What is mist and the way things are made?

in blurt •  last year 

My Dear Blurt,
I am @ahik777 from Bangladesh

What is mist and the way things are made?


What is mist?

Mist is mists in touch with the ground. Mists can likewise be thought about mostly as haze, the piece of the cloud that floats in the air over the ground isn't viewed as haze, yet the cloud that is in touch with the higher ground is called haze.

The contrast among haze and fog is their thickness, which is estimated by the decrease in perceivability they cause: haze diminishes perceivability to under 1 km, while murkiness doesn't lessen perceivability by multiple km.

The haziest put on Earth is the Amazing Banks of Newfoundland, where the cool Labrador Current from the north meets the moderately warm Inlet Stream from the south. Among the most hazy land regions is Point Reyes, California. Ebon Argentina, Newfoundland and Labrador, where 200 days of the year are shrouded in haze. Indeed, even the marshes and valleys of much hotter southern Europe are liable to weighty haze, particularly in harvest time and summer.

Alongside the bone-shaking winter in Bangladesh this year, thick mist has likewise shown very much a power. As per the Meteorological Office, the perceivability has decreased to 100 meters because of haze this year.

Bangladesh Meteorological Division official Manowar Hossain said that assuming the perceivability is under 3000 meters because of haze, it is called 'unfortunate perceivability.

He additionally said that air traffic is generally disturbed when the perceivability is decreased at the air terminal.

We really give a flying admonition under 3,000 meters, on the off chance that it is under 2,000 meters or beneath, the airplane can't land,' he said.

How is haze made?

Meteorologist Hossain said, "We call the haze 'low clou.

During winter, the temperature is low and the dampness in the ground rises and structures haze.

Likewise, Mr. Hossain additionally said that 'shift in weather conditions haze' or the haze that floats because of the air being hotter and more sticky than the dirt - this sort of haze comes to Bangladesh in the breeze from India.

Previous overseer of Bangladesh Meteorological Division and meteorologist Mohammad Shah Alam said that the distinction in air dampness and temperature is answerable for the development of haze. However, this time, haze is framing before the temperature decreases around evening time. Also, because of absence of air, the haze can't move.

Haze is a piece of ice. It is little in our country, in different nations as the temperature decreases a ton it turns out to be huge and falls into storms, which are called snow. As the temperature is a little high in our country, it doesn't snow, yet some of the time it downpours in little drops and falls in storms.



Winter tomfoolery and enhancements and huge fires! winter memory.

This colder time of year there is unpleasant, no good times! Since the kids' test would rather not end! When one's school tests are finished, the other's school will begin and when it closes, the college will begin and in this way the colder time of year season will be finished. Subsequently, he said that he was unable to go out with his loved ones. It appeared to be that this colder time of year, his life was to no end since he was unable to go out traveling to some shadowy spot outside the city, where the birds called. Same difference either way. Brought into the world in that mud-spread, loving nation mother's lap. In spite of the fact that it is about the lament of a Bhabhi, I think he has told the brain of the Bhabhi who live in the ghettos of thousands of metropolitan structures and who are languishing over the town.

In any case, towns generally draw in individuals. Albeit the towns are progressively vanishing. Assuming one of the family is exceptionally taught, he will never again track down the inspiration to remain in the town. On the off chance that you are profoundly taught, you need to go to the city and find a new line of work. For his purposes, the natural quiet climate of the town is harmed. Since there is no office, no emergency clinic or private framework in the town.

Not just that, the emergency clinic or college that should be implicit the locale city has likewise occurred in the back street of a neighborhood of the capital Dhaka or on the top of the Ghinji crude market! So assuming 100 confidential colleges, 500 confidential business sectors and emergency clinics are implicit a capital city in five years spontaneous just for business purposes, then, at that point, the number of lakhs of individuals that movement for training and treatment consistently and what sort of gridlocks are caused - just the casualty is in an ideal situation. you know So individuals intuitively need to go somewhat greener. Whether it is for a couple of days!

Country winters are gifted with a lot of new vegetables and sweet date juices. Many individuals who had to leave the town and got comfortable the city looking for occupation can't fail to remember the town juice pitha and steamed pitha. So when he saw a vendor working in the soil on the city street, he quickly thought about the town. A few get it and begin eating there, a few get it and bring it back home. Regardless of the number of bahari vapa-puli you purchase while remaining close to a seller's truck or go to a rich shop, it couldn't measure up to eating new date juice and new rice pita in the town by the 'consumed' fire in the colder time of year. What's more, assuming the mother readies that pita with her own hands and places it before her mouth and says - Father, don't eat another! So what about that? Paradise will appear to be on the planet - isn't that so?

Furthermore, consuming yams in the open fire, bubbling corn, beans or noa darn (a sort of lengthy red rice) and eating it hot - and so forth are numerous sweet recollections! And keeping in mind that doing these, many become narcissistic. Particularly: small kids. They consume their hands and feet.

More established individuals by and large feel colder in winter. They are seen enclosed by comfortable garments and covers. Furthermore, large numbers of them like to sit by the fire for quite a while. City individuals or large numbers of the new age don't have any idea what 'Por' signifies. 'Por' by and large means: Paddy-wheat husks, straw, dry stalks of corn and kesari tin, leaves of trees, cow waste, dry grass, and so forth are set ablaze. The variety of these materials from one region to another is recognizable. Numerous materials are assembled to make a 'por' or fire hill inside the house or outside the yard. Various paddy husks are set in the 'pode' with the goal that the fire can be continued to consume over the course of the day. Toward the beginning of the day, every one of the ranchers and ranchers family lounge around the 'Pode' and get the fire going.

The majority of the houses in the town are currently tin shed houses. In these rooms, from being tin cold around evening time, it feels colder toward the night's end. Such countless individuals get up promptly in the first part of the day and consume straw in the intensity of the 'Pode' fire to chill the colder time of year. This strategy of getting the fire going is likewise an extremely old custom of the town.

It is enjoyable to burn down 'pode'. It is an exceptionally old provincial art. In any case, the peril is that many individuals are casualties of mishaps each colder time of year when their body garments burst into flames while getting a fire going. Last year the base temperature had previously dropped to 2.6 degrees Celsius. The quantity of mishaps during the fire was exceptionally high. 22 individuals, including kids and elderly folks individuals, passed on from consumes in the colder time of year in Kurigram and Lalmanirhat regions of Bangladesh, remembering 6 individuals for different pieces of the nation, and 400 individuals were confessed to the consume unit in Dhaka Clinical School.

Toward the start of winter this year, there have been reports of mishaps because of fire in certain pieces of the country. Two individuals have passed on in the northern piece of the country over the most recent three days while attempting to warm the fire to forestall winter and the quantity of consume patients in medical clinics is expanding. However, everybody requirements to sit cautiously by the fire with the goal that this doesn't reoccur. Kids and the old specifically ought to be given sufficient comfortable garments and hot beverages and food to keep them from consuming fire. Plans ought to be made to get out the word ahead of the virus stream by miking in the towns.

Each year, when winter comes, certain individuals gather gifts for the sake of different associations. A tad bit of that cash is spent on poor people. It additionally occurs around enormous urban communities. Thus, a poor or ghetto occupant in the city alone gets numerous help covers or cash.

An examination showed that an individual over and over got many covers from various individuals. They took them to the market and sold them again at a low cost in the sweeping shop! It very well may be seen that poor people, destitute individuals of the town are not getting anything while similar needy individuals of the city are taking benefit over and over. In this time of PDAs, the destitute individuals of the towns are relocating to the urban communities consistently, being familiar with such open doors from their unfortunate family members in the city.

Thus, not just in the ghettos and parks of the city, how about we go to disperse comfortable garments today in the far towns where numerous virus individuals are clustered in the desire for getting some glow in this Konkan winter.

The quantity of rich individuals in our nation has expanded. Plus, the quantity of destitute individuals is expanding. As one, three crore individuals are as yet living beneath the destitution line in the country. The majority of them are country landless poor or outrageous poor. Those whose essential human necessities stay unfulfilled and the people who are avoided with regard to the fundamental human help conveyance process because of their powerlessness to partake. For example, not having the option to purchase food and clinical consideration. Metropolitan individuals in created nations leave their old things, garments, and so on in minimal expense open business sectors, stops or carport deals consistently. Low-pay individuals gather them at the expense of water or free of charge.

Regardless of whether our rich families have old garments, garments and so on unused for a very long time in their pantries, their hearts never liquefy for poor people. In any case, good cause is a strict connection of Muslims. In this manner, I might want to welcome every one of the healthy individuals of the general public to disseminate their pointless and unused garments for human government assistance. To that end Scout or Wanderer Officer of the closest instructive foundation, B.N.C.C. Urge units to call and gather from you. They can orchestrate to convey them to poor people and destitute of the town on their own liability. In this manner we as a whole can partake in the colder time of year and safeguard poor people and destitute from the cold and the risks of winter.

Winter spreads the message of its appearance in the breezes of Hemanta, the breeze likewise shakes the nature and teaches it, prepare. The tree starts to shed old leaves from its body. The leaves float to the cold earth like butterflies in the Hemant wind. The leaves of Meghshirish continue to descend like a herd of little butterflies, the breeze of Hemant blows the leaves in a supernatural game. To be sure, even the butterflies are excited to hear the fresh insight about the appearance of winter as a significant number of their #1 blossoms sprout in winter. The breeze of Hemant comes to cut during the time dew, the dew is coming! He has been saying that the dewdrops holding tight the leaves of the paddy are sparkling like pearls toward the beginning of the day daylight. The yellow fields that length the skyline are washed in dew and shimmering. To invite the colder time of year, as the saffrons keep little dewdrops on their petals, the Hemant wind needs to discard the dewdrops with a devilish wave. In the late evening, nature takes on a delightful tranquility, a despair spreads around. Indeed, even the stars of the hemant night grin and share with nature that she is coming, prepare. An immense group of transitory wild ducks utter the sound of far off downpour on their wings to tell nature and man that they are coming and pursuing us. Subsequent to pursuing him, we took off to this brilliant Bangladesh of yours. As though those ducks are conveying him with their wings, the breeze of their wings makes a tempest. Brown-yellow butterflies continue to fly. Endlessly butterflies are desolate together.

It very well may be perceived that he is stopping by seeing the absurd cloud-models of different tones remembering the mountains of mists for the sky. Finally he comes, some of the time with slow advances, in some cases with privateer like flurry. He comes and spreads a modest bunch of cold in nature. Canvassed in a haze of mist. Some of the time he tosses the virus air towards the sun and in some cases the sun goes out. At the point when the sun goes out, he sits conscious all over nature. who is he In the long stretch of Poush, the enormous elephants shake! In the long stretch of Magh, the Sundarban tiger shakes under whose influence? Indeed, winter is my #1 season. Individuals get love by birth. However, he was joined by numerous adornments. It is possible that those adornments make me cold-cherishing. I don't be aware at what age a human kid starts to store recollections in his cerebrum's PC. Yet, the principal thing I find in my memory is my mom's face, the grin and kisses on that face and the memory of lying under the colder time of year cover and drinking mother's bosom milk. I drank mother's milk consistently until I was six years of age. Sitting on mother's lap in winter mornings in the yard warmed by mango wood fire in the first part of the day and night, consuming yams, shaluk in that fire, drinking the super cold new squeeze of dates toward the beginning of the day and running and sitting close to the fire in the patio or close to the consuming oven in the kitchen. The number of additional sweet recollections that are there, remembering consuming date palm juice for an enormous earthen hearth like a Mughal stronghold wall, sitting before the hearth and eating bubbled beans enclosed by coconut husks like a festoon, alongside banana or lotus leaves moved in fragrant molasses! At first light, at sunrise, toward the beginning of the day or in the early evening or at nightfall, many herds of wild ducks would fly in festoons overhead. I used to see with astonished eyes remaining in the patio of the house, on the edge of the lake or on the edge of the field. In any event, while dozing in the house around evening time, their fans could be perceived as a group of wild ducks was coming or going. Once in a while they would fly in any event, contacting the head of thick woods and nursery of our home. Today, it appears, the floods of their fans are ascending in the coconut-betel manor. My hunting father would in some cases kill two or three wild ducks in trip in the yard with his valued firearm. What a blissful dance-bounce he is on the wings of a dead or harmed wild duck! Mother or father would attach a rope to the legs of the harmed duck. I was hauling. We used to attempt to save the harmed wild ducks all through the colder time of year. There were 19 kids and youngsters of my age at home. We had the valuable chance to remain together till 1971. In winter, nightfall falls before sunset. The evening, with its cold haziness, jumped over the fields. A quiet world. Lay down with your face in your mom's lap under the cover. We had cabins. Doa of mud, docha of straw. Bamboo wall. The town had no power, no cleared streets, no radio. At night, the consuming mud pot, tropical storm if vital. Nonetheless, I was awesome around then. I went to class at 6 years old. I joined the newborn child class. In class one of every 7 years. Every one of the recollections of winter from that age are put away in my cerebrum data set.

Father used to purchase a cotton sheet for cold weather days. I have pursued away the colder time of year by shaking that sheet for around 18 years. To get a mat, I used to sit in the sun and read on the banks of the public authority lake in many young men's pools. Around then, in the event that we didn't peruse resoundingly, the Watchmen believed that we were not perusing. Each day he used to sit on the banks of Dighi like an alternate sort of homeroom. Subsequent to perusing, go to class with a book close by in the wake of eating. We had around 100 palm trees, one tree was cut into squares. Thus, pretty much every colder time of year morning, a bowl loaded with juice blended in with coconut husk fell into Jau's stomach. Taste the food! I didn't grasp Amrit at that age. It would be great to comprehend. Furthermore, another thing, eating each day of winter was not disagreeable. That is, I'm embarrassed to say that it is wild duck meat with oil, I am sorry to the wild ducks. My dad had a decent government work. Bird hunting was his obsession. He used to chase additional birds and disperse them among the neighbors. The base wild smell of wild goose's body made me insane. Seeing them flying filled me with absurd happiness. There was not a solitary day throughout the colder time of year that we didn't eat the meat of a bird of some sort or another. In winter, the enormous bird Manikjord plunges on the fields of our area. Father and I used to chase five to ten sets of wooly necked storks each colder time of year. The bird is presently absent from Bangladesh. It was an occupant bird. Presently Kalebdra is found in our space. As of late, several individuals kicked the bucket in our town because of discharges.

At the point when I was in grade school, I used to sit on the coconut tree in the yard in the colder time of year nights, and I would nearly freeze my chest with dread on account of the murmur bhoot voodum call. A gathering of squirrels used to go through the yard uttering a sound of stirring in the thistles. Furthermore, every night, 12 PM and early morning, from no less than 25 spots, the foxes reported the watch with an aggregate voice. After 12 PM, the dewdrops gathered on the parts of the huge trees over the house started to fall across the yard-house so that maybe it had down-poured in Shaon. I actually hear such sounds lying in the town house. Individuals change; Nature doesn't change. Today, in any case, I don't return home and stand in that frame of mind to see a herd of wild ducks. Why not see? Where is the excellence of the colder time of year gone? Winter evening huge fire celebration? Sitting round the fire and paying attention to the tales of phantoms and spouses from the mouths of the older individuals, they would have rather not rested around evening time due to fear. That day is no more.

Sunbath toward the beginning of the day after winter break at school, then, at that point, drink date juice. Around evening time, get on other palm trees, plunge a jute stick or a papaya tip in the juice and drink the juice. Taking the juice of the following tree in the field and nursery around evening time and cooking the juice, in the first part of the day crushing salt and pepper on the contrary side of the field and going out with 5-6 individuals enveloped by banana leaves. There was no lack of plum trees, the twilight night was brimming with yelling and find the stowaway games in the yard-house, and the time flew by for a month and a half! Around then we used to assemble numerous cottages on the edge of the nursery, close to the field. Kuto shed, Kuto wall, Kuto floor, Kuto sleeping cushion. Those were our playhouses and distribution centers for taken natural products. We didn't assemble this jungle gym after class eight. In the first part of the, prior day going down to the lake dighi water to wash, my companions would assemble a heap of kindling close to the water and set it ablaze. Then, at that point, I hopped into the water and remained by the fire. The number of more fish including the hornet-magur I used to pull the house lake! In our area, the seedlings of Aman paddy aged in winter. The turn of the paddy accumulated in the yard, sifted by the cow, the rice heated up, the new rice cake; Making a place of heaps of wood and sitting inside it to escape from the colder time of year brings me extraordinary recollections. Winter has spread to my bones. The memory of winter is as yet distinctive in me. Bangladesh became free in this colder time of year. I was a champion. I was an observer of opportunity.


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