I said it's not a problem, and I didn't really expect to have a longer conversation with you either, because the times I did, I found you didn't reply to me in my style.
Hence my surprise at your invitation to disagree.
I basically don't expect you to write long comments back to me and rather know from experience that you will reply with a picture.
If I don't understand it, I just ask.
(Maybe you asked me also and I did not get the question?)
Conversely, you don't need to expect a picture reply from me, that's far too tedious and exhausting on my turn. ;) - that's right.
I don't know whether I should thank you for giving me such an honour - writing me a text - or whether I should feel a bit stupid because, as a media professional (which you can't know), I know a lot about the mix of text and images. But I don't feel like sticking to it. LOL
No offense, any way.
It takes me about an hour to do a full reply with pictues like that, so there is no way I'd usually do that for just a reply.
But I think that is a key part of why so many things are dysfunctional in all aspects of society at the moment, and plan to do more blog posts about this stuff.
People are mind programmed and unable to have simple, logical thought processes.
It's getting to the point where most people under about 40, (and many older) seem to be operating in a state that is bordering on retarded.
Cell phones, flouride, injections of toxins ("vaccinations"), chemtrails, toxic foods, social media, and dozens of psyops have messed people up to an amazing degree.
You are talking to me right now. Not to people.
You see a world full of retards? Then stick to the non retards, I would answer.
Help the two of us talking and finding sense and reason in one another. The only way to get away from pain talk. If I have, let's say five people online, with whom I can have a conversation based on what was said in the initiating comment and then sticking to the topic for the time being would already be helpful.
We then would be five people in talking to each other instead of talking about some other "people".
If you decide to be not one of those "five", I am alright with it.
New zealand is now run by and for retards...how is germany?
Nice try ;-) you know my stance already, or so I guess.