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in blurt •  2 years ago 

Is there is any place where many people meet that can be truly free? In the sense that I can say what I want without encountering resistance?

It is a matter of interpretation how much one takes disagreement as a personal affront or in a way trains oneself to try one's composure by this challenge. Agreement = affirmation of one's own. Conversation = The willingness to listen even to opposing or challenging arguments and verbal attacks. Ad hominem attacks are the most catchy and therefore the master attacks. They may not really be permissible, but you see them everywhere and with far greater frequency and intensity on all so-called social media channels. Banning them only brings out more of them. The art is to let the force bounce off you and if it doesn't (which is most of the time it doesn't), seek to fathom what it is that annoys you so terribly.
I think it is thoroughly exaggerated that hate speech is seen as abhorred, in fact I think it is very popular (thanks to widespread media distribution). To believe that only approval is a positive thing is deluding oneself. ...Every collective thrives on tests of endurance. If it does not pass them, it can disintegrate or become lifeless. Hate is only a hair's breadth away from love.

So I don't so radically agree with you that dictators are at work. Rather, I think most of the potential for conflict online is incompetence or unawareness/ignorance, rapid aggrievement, as well as a rapid weariness of all that is believed to be something honourable or noble. I call it the tension field in which boredom and excitement confront each other and one swings between these two moods as if attached to a hook.

Right now I'm experiencing a contradiction with your comment to me. I'm not a bot, right, so an automated response to your commenters talking to each other I find rather irritating. Are you interested in a conversation? With me? If so, I prefer a personal reply. Though I assume that longer conversations with me is not so much to your taste. LOL ;)

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You write really long comments and tend to make things very complex.

But I do appreciate that you are commenting, so I quickly said so.

I am a very slow typist, in the time it would take to do a long reply i could do a picture!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am not discussing rocket science. But well, no problem, I know you already a bit and I found out that you find long comments uninteresting in general, and you yourself never comment with a lot of words. I was irritated by this sudden invitation to disagree. And also that you praise manual convos and prefer to have them instead of bots. But used automated responses. LOL :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is my point!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Still not getting it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  




We are attempting to communicate using different languages. Not German/English but concise points vs. unbroken collections of long sentences.

If I look at a post in say Russian or Korean where they use totally different characters, it is all utterly meaningless to me.

A post written in German I understand some words and the structure of the language makes more sense, so although I don't really understand it, if I concentrate I can grasp what the topic is at least.

Part of what makes German so hard to understand is the tendency to join up short words into longer words. eg Backpfeifengesicht - a face in need of a fist.

Maybe in the German psyche this all makes sense, but to an English speaker, compound words are just an incomprehensible mess. We need to break the concept down into it's components, the shorter the better. Combining the English words into afaceinneedofafist would no longer be longer meaningful.

I understand words much better if they are written in short concise sentences, one idea at a time. A huge pile of words all in one paragraph requires a lot of concentration, almost like looking at German.

The spaces between each idea are important - I'm placing plenty of them here in this reply to illustrate that.

So that is my blogging first ideal - short sentences each containing one key idea.



My next ideal (and I'm probably more into this than most people) is to use images to both separate and illustrate each concept.

They switch the reader from left to right hemispheres of the brain and create a complete communication. Just words, as you tend to use, or just pictures, as I would revert to if I was being lazy, are incomplete communications.

Put together, carefully chosen words, along with well placed images create communication many times more powerful than either component by itself.

The slow moving and badly structured videos that have become endemic in modern culture are a step to far worse communication. But that is another area so I'll leave that for another day!

If I edit this a bit and add more pictures it would move from being a reply to a post. The concepts are laid out now.

Looking back over this, I will make it a post because I think it helps explain a fundamental aspect of blogging and communication in general that many people don't seem to get.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I said it's not a problem, and I didn't really expect to have a longer conversation with you either, because the times I did, I found you didn't reply to me in my style.

Hence my surprise at your invitation to disagree.

I basically don't expect you to write long comments back to me and rather know from experience that you will reply with a picture.

If I don't understand it, I just ask.
(Maybe you asked me also and I did not get the question?)

Conversely, you don't need to expect a picture reply from me, that's far too tedious and exhausting on my turn. ;) - that's right.

I don't know whether I should thank you for giving me such an honour - writing me a text - or whether I should feel a bit stupid because, as a media professional (which you can't know), I know a lot about the mix of text and images. But I don't feel like sticking to it. LOL

No offense, any way.