How much do I make monthly on Blurt?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

My dream for 10 years has been to get paid for my online content - videos, articles, charts, photography, documentaries, medical research, entertainment, etc. As an activist and historian I have a lot of past, present, and future content to share. I have worked tirelessly toward being able to generate an income at this, and seen many others succeed in the era of Patreon and Google Ads. But I never went that route, instead focusing the last 5 years on publishing my content on blockchain blogs - Steem, Hive, and then Blurt. Now, a digital ID and cashless economy are coming anytime, and upheavals in my personal situation, mean it's time for me to run the numbers and see if my plan is working. How much am I making each month, considering all my content-creation, my daily curation efforts, and as interest/profits for having half a million BLURT invested here?

Monthly output

Each month I produce about 15 quality posts, each with research, photographs, video, writing, and/or other media. Each post is unique content. I use formatting, provide links if I quote another source, and engage with the comment section. I have years of experience creating posts for this format, and generate a steady stream of quality original material. I am proud of my content, and it is well-received by my supporters and the general Blurt community.

I am also very active as a commenter on Blurt, both on my own posts and elsewhere. A lot of these comments generate up to and exceeding a dollar payout.

A third action which creates value for the blockchain is good curation. I spend a fair bit of time every day looking for good content to support with my upvotes (each currently worth about 0.25 USD).

I spend at least 20 hours a week on the above Blurt activities, like a part-time job. I keep that up every week to build momentum, so there's never more than a few days off. I've been at this for over 10 years now, attempting to build my core support, and migrate it each time I am censored or shadowbanned on various platforms. I have thousands of subscribers on YouTube (despite heavy censorship), but less than 100 on Blurt so far. That said, a few of them are the platform's whales, and I get a good amount of support from them.

Someone with no investment here should still expect to bring in a certain amount based on those posts, comments, and curation. (How much would you want for a month of work?) Someone with half a million BLURT powered up should be able to bring in even more. After all, powering up our BLURT (ie: investing in the platform) is supposedly how we boost our actions and profits here. So, how is it working for me?

Monthly income

For some reason, Blurt will only show me 8 days of my wallet activity. So I'll just multiply the past week by 4 to get a rough monthly average. Note, "VESTS" means Blurt Power (BP).

So it's about 3000 total BLURT, which is 12000 BLURT monthly.

BLURT is up to 0.007 USD each today, so my combined monthly income as both an investor and a content-creator is...

84 USD per month (minus Blurt fees). That's if I never take a break, and the price of BLURT doesn't go down, and I cannibalize every bit of profits I can wring out of this place (zero growth). Eighty-four bucks!

Then there's the Blurt fees which really add up, and the fees it would take to transfer it through hive-engine, then to Bitcoin, then the Bitcoin fee when I spent it on something, like a gift card for food... I'm looking at about 60 Canadian dollars, in hand. Which is about enough here to buy takeout. Damn. I'm locking away my savings here so I can WORK a part-time job that pays $15 / week?!

But... What if?

At 10 times the current price, I'd be making 600 per month. Because we buy local and make all our meals from scratch, that's enough to pay my family's food bill, despite rampant inflation! It would be worth working part time to generate that kind of income.

At 100 times the current price, I'd be making 6000 per month! That's enough for a Canadian couple with 2 kids to rent a decent home with a yard and garden, and pay all the monthly bills. I'd even be able to pay down some debt. My family would be independent from the system and reasonably comfortable, based on my content-creation and investment. I just need BLURT to go up x100...

Going x10 during the next bull market is a possibility. I wrote recently that the Blurt collapse is over. Maybe we're about to see an amazing recovery? We've shown we can survive turmoil... that there is value in a blockchain without downvoting... so perhaps this is the start of good things?

Even so, it's not likely we're going up x100, unless something bizarre happens like Elon Musk buys our blockchain to power his next project.

So it's not realistic to hope that 10 years of work has built me up a situation where I can support my family's financial needs by working hard every day. I guess that was too much to hope for and work toward.

But if I don't give up, and continue to generate support and momentum, and I don't get somehow censored or downvoted off Blurt, and the next bull market is good to our token, I can potentially look forward to making a few hundred per month... enough to pay food or utility bills.

I must admit I'm pretty disappointed in that, which is my best-case-scenario. There have been a lot of years of sacrifice, telling myself to go on because it will someday be worth it, missing out on time with my wonderful wife and children, in the hopes that this effort and gamble was going to pay off. And yet again, we get the shaft. I've helped a lot of people with my content, but haven't been able to help myself.

I don't want Universal Basic Income

"You will own nothing and be happy" is coming soon. The cashless society and digital ID I've been warning about for 15 years is around the next corner. Universal Basic Income is closer and closer to reality. I don't want that future for my society, but it's coming anyway. The best I can hope for is to not participate in it, by not taking part in UBI, or welfare, of social assistance, or even disability (which I am currently entitled to for medical reasons). I don't want it. I want to earn my OWN income, pay my own way, control my own destiny. I believe the state that provides for all needs is the state that usurps all power. Handouts do not make a person strong. And that system isn't sustainable anyway, it's a lie sold to people who don't understand basic math.

On top of that, very soon, the digital ID prison will be in place, denying anyone who doesn't comply their monthly income. Dissidents (and even just critics) can and will be switched off, denied access to funds. No, I will not participate in that kind of economy. I will not be reliant on the system. I want my own income. I want to work to put food on my family's table. Is that too much to ask?

With my health issues, there are certain things I can do and other things I can't do. And not every day is the same, some are okay and others are horrible. I do what I can to maintain and increase my health, but find I am losing that battle. So whatever I do needs to be flexible, and within my capabilities and skill set. I'm an established content-creator who built up a large following on YouTube before censorship got bad in about 2010. I put out valuable material people want to consume, including dozens of important projects, documentaries, and discoveries that impacted millions of people. I have a passion for activism, truth, and sharing important knowledge. I have skills at recognizing patterns most people can't detect, and have been able to accurately predict the Bitcoin chart for 10 years. Despite being called crazy thousands of times, I have been proven right about every single thing I've talked about, for more than a decade. I clearly have an ability to generate content not seen anywhere else, some of which has changed and saved lives. Logic tells us that I should be able to make a living with my content.

Perhaps I need to branch out from Blurt to non-blockchain ways of making money online? People have been earning via blogs for years now, after all. Should I just go mainstream, try my hand at writing for a blog or content company? Maybe I should take my now-tiny $3000 investment out of Blurt and put it somewhere else? Or just spend it on half a month's bills and be thankful I got anything out of the past 10 years of work? I don't know, but I know I don't want to get my daily bread from the state.

Blurt's FAQ says "Everyone's earnings are different. Have fun. Get involved. Meet new friends. The amount of money a user earns depends on their content, following, level of investment and many, many other factors. Don't get discouraged if you don't earn much at first. Keep up the good work!"

Maybe I just haven't tried hard or long enough... ;P

What does my experience tell us about Blurt's ability to pay its content-creators? If I'm not profitable here, who is?

Have you calculated your own monthly income here, given your level of involvement and investment? I would be interested to hear about your situation.

Good luck to all!



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I think you have the right attitude and mindset. It's clear you're not full of hopium which is healthy and realistic. You are also optimistic to a healthy and realistic point. I too would be lying if I said I was not disappointed with the price and growth since loading up in much of February and march over 3 cents.

But I continuously remind myself that I've always said, wait one to three years before making conclusions on my Blurt investment. When I bought, bitcoin which it's primarily traded/weighed against was over 40,000. So blurt being at 32 satoshies, and 40k BTC price would put the dollar value back around $.015....double where it is today.

So at .007, it's an ugly slide from where I bought...but I have to acknowlegde not all that loss is pinned to Blurt. In fact we're down about 50% in satoshi terms...and in actuality that's a hell of a lot better than many alt coins over the past few months.

In a financial space with things like Luna and Celcious going bust, and BTC and ETH off their highs by like 70%...honestly sometimes I think about it and I'm just happy blurt is not worth zero! hahaha But yeah, in all sincerity, I think we've seen a bottom in Blurt and the price will be heading higher.

Great detailed post as usual, and seriously, thank you for taking the time even though the money is crap at the moment.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Each month I produce about 15 quality posts, each with research, photographs, video, writing, and/or other media. Each post is unique content. I use formatting, provide links if I quote another source, and engage with the comment section. I have years of experience creating posts for this format, and generate a steady stream of quality original material. I am proud of my content, and it is well-received by my supporters and the general Blurt community.

Your posts are excellent. The work you put into them, as you describe above, is more than many posts here that earn as much as yours do. This one, for instance, must have taken you hours, it's as practically perfect as Mary Poppins. You are right to be proud of them, for sure.

I find it much easier to earn here, even with my limited offerings of anti-nwo info and freewrite/poetry/fiction. The posts don't take as long to construct, because no one here will be slapping your hand for not dotting your i's. You might be able to increase your earnings many of your posts into two. I like them as they are though.

I recently calculated that I make about 20 cents USD a day on blurt,. I haven't worked as tirelessly as you, or for nearly as long, mostly spending an average of two to three hours a day curating, commenting on others posts, and posting two or three times a week. These have had to drop off some in recent months - I do hope to get back to them both. But all the recent bickering on both chains has robbed my sails of their wind. I just don't want to be around it for long, and I sometimes wonder why I come here at all.

Thanks for asking.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I was originally hoping to be able to make enough from steemit after a year or two from when I joined to pay my way. Then we had the steemit meltdown I moved to Hive and at one point I was getting close to paying my way and then the price dropped. Back to very little earnings and then switched about half my hive over to Blurt as hive was down voting many I followed. Bought most of my Blurt around the 0.02-0.03c mark and things started to look up and once again the price dropped😫.

Seems everytime I get close to the point of being able to pay my way on Steemit,Hive and then Blurt it all goes down😡

Posted from

Correlation does not = causation and all that but it looks like this could be all your fault 😂
Jokes aside tho, stop jinxing hahahaha

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Back in the glory days of Steemit (2016) I remember Jeff Berwick getting 15k for a post, (it was later downvoted but he actually deserved it all because he essentially doubled Steemit's membership with one podcast) and I started having dreams of being paid to blog - back then I was doing way better posts than I would ever do now - and my best ever payout was $400.

One thing I've learned over seven years of posting on blockchains is that the payouts have very little to do with the content - you are either part of the cabal or you are not. If you are, you can have $100 for every shitpost, one every day if you like. If you are not, you will earn bugger all, and the catch is, to be part of the cabal you need to be warm and cuddly with the whole satan thing.


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you are, you can have $100 for every shitpost, one every day if you like.

True. I remember vividly my beginner days on steemit. I wondered why some of the postings earned so good. One of my early followers was publishing in the STEM group and I thought to myself: "Oh, let me see if I can do it, too."
I strictly followed the rules, made contacts with the peoples in the back channels and stuff. I actually had a lot of fun and found some nice peoples as well. Had some nice payouts for quite a long time.

Though it was clear to me, that I felt like a kind of exotic animal between the academics or wannabe ones, and I also think that my somewhat "in between publishings" were perceived as quite unusual. I don't speak of them as cabal, though. But you meanwhile know my stance. ... I guess :D

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did OK when I was @sift666 (a shoutout to the illuminati cabal) but not so well as @frot - the number 666 was very cool on Steemit! Hive is more subtle but they are still putting in satanic symbolism everywhere.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For my part, I don't need satanic symbolism to realize when a space is compromised by some powers. The evil not necessarrily needs to look evil (devil with horns and fire) - the evil can be as banal as an apple pie and also really really nice. The thoughtless evil, I think, is done by naive people who followed the evil intentions of some few characters without knowing it. They did and do to their best knowledge and good faith. You can't actually beat that if they don't know themselves.

There are some disturbed characters, I agree.

666 - lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I never did work which ones knew and which ones were clueless. I started out tending to give them the benefit of the doubt, but these days I think anyone earning over $100 for every post they do on Hive knows full well who their masters are, and they endorse what they are told to endorse - the responses to the coronahoax injections were VERY revealing...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That may be so in many but not in all cases.

I would also add that the person who abides by the online rules of the game and can look at handsome payouts from his posts is not necessarily a follower in his other (also offline) sphere of activity. Some seem to howl with the wolves, but if you look or read closely, there is not per se an agreement with the dominant view, though there seems to be none with the minor one either.

It can be strategically wise to act between these poles because, for example, one is not alone in the world but cares for a family or pulls others along who have lost jobs and reputations due to their oppositional nature (or coming out).
All I can say is that not all those who look like they support mainstream opinion actually do in all there spheres of activities. They are pretending (by necessity). Which I consider realistic because people are very different in their choice of life strategies.

I'm with you, though, when I look superficially at all these beautiful payouts, a certain anger comes up. Doesn't help me much -lol.
If you venture into the lion's den and want to criticise, you have to wash yourself with all the waters and sometimes realise that you will not receive approval or will even fall victim to the downvotes. I see it as a very great art to prove myself in a space where everyone is (or seems to be) against me and still come out of it respectable. If I cannot achieve that, I may have mercy with myself. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I cant post on Hive anymore, but I'm convinced i stumbled upon a few dark secrets.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

True. You've got to maintain that blind eye.

But do you rule out that there are some smarter folks out there who do not tow the party line, who do not pay into the dominant views, who do not do what they are told and STILL fare very well?

I am inclined to ask "what dark secrets"? and hopefully not regret it :D lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I love being in Blurt, although I don't enter much, I enjoy it and I still haven't obtained a significant economic gain, but I know that I must continue to persevere, because although the price of the blurt token is not the best, that can change, you just have to be patient, at least here we can express ourselves and read good content, it seems to me that blurt is a good content platform.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One day it will have been worth it. i'm sure of it. i'm still a beginner here and certainly can't quit my job in the real world because of this. But it's just fun to be here and who knows what will come of it. I at least will not sell my blurt for sure.
Take care.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great piece I must say, You really made my day with this wonderful write up. I spent about 7mins reading it slowing so to assimilate every bit of it. You've really worked hard as a man, hopefully your rewards will start commiserating with your efforts.

I don't make as much as you do in a month, probably because I've not put in the same energy and commitment as you. but I'm a young man with relatively little responsibility, lol. Hope to see the market go bullish again.
Have yourself a nice day. Gracias

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well I think I did do some calculations and did some posts on it but this was when it was closer to 3 to 4 cents per blurt around the start of the year and last december. It looked real good then with an average of $20 a day. But my position is very different from most people holding a very large delegation from a whale and curating almost everyday a few hours. I also have good content that has got a good following in a short amount of time. I am sure that some of that following is because of my potential upvote also.

So today that probably goes to about $4-8 a day now. Still not bad, but I can't retire yet either. If it goes to x100 then I could probably manage to never have to work again living in Ghana but not in the US.

Sadly I stopped doing this nifty spreadsheet.


I have voting power of about 2 million blurt. So with an investment of $16,000 roughly at today's value would buy about that much voting power. Crunching the number may not make it worth it. But the big multiplier is just adding more blurt every day because if the price goes up like I hope you are on the money again in your prediction then it is that much more compounded every day you earn more blurt.

Here is a link to that old post of mine. I have almost hit the new goal on that post which is 500k powered up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for telling about your situation. I can understanding spending that much time on curation, with a delegation that size. My half million BP is enough to keep me busy, trying to spend it on worthwhile content, but keep it near 100%, without letting many votes go to "waste". Keep up the good work and reach your goals.

Good thing I am here for the socialization and sharing of information. I don't care about the money and am not expecting to ever "cash in". I gave away all my Steemit to a friend and one day will probably do the same with Blurt. I treat it like game money. It's fun to collect but I don't expect anything. Weku just shut down one day and I had a ton of that platform's coin. A ton. Earned it all though, didn't purchase any. I miss the people I met there. One day, I will miss the people here. Just being real.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm here for both sharing the truth and to make some cash. Being involved with politics and not being a politician leaves people like me in a vulnerable position, if I were to return back to the traditional workforce.

You got a point there my friend. Crazy now isn't it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You don't use these funds as any kind of compensation for your work? I thought I was compensating you for your valuable work with my 5 pennies a post haha. This post of @drutter's has put me into a mood.

The votes show appreciation and if these coins ever become valuable enough to trade in I will. I just have no expectations that they will. I like the appreciation all the same. :) It's like points. Fun to watch go up.

For a coin to be valuable money it must be traded for goods and services. That's an economy. Bitcoin did that. It's useable money. I don't understand how platform coins can ever be more than pennies on the dollar. Especially now that the novelty has worn off. It's not a new and exciting idea anymore like when Steemit first came out. Uptrennd is doing it, Weku did it (and disappeared), it's not unique anymore. Voting is a limited economy of sorts. Very limited that means nothing outside the platform so why should it be valuable in the exchanges. I don't think I'm a pessimist. I just think this is more for fun than actual income.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some people treat dollars the same way (like worthless tokens). There's nothing wrong with that. For example, some in the gold/silver bullion community consider fiat currency pretty much junk. But the truth also is, fiat currencies (and crypto currencies like BLURT) convert into other things, they can be spent on stuff. So you may not value them, and choose to give them away, which is definitely your right. You also have to recognize that there are many platforms and communities out there, with good people and content, and that earning crypto is why most people on Blurt/Steem/Hive are there, and not some other place. Earning micropayments based on upvotes is what sets these places apart from a thousand other blog platforms. So while you may not care about that whole aspect, you can't deny that it's a major part of the community you've chosen to participate in.

Oh I get how other people feel and think about it which is fine. I don't have a problem with it and yeah, that's the appeal for most people. I just see it all differently that's all.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is great. I've always wanted to earn from writing articles either on blogs or for people and that's what I'm doing today. I wish to begin to earn more amount like you do on blurt every month. The money is enough for a single person here in my country. And I'll make more comments and engage more so that I'll earn more.
Can you please tell me ways to earn more on this platform?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Find something that isn't already available, that people really want to see, and produce that content on a regular basis. If you can do that, success will come before long.

No one knows, where this journey is going... I would be a clairvoyant, if I knew... Like any investment, Blurt too is a risk. All you can do, is find ways of accumulating more and more Blurt to minimize the risk.. Maybe with a raffle or more Articles, but shorter. It is trial and error...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The price of the token is just one variable. Yes, that's an unknown. So my savings may or may not be safe here, as with any other crypto, we all accept that risk. But that's only part of the story. The other is content-creation. Even if I didn't have half a million BLURT, I'm pumping out content, and that's not even amounting to 60 bucks a month! That's not worth the time put in. I could literally make more money collecting cans on the roadside for a few minutes a day. If I want to feed my family I'm going to have to quit Blurt and find something that pays more. Until BLURT goes up at least x10, not even a large investment like mine is enough to pay bills here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

That is the big decision mate... If you start collecting cans, you are not blogging... So if the price ever goes up, you'll be angry about every single blurt, you didn't collect... That is the quintessence of the problem IMO...

EDIT : Maybe some good news for you... You are leading the 'Trending' list with this post!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's cool, thanks for letting me know. I forget to check those things : )
I actually did pretty good collecting cans/bottles as a kid! They were worth 5c or 10c each, which was more money in the 80s. Ahhhh, the 80s...

Yes 😍 the 80s 👍🏽😜

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I came here after reading your last post. I am very grateful for the information you share. 🔥

Yesterday I did the math, getting 600 BLURT every month. Ha ha. I want it!

But I also count. When I work harder, I can earn more. And I want to do it. Was thinking about the best and permissible way.

Also, i am new here. About 25 days. And got many support from other people.

Nice to meet you and enjoy your day :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's nice to meet you, too.
Even if I only make 1 USD per day here, which is powered up by my investment of over 500,000 BLURT, that amount is better than zero. Perhaps I could earn more with some other online activity, or by taking a part time job ($15 per hour here in Canada)... but for now I will continue to try and succeed on this blockchain. If I lived in another country, with a lower cost of living, perhaps $1 per day would actually be enough to buy some food for my family. But Canada has a very high cost of living, for example it costs me over $2000 USD every month for rent, and if I ever stop paying, I will have nowhere for my family to live. It is 20 degrees below freezing outside, so we would quickly perish in that situation. I have to take in at least 3500 USD every month (more than 100 USD every day) or I will be in trouble. My hope is that a new crypto bull market begins soon, and BLURT regains the price level it had in the past - at least 0.1 USD each.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i can't imagine it. here in my village, one portion of food and drink is IDR 15,000. about one dollar. If you cook yourself, IDR 20,000 is enough for one family to eat. Standard food. Even some ingredients can be picked from plants in the yard.

I'd love to hear that story from you. I got new insight from you.

Actually I'm not surprised when you say in detail. It is very expensive for me. 😁
Hopefully your family's needs are always fulfilled.

For me. I want to invest thought, time, and energy into Blurt. Because it's an interesting thing I know. 💪

I never started writing for the money, never even thought of it until I was pulled into Hive. I've never invested any real money so I've been looking at my gains from scratch. Reading this tho and seeing people actually trying to make a living from writing on blockchain is a double edged sword.
Do we write what people want to read to make a living or do we write what people NEED to read and ignore the monetary aspect?
It's a bit of a juggling act to do both, not sure it can be done with integrity if censorship or coal lists loom.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

With so few posts to upvote, I now upvote folks' comments to support them, as I just did with your comment. There is little content at the moment. You post less often now, no?

Thanx yeh I've been upvoting everyone who comments in my own posts as a kid of thankyou for engaging. Not sure if thats good etiquette but am doing it anyway. I do occassionally go look at the 'new' posts and 'trending' to see if there are other interesting peeps we've missed but sadly it's grim out there still.
I am posting less yes. I am not a 'blogger' so I post when I have something to say, when I'm inspired. I don't think anyone is interested in what I ate for dinner or if I'm feeling sick and lying on the sofa (yes I've seen posts like that). I'm all about quality rather than quantity as that's what I like personally.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

same here.

Oh yes you are one quality lady. By the way I've been asked to translate a Lanka presentation and feel out of my depth this time. I hate to ask but how would you feel about helping?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why not. If I find it not too difficult, I will help to translate.

It's a video, for subtitles. Have a look first and see if you are up for it and if so how shall we do it? A rough transcript or over skype. I have a bad YT subtitle mess from a bot but some of it makes no sense and bits of what he says are clearly missing. I have the german transcript too but that's even worse.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Phew, I watched 57 minutes. I am afraid Mr. Lanka is not the very best speaker...
The end of his sentences often has no real relation to the beginning of the sentence and the coherence in the longer sentences is often missing for me. This may be due to my lack of experience with the subject matter itself, but I fear it is also somewhat due to the fact that Lanka's expression is not always logical.
So, even in my own mother tongue, I would have difficulty putting what he says into a logic and comprehensibility and would actually have to change something, but then it would be my interpretation.

Very unfortunate, because there is a lack of good speakers and eloquence in this area. Sadly, I don't know anyone myself who knows anything about biology.

I cannot translate what I am unable to understand.

Though I think it would be fun to come in contact with you for work :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some people change what they post to gain upvotes, or friends, or standing in a community, etc. Others have integrity. It's up to you to decide where you stand, and who you associate with.

It's too late for change on my part lol. I do have other subjects I want to talk about apart from germ theory as I feel like everything has been spelled out already but people who follow me for that keep asking for more. I am currently learning about the money system because my friend wrote a book on it and sent me the pre-published copy for my thoughts. I also learned about common law stuff before the germ theory stuff. It's all actually related. I dont think I will dry up or write about my day or my exercise regime lol but we'll see.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah those topics are important ones that people who get past the initial wakeup stage will eventually come across. As they say, the rabbit hole is verrrrry deep! You can basically go as far as you're willing/able to go.

Rabbit holes are fun, I don't know why people are so negative about them. I dive in rummage around till I'm bored then pop back out looking for the next hole hahahah. Some are obvs dead ends and minefields but still fun to go down.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just wait till you do trannies! Start with American first ladyboys! They will blow your mind...michael robinson was the rule rather than the exception...killery is one of very few exeptions

Posted from

jeez I did the trannies ages ago, michael was so obvious ya could see it swinging lol

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But every first "lady" right back to martha washington in 1789? - that is pretty creepy!

Every one of them an ugly as hell man in drag, wearing the exact same wig, along with chin coverings to hide their Adams apples...


Posted from

Good thing I am here for the socialization and sharing of information. I don't care about the money and am not expecting to ever "cash in". I gave away all my Steemit to a friend and one day will probably do the same with Blurt. I treat it like game money. It's fun to collect but I don't expect anything. Weku just shut down one day and I had a ton of that platform's coin. A ton. Earned it all though, didn't purchase any. I miss the people I met there. One day, I will miss the people here. Just being real.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good post ha