I thought it would be useful to collect blurt graphics in one place. More than once I flashed good graphics when I was browsing various content, but collecting them myself and checking and asking the authors what the rights to them are is a really tricky job.
So I would like all those who have them and want to give them away for promotional use on a "free to use" basis, would like to help me in this work and post them under this entry in the comments. In turn, I am asking curators to support those who want to make such efforts with an upvote, if possible.
I would like the commenters to certify that the graphics they share are "free to use". Unfortunately, I am unable to check them all.
As I get a little bit of it, I'll put them in one place and also give links to this post so that everyone can easily get here and find them.
I'm also posting a link to google drive on the Blurt pl profile where you can upload and download these graphics if you have them in uncompressed form.
Thanks in advance for all your cooperation and support! :)
Please reblurt this post if you can for more reach
Pomyślałem że przydało by się aby zgromadzić grafiki promujące blurta w jednym miejscu. Nie raz mi mignęły dobre grafiki jak przeglądam różne tereści ale zgromadzenie ich samodzielnie i jeszcze posprawdzanie i popytanie autorów jakie są do nich prawa to prawdziwie krecia robota.
Chciałbym więc aby wszyscy którzy dysponują takimi i chcą je odstąpić do użytku promocyjnego na zasadach "free to use" zechcieli pomóc mi w tym dziele i zamieścili je pod tym wpisem w komentarzach. Kuratorów z kolei proszę aby jeśli to możliwe wsparli tych którzy zechcą podjąć takie wysiłki upvotem.
Prosiłbym aby komentujący zaświadczyli że grafiki które udostępniają są "free to use". Nie jestem niestety w stanie sprawdzić ich wszystkich.
Jak się nazbiera tego trochę to zgram je w jedno miejsce a także dam linki do tego posta tak żeby każdy mógł łatwo tu trafić i je znaleźć.
wrzucam też link do dysku google na profilu Blurt pl gdzie możecie wrzucać i pobierać te grafiki jeśli macie je w nieskompresowanej formie.
Z góry dzięki za wszelką współpracę i wsparcie! :)
I created this one …
Free to use.
Here are a few more I created….
Blurt. Live long and Prosper !
I created this one too… free to use.
My kids created this one for Xbox Live Forza Horizon …
Burning Blurt Day …
I created these … free to use.
Blurt to the moon …. 🤬 🚀 🌙
This is a blurt.blog Gif that I created on Giphy …..
I created lots of these. For different Holidays. Most of them were never used.
Many more posted here … hours and hours of work.
Not sure who created this one …
I made it last year😊, it can serve as wallpaper, lockscreen, depends on you. Any one can use it✌️
I have those Blurt images and everyone can use them without any problem. Excellent proposal
Wow this is really good idea. I also made some simple image, like separators for translations.
I think this is the Original Blurt Logo ping file from the Official Blurt Discord Channel …
I created this one … free to use …
Here are a few more I created. Free to use.
Blurt. I’m Lovin it.
Great idea 👍 Materials and branding are two essential elements for marketing. Some of my post covers use my own photos taken with my Canon cameras (the others coming from Unsplash), I'll see if there are some interesting ones for Blurt (even if it means modifying the text a bit) and I'll put the PSD and JPEG on the drive.
It is a pleasure for us to share our best wishes and congratulations. You have been given a virtual hug by the curation account @newvisionlife and manually curation by @OneRay.
You can also use our hashtag #newvisionlife
Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
También puedes utilizar nuestra etiqueta #newvisionlife