Wave of Comments Contest // Let's dialogue : #209 / 2% TO @NULL

in blurt •  last year 

I am glad to welcome you once again Blurtians members of diverse communities in the dialogue game Wave of comments backed by Blurt blockchain.
The mini contest held Once every TWO days on Blurtconnect-ng is fun and surely will initiate great conversation among members of the communities.

Today's topic of discussion is defined as follows:

"Mid-week Greetings To You.... Discuss Some Random Topics In The Comment Section And Receive Upvotes From Community "

Here are all the rules about the Waves of Comments:

  • The topic is , not a mandatory topic, so your comments can be about random subjects.

  • Contestants should include in their entry a question addressed to the next author and not forget to answer the previous question (Except the first commenter) available before submitting your entry.

  • Place in the comments section your opinion as a sentence with at least 15 words.

  • Add a number considered to be the correct addition of your valid entry to your comment, so your current entry is valid.

  • Patience for at least 2 valid comments from different authors before adding your next comment below the main post.

  • There is No limit of comments, but the deadline is 2 days after the contest launches. All valid entries will be counted as they appeared below the main post.

A1: My comment is so genuine that I may be upvoted in the course of this contest. Are you interested in the contest? c1.

A2:I am new here but I get good vibes from the wave contest. Blurt has helped me find the love of my life here in the local town of AYWES. Have you got friends since you joined Blurt? c1

A3: I met on Blurt many friends, especially in ICT. The coming holidays could be exceptionally disturbed with all the flight cancellations and passengers not allowed to travel due to the ban. Do you plan to travel during the coming days?c1

A1:Yes, sure. I will go visit my grandmother whether it rains or snows. I will find my way to visit relatives even though restrictions are still in action. Do the curfew and lockdown operational in your city? c2

A4: at least 15 words...? c1
A2: at least 15 words...? c2
A1: at least 15 words...? c3
A3: at least 15 words...? c2

Selection of the Winners and Prizes

The moderator will intervene to resolve comment counting issues. You should edit your entry within the contest duration if you have done something wrong. We can help each other to keep the count in order. Thanks

Authors will be selected according to the number of valid entries. Winners are ranked based on the total value from the highest to the lowest numbers obtained at the deadline.
Six winners will obtain respectively 18; 16; 14; 12; 10 and 08 Blurts from @blurtconnect-ng to their accounts.

it is not finished...

Authors' engagement in the dialogue room will be rewarded with upvotes on their comments.

In case of equal points between two or more authors, the winner will be the first to enter a valid comment under the main post.

Blurtians' comments are greatly appreciated as the contest's rewards in the coming edition will increase as the interest for interaction among the members keeps growing.

Winners of the previous edition

Blurtconnect-ng team members were pleased to read all your comments in the last edition of the wave of comments contest. Your continual participation motivates us all in the community.

I appreciate the interaction in the community and the engagement

Here are the awardees of the previous edition.


Congratulations to all the participants

The winners of 208th edition are:

1 . @jazminru C3, 18 Blurt
2 . @rubelynmacion C3, 16 blurt
3 . @olusolaemmanuel C2, 14 Blurt
4 . @churchman C1, 12 Blurt
5 . @sariana23 C1, 10 Blurt
6 . @napito C1, 8 Blurt

Thanks to all the remaining participants in the event. You all have upvotes from the community account.

Blurtconnect-ng is also offering upvote as a reward to all the winners coming after the 6th position.

Blurtconnect appreciates your uninterrupted support of the Wave of Comments contest.


Blurtconnect-ng team along with the community members appreciate all the support wave of comments has received from prominent stakeholders on Blurt. We wish to notify furthermore lovers of Blurt engagement to please kindly participate in this unique weekly pub. We have tripled our winning prize pool. Please do let us know if you do not wish to be mentioned.

In the bid to add more value to the price of BLURT,
We the @blurtconnect-ng team have adopted to set 2% of all our post payouts to @null as our contribution to BLURT burning.

In a situation where this rule is omitted in a post, the equivalent amount (2%) from the said post will be transferred to @null.

If you love our work and wish to support us, please kindly vote for us as witnesses with the link below.

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We are three friends from Nigeria and the Republic of Benin, all in Africa with the mission of recruiting and retaining 1,000,000 Blurtians in the near future.


Chibuzor Wisdom - Founder @chibuzorwisdom
Adissin Olivier - Team member @oadissin
Ogoke Nkechinyere - Team member @beckie96830

Here are the links to our account on other social media platforms

Join BlurtConnect Facebook page Here
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Join us in the conversation space!

Warm regards

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  ·  last year  ·  

Hello, good afternoon, how have you spent the day, beautiful prayers friend @jazminru, God continue to bless your life. C5

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for your prayers @jazminru and everyone. Fellow Nigerians stay safe and vigilant. C3

  ·  last year  ·  

Good day my people, trust you are all doing fine.
@jazminru oh, yes I know you are always active. @olusolaemmanuel yes I live in Ibadan. May God help us too to japa😀. My beautiful @sariana23 friend, yes we are all doing fine. Thank you for your concerns. I I hope you are doing great too? C3

  ·  last year  ·  

I hope everything calms down in your area @princefm and @olusolaemmanuel, that you can lead a life without so many dangers.

@churchman, I'm so glad you are finally able to fulfill your dreams with beekeeping, I hope you have success.

@jazminru, the pleasure is mine, well you know that the affection remains, and @napito, it only remains to trust that God puts his hand and protects the inhabitants of Nigeria. C2

  ·  last year  ·  

Good night, sweet dreams

Visit, Lord, this room and drive away from it all the snares of the enemy. May your holy Angels be here, may they keep us in peace, and You give us your Holy Blessing, through the merits of Christ Our Lord. Amen. C7

I believe this your N8 comments

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Gracias 🩷

@sariana23 and @napito thanks for your prayers and concern. That's one of the reasons many are flying away from the country due to insecurity and for greener pasture. @pruncefm you live in Ibadan. C3

  ·  last year  ·  

Good evening to you all. Well, Its been God that's protect us from danger. @olusolaemmanuel the dynamites explosion happened around Bodija estate and it affected many houses and there are lost of lives. Thank good that the renovation have taken place. @sariana23 and @napito amen to your prayer and we will. Thanks for your concerns. Love you all. @jazminru how have you been? C2

  ·  last year  ·  

Good morning guys, nice to see you active in the wave, excellent day, let's thank God 🙏. C4.

  ·  last year  ·  

I hope everyone is doing good. Praying for peace and safety for everyone. C2

  ·  last year  ·  

Good evening blurtians.
Last year I learnt how to be a bee keeper. After the training, I couldn't practice because I couldn't find a conducive land for it.
Yesterday I met a friend who introduced me to someone that owns a land and allows beekeeping. Am so happy. C1

Good morning from Nigeria, let remember today is another beautiful day to smash your goal. Keep blogging. C8

  ·  last year  ·  

In Nigeria now, we are only praying for God protection. The kidnapping is getting too much. C1

  ·  last year  ·  

Good morning from Venezuela, I'll stop by to say hello and see how my friends of this Wave of Comments are doing.

Hi @jazminru a big hug, sorry about the explosion that happened in Nigeria, the truth, so far, I have not experienced nearby explosions.

God protect us all @princefm and @olusolaemmanuel, take care of yourselves. C1

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

How was your days of the week?
The weekend has started with a lot of exciting outdoor activities.

Congratulations to all the participants

The winners of 209th edition are:

1 . @olusolaemmanuel C8, 18 Blurt
2 . @jazminru C8, 16 Blurt
3 . @napito C5, 14 Blurt
4 . @princefm C3, 12 Blurt
5 . @valuedone C3, 10 Blurt
6 . @sariana23 C2, 8 Blurt
The remaining participants has received upvotes
7 . @rubelynmacion C2
8 . @churchman C1

Thanks to all the remaining participants in the event. You all have upvotes from the community account.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

Gracias 🩷

@jazminru amen o. We need pray. C5

  ·  last year  ·  

Good morning to you all blurtians and complement of the season to you all. This is my first comment and blog in 2024 and I am glad to be back. Have you all ever witness bomb explosion around you? Cause I experienced one in my place of work yesterday in Nigeria. C1

  ·  last year  ·  

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. Read my last posts to make sure that BLURT burning is profitable for you. Before using this bot please make sure your account has at least 100 BP. Get more BLURT:

@ mariuszkarowski/how-to-get-automatic-upvote-from-my-accounts

@ blurtbooster/blurt-booster-introduction-rules-and-guidelines-1699999662965

@ nalexadre/blurt-nexus-creating-an-affiliate-account-1700008765859

@ kryptodenno - win BLURT POWER delegation

@ ctime/burn-bot-liquid-blurt

@princefm where in Nigeria. I heard there was also an explosion in Ibadan yesterday. God should just continue to keep everyone of us o C1

  ·  last year  ·  

Good morning guys, a pleasure to participate again in a new hello with you, I know that you are very committed to other activities and that is why you have hardly participated, you are greatly missed, family. Shalom 🩵 a little coffee ☕ to brighten the day, I haven't been able to upload images, it's a bit complicated for me! Nice day 💙. C1

Amen @sariana23 two weeks ago it was kidnapping in Abuja of family. After asking for 60 million naira as ramson they still killed one of them and now asking for 100 million naira.

God is just our protector in a time like this one we find ourselves. C2

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello, good morning friends of the Wave of Comments, what is happening is very unfortunate, strength friends @princefm and @olusolaemmanuel.

God take control of everything. C1

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello @sariana23, it's a pleasure to greet you, I don't have any information on the subject either, I'm very sorry 😥 May God have mercy on his people 🙏. C2

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello 🩵, @príncipefm, every day I am here but I am invisible 🤓 thank you ❤️ God bless you always. C3

  ·  last year  ·  

Good night, it is a shame where many lives are lost, may God comfort their families. C2

  ·  last year  ·  

Hi everyone. I wish everyone to be successful in all their endeavors. And wish that all of us will have a happy life. C1

Yes o @valuedone long time. C4

  ·  last year  ·  

God have mercy on Nigeria 🙏 God bless you greatly 💕. C5

  ·  last year  ·  

Good morning friends of the Wave of Comments, I wish you the best on this day, may all your projects come true.
God extends his powerful hand to all those in need. C3

  ·  last year  ·  

Good afternoon, I'm glad friends that everything is going very well, may the good news continue, in the Name of Jesus. C4

  ·  last year  ·  

Good night boys, let us raise this prayer in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord.

Our Father, We have committed faults, we have stolen, we have slandered; we have strayed from Your path, we have been arrogant and arrogant, we have been violent; we have been cynical and rebellious, we have been impulsive and obstinate; we move away from Your commandments and Your good laws; We made mistakes and led our neighbors into it.

Hear Our Father, our prayers, he extends Your clemency, mercy and compassion to us, and accepts, with Your benevolence, our prayer. He accepts our words and the meditation of our heart.

Induce us, God, to abandon the path of evil, come quickly and save us from our impulses, help us to change and direct our actions towards good in order to care for Your creation.

Heavenly Father heal the sick and help them so that, with humble hearts, they approach Your teachings. Please, Our Father, help medical professionals, give them physical and emotional strength so that, just as they have been doing until now, they can continue with their important activities in favor of their neighbors.

Our Father, continue to give Your merciful strength to all those human beings who, without any distinction, give themselves daily to help us.

Please, oh God, provide comfort to all the families who have suffered the physical loss of a loved one and that their soul is concatenated in the chain of life.

Our Father, also receive, with Your mercy, our prayer for our nations and their governments. Pour out Your blessing on this country Venezuela and on all other countries existing on the face of the earth, Your Creation, and on all human beings who exercise their authority with justice and righteousness. Inspire them with the spirit of Your law and Your justice, so that peace and quiet, happiness and freedom may always prevail in our country and in all others.

Amen. Amen. Amen… C6

@jazminru thanks for that prayer. Have a wonderful day ahead everyone. C6

  ·  last year  ·  

Let keep up praying hoping and believing in God for better future. C2

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Good morning let's pray 🩷

Thank you, Father God, for this new day that you allow me to begin. Thank you for your care during the night and for the health you grant me. Lord, thank you, because today I can open my eyes and see the light of the sun. Thank you because I can hear the birds and the voices of those I love. Thank you because I have something to eat for breakfast and a place to live. Thank you for the refreshing breeze that strengthens and encourages me. I thank you for my family and friends, for my work, and for your constant care.
I thank you, my Lord, for the light of this new dawn. How many beautiful things surround me! I want to be aware of the beauty that is around me instead of focusing on the negative. Help me on this day to fill my heart with gratitude with the joy that comes from you. I want to make decisions that make your heart happy. I want to live within your will! Help me to please you in everything, beloved Father.
Please, my Lord, I beg you to take care of and protect everyone I love. May your powerful hand be on each of us on this day, keeping us from all evil. Thank you because we are yours for eternity. I praise you, my Lord. In the name of Jesus, amen. C7

Amen, how us blogging going with everyone. Happy weekend ahead. C7