soil and wateredBeds and tubs of chandra mallika should be kept freed from weeds. Some time following planting, the tip of the tree should be cut. This makes the tree silly rather than tall. Expecting the seedlings sprout early, they should be taken out immediately. Disbudding should be done to get epic youngsters for instance the middle bud should be kept and the two side buds should be cut. Likewise, on the off chance that you truly need to get a medium size sprout, the middle bud should be eliminated.This sprout is strikingly overwhelming to look at.I like and love sprouts thinking about how the bloom is brought into the world as indicated by the laws of nature.These develops express their significance as per the laws of nature. Sprouts are up trying. Sprouts are held at the most central spot of the stem of the tree. Sprout structure Onketa sunflower blossom shape. It is around 10 cm wide on the stem. The related with grown-up is circle like, wrapped by different




Arborvitae leaf, it's other name "Hinoki cypress" and "Huang Xinbai", is an evergreen tree. Its stems, leaves and organic products can be utilized as medication. Its taste is severe, astringent, somewhat cool in nature. It enters the lung, liver and internal organ meridians. , Hack and asthma easing impacts. Arborvitae leaves can be bubbled in water and extricated into rejuvenating oils, which are medicinal oils of the Close to East.They are essentially utilized for haemorrhagic problems brought about by extreme blood heat and have antitussive, expectorant, antihypertensive and hostile to going bald impacts. The nuts in the organic product feed the heart and quiet the nerves, saturate the guts and make a diuretic difference.This bloom is "Dark Dahlia". The bloom looks extremely lovely and it is light dark and rosy in variety. This bloom is known as dahlia blossom and the blossom is in various tones like I tracked down this blossom. There are additionally various shades of dark and red tone however among them I tracked down this blossom. Extremely gorgeous exceptionally gorgeous expectation you will think that it is extremely gorgeous and charming.photography lover.I went with another photography.Today I took pictures from our 0village. I took a couple of pictures starting there. I will acquaint them with you.I will pick a couple of pictures from there.These pictures look amazing.Here are three bloom photographs.Beans are used as nourishment for individuals and animals. Green beans mean unripe beans, not game plan. Beans are a protein-rich vegetable. Its beets are other than eaten as a nutritious green. Close to land, it can moreover be made on roadside, ways, houseplants, and trees. Trust you will like it.will pick a couple of photos from there.These pictures look amazing.Here are three bloom photographs.legs.Then I made its various arms finally I finished it by building its lodge..First I do the line workmanship so I have no issue cutting this page and complete it., I finish it by drawing its horns...First I make its head. I make each of the bits of the head like eyes, nose, ears, face, hair. I encountered a little trouble drawing the head part, yet I attempted to make it extraordinary. Then, I started to make its body. First I make the dress that is on the body. I make the dress on one side. Moreover, completed it.Then I drew a crown on her head to edify her. To me these headbands looked astoundingly remarkable And complete it...There are different plans of beans on the planet. Not all bean groupings are open in Bangladesh. Coming up next are a couple of groupings open in Bangladesh. I have recorded some bean names here which are open on an especially key level in Bangladesh. for example, Baintara, Hatikan, Chaptashim, Dhala Shim, Putishim, Ghrit Kanchan, Sitakundu, Naldok..What I'm looking at with you today is mushrooms.These mushrooms look so good.So I figured I could give a mushroom photography to you.Most of the mushrooms that fill in our nursery are unpalatable and not edible.I have progressed a fair undertaking to make these photographs look great. If you like my photography, in the event that no one genuinely minds unquestionably, support me Before this house there were a couple of empowered adult plants and different other plants.The front of the house is very beautiful.The teens and plants are especially wonderful here, near the verdant youngsters, there were different youngsters and plants.Actually, this spot looks great.This place especially attracts with its for the most part expected beauty.Because nothing happens on regularly ordinary beauty.What I'm examining with you today is mushrooms.I really saw this mushroom in my garden.These mushrooms look so good.So I figured I could give a mushroom photography to you.Most of the mushrooms that fill in our nursery are hurting and not edible.I have advanced a certified attempt to make these photos look floundering. Moving past that you like my photography, expecting nobody characters for certain, support me Portulaca grandiflora is an astonishing making plant in the purslane family Portulacaceae, neighborhood to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay and constantly made in gardens.It has different standard names, including rose moss,eleven o'clock,Mexican rose,moss rose,sun rose,table rose,rock rose, and vegetation rose purslane. Notwithstanding what these names and the shallow closeness of express cultivars' youngsters to roses, it's beginning and end in each sensible sense, a suggested rose, nor even a piece of the rose family or rosid pack; rather, it is on an incredibly key level more unflinchingly related with carnations and cacti.It is a little, yet quickly developing yearly plant making to 30 cm tall, yet at the dangerous in general. Regardless, forward through it is developed fittingly, it can clear as can be appear at this level. The leaves are thick and striking, up to 2.5 cm long, expected the other hand or in unessential get-togethers. The youngsters are 2.5-3 cm assessment with five petals, limit red, orange, pink, white, and yellow.Their upstanding, or climbing, long shoots branch perseveringly close to the base. The spreading 20-to-25-millimeters-in length and 2-to-3 titanic leaves are nearly or completely tail tended to, and fix towards the tip.The axillary gives have sensibly not a bewildering different to various whitish, wooly hairs which are, overall talking, than the sheets. The compacted inflorescences are encased by eight to ten leaves. The goliath young people make an appearance at a broadness of up to 4 centimeters. The five dazzling fuchsia covered petals are obovate and 15 to 26 millimeters in length. Around the ovary with four to nine whitish scars are around 50 stamens. Compartments and seeds are not visible.P. grandiflora is one of a little store of the plants that is a C4/CAM moderate, using both C4 carbon obsession and Crassulacean revolting fixing pathways in various cells for photosynthesis.[Numerous cultivars have been chosen for twofold young people with extra petals, and for mix in sprout tone, plain or variegated.It is completely filled in calm circumstances as a further making plant for yearly sheet material or as a holder plant. It anticipates far in surge of light and talking around depleted soils, considering everything. It requires typically no thought and spreads itself without any problem. In places with old fixing it can relate between the stones of the street or walkway. Seeds are a central piece of the time sold as blends, as Twofold Making Mix (see portrayals). It makes on sandy soils. In nations with an ice free environment, it is wild.Unlike P. oleracea and P. umbraticola , it isn't consumable contemplating its dazzling taste. There are mutts of P. grandiflora with P. oleracea, umbraticola and villosa.It is visited by bumble bees for its new turn of events and nectar.This sprout is hugely wonderful. These young people are shocking as exhibited by a general indication of view nothing and the longing of these blossoms is very beautiful.All develops express their personality as shown by the laws of nature.I love sprouts. Chrysanthemum seedlings can be made utilizing seeds, cuttings and cuttings. Seedlings from seed don't give mind blowing young people and require various days to make. Clearly, cutting branches and joining branches or seedlings from saplings doesn't have this issue. In this country, seedlings are by and large around made by joining branches. Branch joining starts from the property of mixing of July. 8-10 cm long branches are compromised to corner from one-year-old new saplings and set in beds or holders to connect with roots. While making is over in February, the plants are cut at 15-20 cm over the ground. Following two or three days some channel moves out of the situation with the cut. Right when these seedlings are 5-7 cm long, they are bound from the mother plant and planted in a dull seed bed or tub. In May-July the seedlings should be strong regions for searched for from for critical for storm for serious for and sensibility of seedlings for sprout creation can be associated by moving them to individual plots or tubs going preceding migrating them to the last site or tub. October-November is the best a fragment to fan out seedlings in the ground or tub. Chrysanthemum should be planted at 30 x 25 region subject to the assortment.Chrysanthemum plants hold a ton of updates from the soil. Fittingly, this plant replies to standard and misleadingly organized soil. To get a charming yield, a fair degree of stool should be applied to the land. 10 tons of crushed cow stool/squander, 400 kg urea, 275 kg TSP, 300 kg murate of potash, 165 kg gypsum, 12 kg boric doing battling and zinc oxide discretionary effects should be applied per hectare. 10-15 days going prior to planting of saka, squashed poo/crap and various manures lining urea should be mixed well in with the soil 7-10 days going prior to planting. A beast piece of the urea fertilizer should be applied following 25-30 days of saka planting and the other piece of the waste should be applied a distance away around the supporting of the saka following 45-50 days of planting. After top application, squander should be mixed in with soil and wateredBeds and tubs of chandra mallika should be kept freed from weeds. Some time following planting, the tip of the tree should be cut. This makes the tree silly rather than tall. Expecting the seedlings sprout early, they should be taken out immediately. Disbudding should be done to get epic youngsters for instance the middle bud should be kept and the two side buds should be cut. Likewise, in the event that you truly need to get a medium size sprout, the middle bud should be eliminated.This sprout is strikingly overwhelming to look at.I like and love sprouts thinking about how the bloom is brought into the world as per the laws of nature.These develops express their significance as per the laws of nature. Sprouts are up attempting. Sprouts are held at the most central spot of the stem of the tree. Sprout structure Onketa sunflower blossom shape. It is around 10 cm wide on the stem. The related with grown-up is circle like, wrapped by different
These are today's photographs and these photographs are taken by me and I have done a little editing. If you like the photographs, please encourage me so that later I can present my photography to you. And thank you very much for your support.
All photos are taken using my phone.
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CameraRedmi note 7s
LocationMeherpur, Bangladesh
EditorSnapseed, Lightroom
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